National Reading Panel Publications

In 1997, Congress convened the National Reading Panel to assess the effectiveness of different approaches used to teach children to read. The panel was made up of 14 people, including leading scientists in reading research, college representatives, teachers, educational administrators, and parents.

On April 13, 2000, the panel concluded its work and submitted its reports (an executive summary and full reports of the subgroups). A brief explanation of the panel and its findings is also available.

The panel’s findings are explained in the following publications. You can also view a complete listing of NICHD publications related to reading and the National Reading Panel.

Report of the National Reading Panel: Teaching Children to Read (Executive Summary)

This 35-page report explains the origin of the panel, its congressional charge, the research methodology used, and the findings of each panel subgroup: alphabetics, fluency, comprehension, teacher education and reading instruction, and computer technology and reading instruction.
HTML of Executive Summary | Order The Executive Summary

Report of the National Reading Panel: Teaching Children to Read (Reports of the Subgroups)

This 480-page report contains an executive summary from each subgroup that introduces the topic area, outlines the group's methodology, and highlights the questions and results from each subgroup. In addition to the executive summary, the report provides detailed explanations of each subgroup's research methodology and the findings for each group.
PDF of the Reports of the Subgroups (PDF 3.56 MB)

Put Reading First: The Research Building Blocks for Teaching Children to Read (Teacher’s Guide)

This 58-page teacher's guide provides a framework for using the findings of the National Reading Panel in the classroom. It describes the panel’s findings and provides analysis and discussion in five areas of reading instruction: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and text comprehension. Each section also provides examples of how the findings can be implemented.
PDF of the Teacher's Guide (PDF 61 KB)

Put Reading First: Helping Your Child Learn to Read

This 8-page brochure, designed for parents of young children, describes the kinds of early literacy activities children need to experience at home and at school to help them learn to read successfully. The brochure’s recommendations are based on the findings of the National Reading Panel.
PDF of Parents' Brochure (PDF 816 KB) | Order Parents' Brochure

La Lectura Es Lo Primero: Como Ayudar A Su Hijo A Aprender A Leer: Una Guia Para Padres De Familia: Del Preescolar Al Tercer Grado

Aprender a leer y a escribir en inglés es una de las destrezas más importantes que su niño va a adquirir en la escuela. No importa si usted habla inglés o español o ambos idiomas, gran parte del aprendizaje de la lectura puede ll​evarse a cabo en el hogar. Las actividades incluidas en este folleto fueron diseñadas para que todos los padres de familia ayuden a sus hijos en el hogar. Estas ideas prácticas son el resultado de investigaciones que indican la manera en que los padres de familia y los maestros les pueden ayudar a los niños a aprender a leer. Lo invitamos a que participe activamente en la educación de su hijo y haga estos ejercicios de lectura en el hogar.
PDF of La Lectura Es Lo Primo (PDF 206 KB) | Solicitar La Lecture Es Lo Primero