Dr Della B White

Program Director

301 435 2712

BG 6710B RM 2209B


Dr. Della Brown White is a program director in the NICHD Population Dynamics Branch (PDB), where she is responsible for managing the branch portfolio on individual-level and community-based behavioral research on reproductive health. She coordinates the NICHD extramural community-based participatory research and sexual and gender minority health programs. She also manages a program supporting research administration at non-research intensive institutions.

Before joining the PDB in 2016, Dr. White was a program official in the NICHD Office of Health Equity. She continues to direct several activities aimed at reducing health disparities and fostering a diverse biomedical and behavioral workforce. Dr. White’s research has focused on improving health outcomes among minority and underserved populations. She has conducted studies in two primary areas: understanding social and cultural factors that influence access to and participation in existing and emerging health technologies (e.g., weight loss interventions and genetic testing, respectively); and examining factors that influence health outcomes among racial/ethnic minority populations participating in health behavior change interventions.

Dr. White earned her Ph.D. in health education and health promotion at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and her B.S. in chemistry from Alabama State University. Dr. White completed postdoctoral training in public health genomics within the Social and Behavioral Research Branch of the Division of Intramural Research at the National Human Genome Research Institute.

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