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Ichiji Tasaki, M.D. Bibliography
October 10, 1910 – January 4, 2009
Highlights of Ichiji Tasaki's Work
- Development of a method of isolating single vertebrate nerve fibers and of measuring electrical properties of the myelin sheath and node of Ranvier (demonstration of saltatory conduction in the myelinated nerve fiber) Am. J. Physiol., 125, 380 (1939); 127, 211, (1939); Pflueger's Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol. 244, 696 (1941), 245, 764 (1942).
- Demonstration of traveling waves in the guinea pig cochlea by recording cochlear microphonics. J. Acous. Soc. Am. 24, 502 (1952).
- Recording of afferent impulses from individual primary auditory nerve fibers. J. Neurophysiol. 17, 97 (1954).
- Invention of the double-cannulation method of internal perfusion of the squid giant axon and analyses of the bi-ionic action potential. Acta Physiol. Scand. 52, 195 (1961); Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 58, 2246 (1967). Physiology and Electrochemistry of Nerve Fibers. Academic Press, New York (1982).
- Demonstration and analyses of extrinsic fluorescence signals associated with nerve excitation and conduction. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 61, 883 (1968); Photochem. Photobiol. 24, 191 (1976).
- Development of the polyvinylidine fluoride (PVDF) method of detecting rapid heat production in nervous tissues. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 101, 172, (1981); Biophys. J. 55, 1033 (1989).
- Demonstration of physical-chemical changes and analyses of rapid swelling in nerve fibers, cells and synapses associated with excitation processes. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 95, 1328 (1980); Ferroelectrics 220, 309 (1999).
- Demonstration and analyses of macromolecular phase-transitions associated with Ca2+-Na+ exchange in biopolymers and nervous tissues. Biopolymers 32, 1019 (1992); Jpn. J. Physiol. 49, 297 (1999); J. Theor. Biol (2002).
Bibliography of Ichiji Tasaki
- Kot, G., Kaku, Z., and Tasaki, I. On the reflex excitation and inhibition by a single nerve fiber in warm-blooded animals. In: Problems in Nervous Physiology and of Behavior. Tbilisi, 1936, (pp. 203-207).
- Tasaki, I. The strength-duration relation of the normal polarized and narcotized nerve fiber. (PDF 1 MB) Am J Physiol125: 367-379, 1939.
- Tasaki, I. Electric stimulation and the excitatory process in the nerve fiber. (PDF 1.5 MB) Am. J. Physiol. 125: 380-395, 1939.
- Tasaki, I. The electro-saltatory transmission of the nerve impulse and the effect of narcosis upon the nerve fiber. (PDF 1.4 MB) Am J Physiol 127: 211-227, 1939.
- Tasaki, I. Microphysiologische Untersuchung über die Grundlage der Erregungsleitung in der markhaltigen Nervenfaser. Pflügers Arch ges Physiol 244: 125-141, 1940.
- Tasaki, I. and Takeuchi, T. Der am Ranvierschen Knoten entstehende Aktionsstrom und seine Bedeutung für die Erregungsleitung. (PDF 567 KB) Pflügers Arch ges Physiol. 244: 696-711, 1941.
- Tasaki, I. and Takeuchi, T. Weitere Studien über den Aktionsstrom der markhaltigen Nervenfaser und der die electrosaltatorische Übertragung des Nevenimpulses. (PDF 749 KB) Pflügers Arch ges Physiol 245: 764-782, 1942.
- Tasaki, I. Das Schwellenabsinken bei Reizung einer Nervenfaser mit kurzen Stromstössen. Pflügers Arch ges Physiol 245: 665-679, 1942.
- Takeuchi, T. and Tasaki, I. Übertragung des Nervenimpulses in der polarisierten Nervenfaser. Pflügers Arch ges Physiol 246: 33-43, 1942.
- Tasaki, I. On the slow, small motor nerve fibers in the frog. (In Japanese) Jokenhansha 5: 1-7, 1942.
- Tasaki, I., Yuasa, K., and Morii, I. On the mechanism of suspension of nervous transmission by narcosis. Jpn J Med Sci III, Biophysics, 9: 183-188, 1943.
- Tasaki, I., Ishii, K., and Ito, H. On the relation between the conduction-rate, the fiber-diameter and the internodal distance of the medullated nerve fiber. (PDF 2.4 MB) Jpn J Med Sci III, Biophysics, 9: 189-199, 1943.
- Tasaki, I. and Mizutani, K. Comparative studies on the activities of the muscle evoked by two kinds of motor nerve fibers. Part I. Myographic studies. Jpn J Med Sci III, Biophysics, 10: 237-244, 1944.
- Tasaki, I. and Tsukagoshi, M. Comparative studies on the activities of the muscle evoked by two kinds of motor nerve fibers. Part II, the Electro-myogram. Jpn J Med Sci III, Biophysics, 10: 245-251, 1944.
- Tasaki, I. Physiology of the Nerve Fiber. Kawai Publishing Co., Tokyo, 1944.
- Tasaki, I. The strength-duration relation in photic stimulation of the dark-adapted human eye. Igaku-to-Seibutsugaki, 5: 506-509, 1944.
- Tasaki, I. Modification of the rhythm of the heart-beat by a subthreshold low-frequency A. C. Igaku-to-Seibutsugaku, 5: Vol. II, 311-316, 1947.
- Tasaki, I. and Mizuguchi, K. Response to single Ranvier nodes to electrical stimuli. (PDF 1.4 MB) J Neurophysiol 11: 295-303, 1948.
- Tasaki, I., Mizuguchi, K., and Tasaki, K. Modification of the electric response of a single Ranvier node by narcosis, refractoriness and polarization. (PDF 506 KB) J Neurophysiol 11: 305-310, 1948.
- Tasaki, I. and Fujita, M. Action currents of single nerve fibers as modified by temperature changes. (PDF 471 KB) J Neurophysiol 11: 311-315, 1948.
- Tasaki, I. and Mizuguchi, K. The changes in the electric impedance during activity and the effect of alkaloids and polarization upon the bioelectric processes in the myelinated nerve fiber. Biochem Biophys Acta, 3: 484-493, 1949.
- Tasaki, I. Collision of two nerve impulses in the nerve fiber. Biochem Biophys Acta, 3: 494-497, 1949.
- Tasaki, I. The excitatory and recovery processes in the nerve fiber as modified by temperature changes. Biochem Biophys Acta, 3: 498-509, 1949.
- Tasaki, I. and Tasaki, N. The electrical field which a transmitting nerve fiber produces in the fluid medium. Biochem Biophys Acta, 5: 335-342, 1950.
- Tasaki, I. Excitation of single nerve fiber by action current from another single fiber. J Neurophysiol 13: 177-183, 1950.
- Tasaki, I. Electrical excitation of the nerve fiber. Part 1. Excitation by linearly increasing currents. Jpn J Physiol 1: 1-6, 1950.
- Tasaki, I. and Sakaguchi, M. Electrical excitation of the nerve fiber. Part II. Excitation of exponentially increasing currents. Jpn J Physiol 1: 7-15, 1950.
- Tasaki, I. Nature of the local excitatory state in the nerve fiber. Jpn J Physiol 1: 75-85, 1950.
- Tasaki, I. The threshold conditions in electrical excitation of the nerve fiber. Parts 1 and 2. Cytologia, 3-4: 205-236, 1950.
- Tasaki, I. and Kamiya, N. Electrical response of a slime mold to mechanical and electrical stimuli. Protoplasma, 39: 333-343, 1950.
- Hodler, J. Stämpli, R., and Tasaki, I. Die Wirkung von Veratrin auf die einzelne markhaltige Nervenfaser. Helv Physiol Acta, 8: C62-C63, 1950.
- Tasaki, I. and Ushiyama, J. Über den Effekt von Saponin und einigen anderen Chemikalien auf die Erregungsleitung der einzelnen markhaltigen Nervenfaser. Helv Physiol Acta, 8: C77-C79, 1950.
- Tasaki, I. and Ushiyama, J. The effect of saponine and several other chemicals upon the action current led through the myelin sheath. Arch Internaz Stud Neurol 1: (Fasc. 2) 1-6, 1950.
- Sato, M. and Tasaki, I. Afferent impulses in the depressor nerve. Jpn J Physiol 1: 173-178, 1951.
- Tasaki, I. and Sato, M. On the relation of the strength-frequency curve in excitation by alternating current to the strength-duration and latent addition curves of the nerve fiber. (PDF 938 KB) J Gen Physiol 34: 373-388, 1951.
- Tasaki, I. and Fernandez, C. Effect of direct current upon the cochlear microphonic and action potential of the guinea pig. Amer J Physiol 3: 167, 1951.
- Hodler, J., Stämpli, R., and Tasaki, I. Über die Wirkung internodaler AbKühlung auf die Errgegungsleitung in der isolierten markhaltigen Nervenfaser des Frosches. Pflügers Arch ges Physiol 253: 380-385, 1951.
- Maruhashi, J., Mizuguchi, K., and Tasaki, I. Action currents in single afferent nerve fibers elicited by stimulation of the skin of the toad and the cat. (PDF 2.3 MB) J Physiol London, 117: 129-151, 1952.
- Kobayashi, Y., Oshima, K., and Tasaki, I. Analysis of afferent and efferent systems in the muscle nerve of the toad and cat. (PDF 2.4 MB) J Physiol London, 117: 152-171, 1952.
- Davis, H., Tasaki, I., and Legouix, J.P. Velocity and amplitude of microphonic response of guinea pig cochlea. Fed Proc 2: 30, 1952. ABSTRACT.
- Hodler, J., Stämpli, R., and Tasaki, I. Role of potential wave spreading along myelinated nerve fiber in excitation and conduction. (PDF 2.3 MB) Am J Physiol 170: 375-389, 1952.
- Hodler, J., Stämpli, R., and Tasaki, I. Änderung der Reizschwelle und der Chronaxie langs einer einzelnen markhaltigen Nervenfaser. Helv Physiol Acta, 10: C54-C55, 1952.
- Tasaki, I. Properties of myelinated fibers in frog sciatic nerve and in spinal cord as examined with microelectrodes. Jpn J Physiol 3: 73-94, 1952.
- Tasaki, I. Conduction of impulses in the myelinated nerve fiber. Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol 17: 37-41, 1952.
- Davis, H., Tasaki, I., and Goldstein, R. The peripheral origin of activity with reference to the ear. Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol 17: 143-154, 1952.
- Tasaki, I. and Fernandez, C. Modification of cochlear microphonics and action potentials by KCI solution and by direct currents. (PDF 1.5 MB) J Neurophysiol 15: 497-512, 1952.
- Tasaki, I., Davis, H., and Legouix, J.P. The space-time pattern of the cochlear microphonics (guinea pig), as recorded by differential electrodes. (PDF 1.9 MB) J Acous Soc Am 24: 502-519, 1952.
- Tasaki, I., Davis, H., and Legouix, J.P. The space-time patterns of the cochlear microphonic in guinea pig. (PDF 554 KB) In 43rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, J Acous Soc Am 24: 447, 1952. ABSTRACT.
- Tasaki, I. Nervous Transmission, Springfield, Charles C. Thomas, p.164, 1953.
- Tasaki, I. Afferent impulses in individual cochlear nerve fibers of the guinea pig. Fed Proc 12: 142, 1953. ABSTRACT.
- Tasaki, I., Hagiwara, S., and Watanabe, A. Action potentials recorded from inside Mauthner cell of the catfish. Jpn J Physiol 4: 79-90, 1954.
- Tasaki, I. Nerve impulses in individual auditory nerve fibers of guinea pig. (PDF 4.1 MB) J Neurophysiol 17: 97-122, 1954.
- Tasaki, I., Polley, E., and Orrego, F. Action potentials from individual elements in cat geniculate and striate cortex. (PDF 2.2 MB) J Neurophysiol 17: 454-474, 1954.
- Tasaki, I., Davis, H., and Eldridge, D.H. Steady and alternating electric potentials in the cochlea. Fed Proc 13: 151, 1954. ABSTRACT.
- Tasaki, I., Davis, H., and Eldridge, D.H. Exploration of cochlear potentials in guinea pig with a microelectrode. (PDF 314 KB) J Acous Soc Am 26: 765-773, 1954.
- Tasaki, I. and Davis, H. Electric responses of individual nerve elements in cochlear nucleus to sound stimulation (guinea pig). (PDF 937 KB) J Neurophysiol 18: 151-158, 1955.
- Davis, H., Tasaki, I., Smith, C.A., and Deatherage, B.H. Cochlear potentials after intercochlear injections and anoxia. Fed Proc 14: 112, 1955. ABSTRACT
- Tasaki, I. Abolition of the single node action potential. Am J Physiol 183: 666, 1955. ABSTRACT (Presented at the Am Phys Soc, Medford, Mass.)
- Tasaki, I. New measurements of the capacity of the resistance of the myelin sheath and the nodal membrane of the isolated frog nerve fiber. (PDF 2.1 MB) Am J Physiol 181: 639-650, 1955.
- Freygang, Jr., W.H., Spyropoulos, C.S., and Tasaki, I. Simultaneous measurements of membrane impedance and voltage. Am J Physiol 183: 617, 1955. ABSTRACT (Presented at the Am Phys Soc, Medford, Mass.)
- Tasaki, I. and Frank, K. Measurement of the action potential of myelinated nerve fiber. (PDF 982 KB) Am J Physiol 182: 572-578, 1955.
- Tasaki, I. and Freygang, Jr., W.H. The parallelism between the action potential, action current, and membrane resistance at a node of Ranvier. (PDF 764 KB) J Gen Physiol 39: 211-223, 1955.
- Tasaki, I. Initiation and abolition of the action potential of a single node of Ranvier. (PDF 1.4 MB) J Gen Physiol 39: 377-395, 1956.
- Tasaki, I. Hearing. In: Ann Rev Physiol 19: 417-438, 1957.
- Tasaki, I. and Spyropoulos, C.S. Influence of changes in temperature and pressure on the nerve fiber. In: The Influence of Temperature on Biological Systems. F. S. Johnson (Ed.), Waverly Press, Baltimore, p. 201-220, 1957.
- Tasaki, I. and Hagiwara, S. Demonstration of two stable potential states in the squid giant axon under tetraethylammonium chloride. (PDF 963 KB) J Gen Physiol 40: 859-885, 1957.
- Tasaki, I. and Hagiwara, S. Analysis of impulse transmission in the squid giant synapse. Fed Proc 16: 556, 1957. ABSTRACT
- Tasaki, I. and Hagiwara, S. Capacity of the muscle fiber membrane. (PDF 1.3 MB) Am J Physiol 188: 423-429, 1957.
- Tasaki, I. Demonstration of 'abolition of action potentials' and 'subthreshold responses' in the cobalt electrode system. (PDF 649 KB) Am J Physiol 190: 575-577, 1957.
- Tasaki, I. and Bak, A. Oscillatory membrane currents of the squid giant axon under voltage-clamp. Sci 126: 696-697, 1957.
- Tasaki, I. Studies on the process of production of an action potential at a single node of Ranvier. In: Microphysiologie Comparée des Éléments Excitables. (67ième Colloques Intemationaux) Paris, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, p. 27, 1955.
- Tasaki, I. and Bak, A.F. Discrete threshold and repetitive responses in the squid axon under 'voltage clamp'. (PDF 2.1 MB) Am J Physiol 193: 301-308, 1958.
- Tasaki, I. and Spryopoulos, C.S. Nonuniform response in the squid axon membrane under 'voltage-clamp'. (PDF 2.3 MB) Am J Physiol 193: 309-317, 1958.
- Spyropoulos, C.S., Tasaki, I., and Brady, R. The effects of oxidizing agents under the electrophysiological properties of the nerve fiber. Section 14: 181, 1958 (Presented at the Intl. Biochemical Conf., Vienna, Austria.) ABSTRACT
- Tasaki, I. and Spyropoulos, C.S. Membrane conductance and current-voltage relation in the squid axon under 'voltage-clamp'. (PDF 2.1 MB) Am J Physiol 193: 318-327, 1958.
- Tasaki, I. and Bak, A. Current-voltage relations of single nodes of Ranvier as examined by voltage-clamp technique. (PDF 1.2 MB) J Neurophysiol 21: 124-137, 1958.
- Brady, R.O., Spyropoulos, C.S. and Tasaki, I. Intra-axonal injection of biologically active materials. (PDF 1.2 MB) Am J Physiol 194: 207-213, 1958.
- Hild, W., Chang, J.J. and Tasaki, I. Electrical responses of astrocytic glia from the mammalian central nervous system cultivated in vitro. Experientia, Basle 14: 220-221, 1958.
- Hagiwara, S. and Tasaki, I. A study on the mechanism of impulse transmission across the giant synapse of the squid. J Physiol, London 143: 114-137, 1958.
- Tasaki, I. and Chang, J.J. Electric response to glia cells in cat brain. Sci 128: 1209-1210, 1958.
- Tasaki, I. Conduction of nerve impulse. Chapter III, In: Handbook of Physiology, Section 1: Neurophysiology, Vol 1, J. Field, H.W. Magoun and V.E. Hall (Eds.), Am Physiol Soc, p. 75-121, 1958.
- Tasaki, I. Physiological properties of the myelin sheath and of the node of Ranvier. In: The Biology of Myelin, Vol. IV, Progress in Neurobiology, S.R. Korey (Ed.) New York, Hoeber-Harper, p. 159-172, 1959.
- Tasaki, I. and Spyropoulos, C.S. Stria vascularis as source of endocochlear potential. (PDF 1.2 MB) J Neurophysiol 22: 14 9-155, 1959.
- Tasaki, I. Demonstration of two stable states of the nerve membrane in potassium-rich media. J Physiol, London 148: 306-331, 1959.
- Tasaki, I. and Bak, A.F. Voltage clamp behavior of iron-nitric acid system as compared with that of nerve membrane. (PDF 1 MB) J Gen Physiol 42: 899-915, 1959.
- Tasaki, I. Resting and action potentials of reversed polarity in frog nerve cells. Nature 184: 1574-1575, 1959.
- Spyropoulos, C.S. and Tasaki, I. Nerve excitation and synapic transmission. Ann Rev Physiol 22: 407-432, 1960.
- Tasaki, I. Thermodynamic treatment of radio-tracer movements across biological membranes. Science 132: 1661-1663, 1960.
- Tasaki, I. Afferent impulses in auditory nerve fibers and the mechanism of impulse initiation in the cochlea. In: Neuronal Mechanisms of the Auditory and Vestibular Systems. G.L. Rasmussen and W.F. Windle (Eds.), Springfield, Charles C. Thomas, p. 40-47, 1962.
- Tasaki, I., Teorell, T., and Spyropoulos, C.S. Movement of radioactive tracers across squid axon membrane. (PDF 2.7 MB) Am J Physiol 200: 11-22, 1961.
- Spyropoulos, C.S., Tasaki, I., and Hayward, G. Fractionation of tracer movement across membrane during action potential. Science 133: 2064-2065, 1961.
- Oikawa, T., Spyropoulos, C.S., Tasaki, I., and Teorell, T. Methods for perfusing the giant axon of loligo pealii. (PDF 153 KB) Acta Physiol Scand 52: 195-196, 1961.
- Tasaki, I. and Spyropoulos, C.S. Permeability of the squid axon membrane to several organic molecules. (PDF 1.4 MB) Am J Physiol 201: 413-419, 1961.
- Fernández, C., Butler, R., Konishi, T., Honrubia, V, and Tasaki, I. Cochlear potentials in the Rhesus and squirrel monkey. (PDF 1.1 MB) J. Acous. Soc. Am. 34: 1411-1417, 1962.
- Tasaki, I. Nervous activity in abnormal fluid media. In: Neural Physiopathology, Progress in Neurobiology, Vol. 8, R.S. Grenell (Ed.), Harper & Row Publishers, p. 266-288, 1962.
- Tasaki, I. Ionic transport across neural and non-neural membranes. Discussion at symposium. In: Properties of Membranes and Diseases of the Nervous System, New York, Springer Publishing Co., p. 100-102, 1962.
- Hild, W. and Tasaki, I. Morphological and physiological properties of neurons and glial cells in tissue culture. (PDF 5.6 MB) J Neurophysiol 25: 277-304, 1962.
- Tasaki, I., Watanabe, A., and Takenaka, T. Resting and action potential of intracellularly perfused squid giant axons. Proc Natl Aca Sci 48: 1177-1184, 1962.
- Tasaki, I. Movement of radio-isotopes across squid membrane at rest and during activity. (Presented at symposium on Biophysics of Peripheral Nerves, XXII International Congress of Physiological Sciences, Leiden, The Netherlands, 1962).
- Tasaki, I. and Shimamura, M. Further observations on resting and action potential of intracellularly perfused squid axon. Proc Natl Aca Sci 48: 1571-1577, 1962.
- Tasaki, I. Permeability of squid axon membrane to various ions. J Gen Physiol 46: 755-772, 1963.
- Tasaki, I. and Takenaka, T. Resting and action potential of squid giant axons intracellularly perfused with sodium-rich solutions. Proc Natl Aca Sci 50: 619-626, 1963.
- Tasaki, I. and Takenaka, T. Ion fluxes and excitability in squid giant axon. In: The Cellular Functions of Membrane Transport. J.F. Hoffman (Ed.) Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice-Hall, p. 95-111, 1964.
- Tasaki, I. and Kamiya, N. A study on 212 properties of carnivorous amoebae. J Cell Comp Physiol 63: 365-380, 1964.
- Tasaki, I. and Luxoro, M. Intracellular perfusion of Chilean giant squid axons. Science 145: 1313-1315, 1964.
- Tasaki, I. and Takenaka, T. Effects of various potassium salts and proteases upon excitability of intracellularly perfused squid giant axons. (PDF 505 KB) Proc Natl Acad Sci 52: 804-810, 1964.
- Tasaki, I. A new measurement of action currents developed by single nodes of Ranvier. (PDF 724 KB) J Neurophysiol 27 1199-1206, 1964.
- Tasaki, I., Singer, I., and Takenaka, T. Effects of internal and external ionic environment on excitability of squid giant axon. J Gen Physiol 48: 1095-1123, 1965.
- Tasaki, I., Singer, I., and Watanabe, A. Excitation of internally perfused squid giant axons in sodium-free media. Proc Natl Acad Sci 54: 763-769, 1965.
- Tasaki, I., Luxoro, M., and Ruarte, A. Electrophysiological studies of Chilean squid axons under internal perfusion with sodium-rich media. Sci 150: 899-901, 1965.
- Tasaki, I. Excitability of neurons and glial cells. In: Progress in Brain Research, Vol. 15, Biology of Neuroglia, E.D.P. De Robertis and R. Carrea (Eds.), Amsterdam, Elsevier Publishing Co., p. 234-242. 1965.
- Singer, I. and Tasaki, I. Excitability of intracellularly perfused squid giant axon and physico-chemical effects of salts on membrane macromolecules. Fed Proc 24: 1965. ABSTRACT
- Tasaki, I. and Singer. I. Electrical excitability of vertebrate and invertebrate nerve fibers. (Presented at symposium on Comparative Neurophysiol. Tokyo, Japan, 1965). ABSTRACT
- Tasaki, I. and Singer, I. A macromolecular approach to the excitable membrane. J Cell Comp Physiol 66: 137-146, 1965.
- Tasaki, I., Singer, I., and Watanabe, A. Excitation of squid giant axons in sodium-free external media. (PDF 2.3 MB) Am J Physiol 211: 746-754, 1966.
- Tasaki, I. Watanabe, A., and Singer, I. Excitability of squid giant axons in the absence of univalent cations in the external medium. (PDF 942 KB) Proc Natl Acad Sci 56: 1116-1122, 1966.
- Watanabe, A., Tasaki, I., and Lerman, L. A study of the effects of divalent cations on squid giant axons. Biol Bull 131: 411, 1966. ABSTRACT.
- Tasaki, I. and Singer, I. Membrane macromolecules and nerve excitability: A physico-chemical interpretation of excitation in squid giant axons. Ann NY Acad Sci 137: 792-806, 1966.
- Watanabe, A., Tasaki, I., and Lerman, L. Effects of tetrodotoxin on excitability of squid giant axons in sodium-free media. Sci 155: 95-97, 1967.
- Watanabe, A., Tasaki, I., and Lerman, L. Bi-ionic action potentials in squid giant axons internally perfused with sodium salts. Proc Natl Acad Sci 58: 2246-2252, 1967.
- Watanabe, A., Tasaki, I., and Lerman, L. Bi-ionic action potentials in squid giant axons intracellularly perfused with sodium salts. Biol Bull 133: 491, 1967.
- Tasaki, I., Watanabe, A., and Lerman, L. Role of divalent cations in excitation of squid giant axons. Am J Physiol 213: 1465-1474, 1967.
- Tasaki, I., Singer, I., and Watanabe, A. Cation interdiffusion in squid giant axons. J Gen Physiol 50: 989-1007, 1967.
- Tasaki, I., Toshifumi, T., and Yamagishi, S. Abrupt depolarization and bi-ionic action potentials to internally perfused squid giant axons. Am J Physiol 215: 152-159, 1968.
- Singer, I. and Tasaki, I. Nerve excitability and membrane macromolecules. In: Biological Membranes, D. Chapman (Ed.), Academic Press, London, 1968.
- Tasaki, I. Nerve Excitation: A Macromolecular Approach. Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, IL, p. 216, 1969.
- Tasaki, I., Watanabe, A., Sandlin, R., and Carnay, L. Changes in fluorescence, turbidity and birefringence associated with nerve excitation. (PDF 169 KB) Proc Natl Acad Sci 61: 883-888, 1968.
- Sandlin, R., Lerman, L., Barry, W., and Tasaki, I. Application of laser interferometry to physiological studies of excitable tissues. Nature, 217: 575-576, 1968.
- Tasaki, I. and Singer, I. Some problems involved in electric measurements of biological systems. Ann NY Acad Sci 148: 36-53, 1968.
- Lerman, L., Watanabe, A. and Tasaki, I. Intracellular perfusion of squid giant axons: Recent findings and interpretations. In: Neuroscience Research, Vol. 2, S. Ehrenpreis and O. Solnitzky (Eds.), Academic Press, 1969.
- Tasaki, I., Lerman, L., and Watanabe, A. Analysis of excitation process in squid giant axons under bi-ionic conditions. Am J Physiol 216: 130-138, 1969.
- Tasaki, I., Carnay, L., Sandlin, R., and Watanabe, A. Fluorescence changes during conduction in nerves stained with acridine orange. Sci 163: 683-685, 1969.
- Tasaki, I., Carnay, L., and Watanabe, A. Transient changes in extrinsic fluorescence of nerve produced by electric stimulation. Proc Natl Acad Sci 64: 1362-1368, 1969.
- Tasaki, I., Barry, W., and Carnay, L. Optical and electrophysiological evidence for conformational changes in membrane macromolecules during nerve excitation. In: Physical Principles of Biological Membranes. F. Snell, J. Wolken, G. J. Iverson and J. Lam (Eds.) Gordon & Breach Science Publishers, New York, p. 17-34, 1970.
- Conti, F. and Tasaki, I. Changes in extrinsic fluorescence in squid axons during voltage-clamp. Sci 169: 1322-1324, 1970.
- Tasaki, I. Effects of ultraviolet and visible light on nerve fibers and changes in optical properties during nervous activity. In: Advances in Biological and Medical Physics, Vol. 13, J. H. Lawrence and J. W. Gofman (Eds.), Academic Press, New York, p. 307-327, 1970.
- Watanabe, A., Tasaki, I., and Hallett, M. Fluorescence analysis of the excitation process in nerve using hydrophobic probes. Biol Bull 139: 441-442, 1970. ABSTRACT
- Kobatake, Y., Tasaki, I., and Watanabe, A. Phase transition in membrane with reference to nerve excitation. (PDF 4.4 MB) In: Advances in Biophysics, Vol. 2, M. Kotani (Ed.), U. of Tokyo Press, pp. 1-31, 1971.
- Tasaki, I. Fluorescence changes in dye-treated nerve following electric stimulation. (PDF 358 KB) In: Probes of Structure and Function of Macromolecules and Membranes. Vol. 1, Probes and Membrane Function. B. Chance, C-P. Lee and J.K. Blasie (Eds.) Academic Press, New York, pp. 235-237, 1971.
- Tasaki, I., Watanabe, A., and Hallett, M. Properties of squid axon membrane as revealed by a hydrophobic probe, 2-ptoluidinylnaphthalene-6-sulfonate. Proc Natl Acad Sci 68: 938-941, 1971.
- Carnay, L. D. and Tasaki, I. Ion exchange properties and excitability of the squid giant axon. Biophysics and Physiology of Excitable Membranes. W. J. Adelman, Jr. (Ed.), Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York, p. 379-422, 1971.
- Kobatake, Y., Tasaki, I., and Watanabe, A. The bi-ionic action potential and indispensability of divalent cations in the external medium for nerve excitation. In: Cellular Mechanisms for Calcium Transfer and Homeostasis. G. Nichols, Jr. and R. H. Wassennan (Eds.), Academic Press, New York, p. 77-100, 1971.
- Tasaki, I. Nerve excitation and "phase transition" in membrane macromolecules. In: Biogenic Amine and Physiological in Drug Therapy. J. H. Biel and L.G. Abood (Eds.), Academic Press, New York, p. 73-105, 1971.
- Conti, F., Tasaki, I., and Wanke, E. Fluorescence signals in ANS-stained squid giant axons during voltage clamp. Biophysik 8: 58-70, 1971.
- Tasaki, I., Schneider, A., and Carbone, E. Studies of the excitation process in nerve with extrinsic fluorescence. Biol Bull 141: 388-389, 1971. ABSTRACT
- Tasaki, I. and Hallett, M. Bioenergetics of nerve excitation. Bioenergetics 3: 65-79, 1972.
- Tasaki, I., Watanabe, A., and Hallett, M. Fluorescence of squid axon membrane labeled with hydrophobic probes. J membrane Biol 8: 109-132, 1972.
- Watanabe, A. and Tasaki, I. Intracellular perfusion of squid giant axons: A study of bi-ionic action potentials. In: Perspectives in Membrane Biophysics. D. Agin (Ed.), Gordon and Breach, New York, p. 65-99, 1972.
- Tasaki, I., Sisco, K., and Warashina, A. Difference in fluorescence behavior positional isomers of aminoaphthalene derivations applied internally to squid giant axons. Biol Bull 145: 457, 1973. ABSTRACT.
- Tasaki, I., Hallett, M., and Carbone, E. Further studies of nerve membranes labeled with fluorescent probes. J Membrane Biol 11: 353-376, 1973.
- Inoue, I., Kobatake, Y., and Tasaki, I. Excitability, instability and phase transitions in squid axon membrane under internal perfusion with dilute salt solutions. Biochem Biophys Acta 307: 471-477, 1973.
- Tasaki, I., Carbone, E., Sisco, K., and Singer, I. Spectral analyses of extrinsic fluorescence of the nerve membrane labelled with aminonaphthalene derivatives. Biochim Biophys Acta 323: 220-233, 1973.
- Sato, H., Tasaki, I., Carbone, E., and Hallett, M. Changes in axon birefringence associated with excitation: Implications for the structure of the axon membrane. J Mechanochem Cell Motility 2: 209-217, 1973.
- Gainer, H., Carbone, E., Singer, I., Sisco, K., and Tasaki, I. Depolarization-induced change in the enzymatic radio-iodination of a protein on the internal surface of the squid giant axon membrane. Comp Biochem Physiol Vol. 47A, 477-484, 1974.
- Tasaki, I. Energy transduction in the nerve membrane and studies of excitation processes with extrinsic fluorescence probes. Ann NY Acad Sci 277: 247-267, 1974.
- Inoue, I., Tasaki, I., and Kobatake, Y. A study of the effects of externally applied sodium-ions and detection of spatial non-uniformity of the squid axon membrane under internal perfusion. Biophys Chem 2: 116-126, 1974.
- Tasaki, I., Warashina, A., and Pant, H. Energy transfer between fluorescent probe molecules in and across nerve membrane. Biol Bull 147: 501, 1974. ABSTRACT
- Tasaki, I. Evidence for phase-transition in nerve membrane. In: Progress in the Neurosciences and Related Fields. S. L. Mintz and S. M. Widmayer, (Eds.), Plenum Publishing Corp., New York, p. 56-66, 1974.
- Tasaki, I. Nerve Excitation. New experimental evidence for the macromolecular hypothesis. In: Trends in Neurophysiology. Monnier (Ed.), Masson et Cie, France, p. 79-90, 1974.
- Tasaki, I. and Carbone, E. A macromolecular approach to nerve excitation. In: Current Topics in Membranes and Transport, Vol. 5, F. Bronner and A. Kleinzeller (Eds.), Academic Press, New York, p. 283-325, 1974.
- Tasaki, I., Sisco, K., and Warashina, A. Alignment of anilinonaphthalene-sulfonate and related fluorescent probe molecules in squid axon membrane and in synthetic polymers. Biophys Chem 2: 316-326, 1974.
- Warashina, A. and Tasaki, I. Evidence for rotation of dye molecules in membrane macromolecules associated with nerve excitation. (PDF 1.1 MB) Proc. J. Acad. 51: 610-615, 1975
- Tasaki, I. and Sisco, K. Electrophysiological and optical methods for studying the excitability of the nerve membrane. In: Methods in Membrane Biology, Vol. 5, E. D. Korn (Ed.), Plenum Press, New York, p. 163-193, 1975.
- Tasaki, I. and Warashina, A. Changes in light absorption, emission and energy transfer produced by electric stimulation of nerves labeled with fluorescent probes. Proc. J Acad. 51: 604-609, 1975.
- Tasaki, I. Evolution of theories of nerve excitation. In: The Nervous System, Vol. 1, The Basic Neurosciences, D. B. Tower (Ed.), Raven Press, New York, p. 177-195, 1975.
- Tasaki, I., Warashina, A., and Pant, H. Studies of light emission, absorption and energy transfer in nerve membranes labeled with fluorescent probes. Biophys Chem 4: 1-13, 1976.
- Tasaki, I. and Warashina, A. Fast and slow rotation of dye molecules in squid axon membrane during excitation. Proc Japan Acad 52: 37-40, 1976.
- Tasaki, I. and Warashina, A. Dye-membrane interaction and its changes during nerve excitation. Photochem Photobiol 24: 191-207, 1976.
- Tasaki, I. Chronaxie and transitional decrement: A review of Dr. Davis' contributions to Physiology of Nerve Fibers. Washington University Press, St. Louis, Missouri, p. 1-10, 1976.
- Inoue, I., Pant, H. C., Tasaki, I., and Gainer, H. Release of proteins from the inner surface of squid axon membrane labeled with tritiated N-Ethylmaleirnide. J Gen Physiol, Vol. 68, p. 385-395, 1976.
- Tasaki, I. Physico-chemical properties of the nerve membrane. In: Charged Gels and Membranes, Vol. 4, E. Sélégny (Ed.), D. Reidel Publ. Co, Dordrecht-Holland, p. 213-238, 1976.
- Gainer, H., Tasaki, I., and Lasek, R. J. Evidence for the glia-neuron protein transfer hypothesis from intercellular perfusion studies of squid giant axons. J Cell Biol 74: 524-530, 1977.
- Matsumoto, G. and Tasaki, I. A study of conduction velocity in nonmyelinated nerve fibers. Biophys J 20: 1-13, 1977.
- Tasaki, I. Properties of excitable sites in the squid axon membrane as revealed by use of chemical stimulants and a spectrum analyzer. Jpn J Physiol 27: 643-655, 1977.
- Matsumoto, G., Tasaki, I., and Inoue, I. Oscillatory subthreshold responses and potential fluctuation observed in squid giant axons. J Phys Soc Japan 44: 351-352, 1978.
- Tasaki, I. and Matsumoto, G. Optical probes of axonal membrane. In: Physiology and Pathobiology of Axons, S. G. Waxman (Ed.), Raven Press, New York, p. 237-250, 1978.
- Baumgold, J., Matsumoto, G., and Tasaki, I. Biochemical studies of nerve excitability: The use of protein modifying reagents for characterizing sites involved in nerve excitation. J Neurochem 30: 91-100, 1978.
- Pant, H. C., Terakawa, S., Baumgold, J., Tasaki, I., and Gainer, H. Protein release from the internal surface of the squid giant axon membrane during excitation and potassium depolarization. Biochim Biophys Acta 513: 132-140, 1978.
- Metuzals, J. and Tasaki, I. Subaxolemmal filamentous network in the giant nerve fiber of the squid (Loligo Pealei L.) and its possible role in excitability. J Cell Biol 78: 597-621, 1978.
- Tasaki, I. Chemical stimulants and real-time spectrum analyzer used for studying properties of membrane excitable sites. In: Abnormal Neuronal Discharges. N. Chalazonitis and M. Boisson (Eds.), Raven Press, New York, p. 233-242, 1978.
- Yoshioka, T., Pant, H. C., Tasaki, I., Baumgold, J., Matsumoto, G., and Gainer, H. An approach to the study of intracellular proteins related to the excitability of the squid giant axon. Biochim Biophys Acta 538: 616-626, 1978.
- Tasaki, I. Further studies of periodic miniature responses in squid giant axons. Jpn J Physiol 28: 89-108, 1978.
- Tasaki, I. Chemical and electrical receptors on the surface of squid giant axons. Brain Res Bull 4: 190-192, 1979.
- Pant, H. C., Terakawa, S., Yoshioka, T., Tasaki, I., and Gainer, H. Evidence for the utilization of extracellular [g-32p] ATP for the phosphorylation of intracellular proteins in the squid giant axon. Biochim Biophys Acta 528: 107-114, 1979.
- Pant, H. C., Yoshioka, T., Tasaki, I., and Gainer, H. Divalent cation dependent phosphorylation of proteins in the squid giant axon. Brain Res 162: 303-313, 1979.
- Metuzals, J., Terakawa, S., and Tasaki, I. The axolemma-ectoplasm complex investigated in desheathed squid giant axons. In: Electron Microscopy, Vol. 2, p. 12-13, 1980. Presented at the Proc. of the 7th Euro Cong on Electron Microscopy, The Hague, The Netherlands.
- Mautner, H. G., Lorenc, C., Quain, P., Marquis, J. K., and Tasaki, I. Synthesis and study of conformationally defined enantiomers of local anesthetics and conformationally defined enantiomers of fluorescent dyes designed to label electrically excitable membranes. J Med Chem 23: 282-285, 1980.
- Tasaki, I., Iwasa, K., and Gibbons, B. C. Mechanical changes in crab nerve fibers during action potentials. Jpn J Physiol 30: 897-905, 1980.
- Tasaki, I. and Iwasa, K. Shortening of nerve fibers associated with propagated nerve impulse. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 94: 716-720, 1980.
- Iwasa, K. and Tasaki, I. Mechanical changes in squid giant axons associated with production of action potentials. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 95: 1328-1331,1980.
- Tasaki, I. and Iwasa, K. Swelling of nerve fibers during action potentials. Upsala J Med Sci 85: 211-215, 1980.
- Tasaki, I. Optical changes during electrogenesis. In: Physiology of Excitable Membranes, Vol. 4, J Salánk (Ed.), Adv Physiol Sci, p. 163-170, 1980. Presented at the 28th Internatl Cong of Physiol Sci, Budapest.
- Tasaki, I. and Iwasa, K. Swelling of squid giant axon during action potentials. Biol Bull 159: ABSTRACT
- Iwasa, K., Tasaki, I., and Gibbons, R. C. Swelling of nerve fibers associated with action potentials. Science 210: 338-339, 1980.
- Iwasa, K. and Tasaki, I. Excitable membrane and cytoskeleton: axolemmaectoplasm complex. Seitai no Kagaki. 32: 30-35, 1981.
- Tasaki, I. and Iwasa, K. Temperature changes associated with nerve excitation: Detection by using polyvinylidene fluoride film. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 101: 172-176, 1981.
- Tasaki, I. and Iwasa, K. Rapid mechanical changes in crab nerve and squid axon during action potentials. J Physiol (Paris) 77: 1055-1059, 1981.
- Tasaki, I. and Iwasa, K. A physicochemical approach to calcium-membrane macromolecule interactions. In: Mechanism of Gated Calcium Transport Across Biological Membranes. S. T. Ohniski and M. Endo (Eds.), Academic Press, p. 183-189, 1981.
- Iwasa, K. and Tasaki, I. Rapid pressure changes of the squid axon accompanied by prolonged action potentials. Biol Bull 161: 346, 1981. ABSTRACT
- Metuzals, J., Tasaki, I., Terakawa, S., and Clapin, D. F. Removal of the Schwann sheath from the giant nerve fiber of the squid: An electron microscopic study of the axolemma and of associated axoplasmic structure. Cell Tissue Res 221: 1-15, 1981.
- Allen, R. D., Metuzals, J., Tasaki, I., Brandy, S. T., and Gilbert, S. P. Fast axonal transport in the squid giant axon. Science 218: 1127-1129, 1982.
- Tasaki, I. Physiology and Electrochemistry of Nerve Fibers. (PDF 10.5 MB) Academic Press, New York, p. 350, 1982.
- Tasaki, I. and Terakawa, S. Oscillatory miniature responses in the squid giant axon: Origin of rhythmical activities in the nerve membrane. In: Cellular Pacemaker, Mechanisms of Pacemaker Generation, Vol. 2, D. Carpenter (Ed.), John Wiley and Sons, Inc., p. 163-186, 1982.
- Iwasa, K. and Tasaki, I. Swelling of axon membrane during excitation. In: Membrane and Transport, Vol. 2, A. Martonosi (Ed.), Plenum Publishing Co., p. 385-388, 1982.
- Tasaki, I. and Iwasa, K. Rapid pressure changes and surface displacements in the squid giant axon associated with production of action potentials. Jpn J Physiol, 32: 69-81, 1982.
- Pant, H., Terakawa, S., Baumgold, J., and Tasaki, I. Protein release from the internal surface of the squid giant axon membrane during excitation and during application of agents which modify excitation. In: Biomolecular Structure, Conformation, Function and Evolution, Vol. 2, R. Srinivasan, N., Yathindra and E. Subramanian (Eds.), Pergamon Press, p. 513-522, 1982.
- Tasaki, I. Origin of periodicity in axon membrane. In: Physiology and Pharmacology of Epileptogenic Phenomena. M. R. Klee, H. D. Lux and E. J. Speckmann (Eds.), Raven Press, p. 335-342, 1982.
- Tasaki, I. and Byrne, P.M. Tetanic contraction of the crab nerve evoked by repetitive stimulation. Biochem Biophys Res Comm 106: 1435-1440, 1982.
- Tasaki, I. and Iwasa, K. Further studies of rapid mechanical changes in squid giant axon associated with action potential production. Jpn J Physiol 32: 505-518, 1982.
- Tasaki, I. Measurements of rapid mechanical changes in nerve fibers. (Presented at the 35th Ann. Conf On Engvr. in Med. and Biol., Phila., PA, 22-24 Sept. 1982) ABSTRACT
- Allen, R. D., Metuzals, J., Tasaki, I., Brady, S. T., and Gilbert, S. P. Fast axonal transport in squid giant axon. Sci. 218: 1127-1129, 1982.
- Iwasa, K. and Tasaki, I. Molecular events that underlie membrane excitation. J Theor. Biol 99: 87-99, 1982.
- Tasaki, I. and Byrne, P.M. Swelling of frog dorsal root ganglion and spinal cord produced by afferent volley of impulses. Brain Res 272: 360-363, 1983.
- Tasaki, I. and Byrne, P.M. Mechanical chances in the amphibian spinal cord produced by afferent volleys of nerve impulses. Brain Res 301: 265-272, 1984.
- Metuzals, J., Clapin, D. F., and Tasaki, I. The axolemma-ectoplasm complex of squid giant axon. In: Structure and Function in Excitable Cells. Chang, D., Tasaki, I., Adelman, W., and Leuchtag, R. (Eds.), Plenum Publishing Corp., p. 53-73, 1983.
- Tasaki, I. and Iwasa, K. Axolemma-ectoplasm complex and mechanical responses of the axon membrane. In: Structure and Function in Excitable Cells. Chang, D., Tasaki, I., Adelman, W., and Leuchtag, R. (Eds.), Plenum Publishing Corp., p. 307-319, 1983.
- Tasaki, I., Nakaye, T., and Byrne, P.M. Swelling of axon membrane during excitation. (Presented at the XXIX International Union of Physiological Sciences) Adelaid, So. Australia and Sydney, Australia, 8/26 - 9/3/83.
- Tasaki, I. and Nakaye, T. Rapid mechanical responses of the dark adapted squid retina to light pulses. Science 223: 411-413, 1984.
- Tasaki, I. and Nakaye, T. Rapid mechanical changes in the nervous system during excitation. (Presented at the Seiriken Conference, Okazaki, Japan, Dec. 1983), 1984.
- Tasaki, I. and Nakaye, T. Heat generated by the dark-adapted squid retina in response to light pulses. Science 277: 654-655, 1985.
- Nakaye, T., Tasaki, I., and Byrne, P.M. Contractile responses of dendrites in the bullfrog retina. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 131: 456-461, 1985.
- Tasaki, I. Nakaye, T., and Byrne, P.M. Rapid swelling of neurons during synaptic transmission in the bullfrog sympathetic ganglion. Brain Research 311: 363-365, 1985.
- Tasaki, I. and Nakaye, T. Heat produced by the dark-adapted bullfrog retina in response to light pulses. Biophys J 50: 285-293, 1986.
- Tasaki, I. and Nakaye, T. Rapid mechanical changes in the nervous system during excitation. Biomedical Res 7: Suppl 27-32, 1986.
- Chang, D. C. and Tasaki, I. Ultrastructure of the squid axon membrane as revealed by freeze-fracture electron microscopy. Cell & Mol Neurobiol 6: 43-53, 1986.
- Tasaki, I. On the mechanism of hypersensitivity of nerve fibers and cells. In Inactivation of Hypersensitive Neurons. N. Chalazonitis (ed.), Alan R. Liss, Inc., 1987, p. 311-319.
- Tasaki, I. and Byrne, P.M. Rapid mechanical changes in the amphibian retina evoked by brief light pulses. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 143: 93-97, 1987.
- Tasaki, I. and Byrne, P.M. Heat production associated with synaptic transmission in the bullfrog spinal cord. Brain Res. 407: 386-389, 1987.
- Tasaki, I., Byrne, P.M., and Masumura, M. Detection of thermal responses of the retina by use of polyvinylidene fluoride multi-layer detector. Jpn J. Physiol 37: 609-619, 1987.
- Tasaki, I. Review: A Macromolecular Approach to Excitation Phenomena: Mechanical and thermal changes in nerve during excitation. Physiol Chem and Phys 21: 251-268, 1988.
- Tasaki, I. and Byrne, P.M. Large mechanical changes in the bullfrog olfactory bulb evoked by afferent stimulation. Brain Res 475: 173-176, 1989
- Tasaki, I. Kusano, K., and Byrne, P.M. Rapid mechanical and thermal changes in the garfish olfactory nerve associated with propagated impulse. (PDF 1.4 MB) Biophys J 55: 1033-1040, 1989.
- Kusano, K. and Tasaki, I. Mechanical changes associated with synaptic transmission in the mammalian superior cervical ganglion. J Neurosci Res 25: 243-248, 1990.
- Kusano, K. and Tasaki, I. Heat generation associated with synaptic transmission in the superior cervical ganglion. J Neurosci Res 25: 249-255, 1990.
- Tasaki, I. and Byrne, P.M. Volume expansion of nonmyelinated nerve fibers during impulse conduction. (PDF 624 KB) Biophys J 57: 633-635, 1990.
- Tasaki, I. and Byrne, P.M. Heat production associated with neuromuscular transmission in the toad nerve-muscle preparation. Jpn J Physiol 40: 181-187, 1990.
- Tasaki, I. Bistability of the nerve membrane: Mechanical and thermal changes in nerve fibers during excitation (PDF 619 KB) Biomed. Res. 12, Suppl. 2, 19-21, 1991.
- Tasaki, I. Excitation process and swelling of nerve fibers. In "Polymer Gels: Fundamentals and Biomedical Applications". D. DeRossi et al. (Eds). Plenum Press, New York, 93-110, 1991.
- Tasaki, I. and Byrne, P.M. Demonstration of heat production associated with spreading depression in the amphibian retina. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 174: 293-297, 1991.
- Tasaki, I. and Byrne, P.M. Thermal and mechanical responses of the amphibian skin to nerve stimulation. Jpn. J. Physiol. 41: 567-576, 1991.
- Tasaki, I. and Byrne, P.M. Heat production associated with a propagated impulse in bullfrog myelinated nerve fibers. Jpn. J. Physiol. 42: 805-813, 1992.
- Tasaki, I. and Byrne, P.M. Rapid structural changes in nerve fibers evoked by electric current pulse. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 188: 559-564, 1992.
- Tasaki, I. and Byrne, P.M. Discontinuous volume transitions in ionic gels and their possible involvement in the nerve excitation process. Biopolymers 32: 1019-1023, 1992.
- Tasaki, I. and Byrne, P.M. The origin of rapid change in birefringence, light scattering and dye absorbance associated with excitation of nerve fibers. Jpn. J. Physiol. 43, Suppl. 1, 67-75, 1993.
- Tasaki, I. and Byrne, P.M. Rapid heat production associated with excitation of electric organs of the electric eel. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 197: 910-915, 1993.
- Tasaki, I. and Byrne, P.M. Discontinuous volume transitions induced by calcium-sodium ion exchange in anionic gels and thier neurobiological implications. Biopolymers. 34: 209-215, 1994.
- Tasaki, I. and Byrne, P.M. Optical changes during nerve excitation: Interpretation on the basis of rapid structural changes in the superficial gel layer of nerve fibers. Physiol. Chem. Phys. Med. NMR. 26: 101-110, 1994.
- Tasaki, I and Byrne, P.M. Temperature changes associated with excitation of the electric organ of the African catfish. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 200: 704-709, 1994.
- Tasaki, I. Effects of anesthetics on nerve fibers and cells: A macromolecular interpretation. (PDF 2.5 MB) Prog. Anesthetic Mechanism. 3: 194-199, 1995.
- Tasaki, I. Mechanical and thermal changes in the Torpedo electric organ associated with its postsynaptic potential. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 215: 654-658, 1995.
- Tasaki, I. Rapid changes in light scattering in the prism of Torpedo electric organ slice associated with postsynaptic potentials. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 218: 298-301, 1996.
- Tasaki, I. Rapid volume expansion in the Torpedo electric organ associated with its postsynaptic potential.Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 233: 305-308, 1997.
- Tasaki, I. Repetitive mechanical responses of the amphibian skin to adrenergic stimulation. Jpn. J. Physiol. 48(4): 297-300, 1998.
- Tasaki, I. Rapid structural changes in nerve fibers and cells associated with their excitation processes. Jpn. J. Physiol. 49(2): 125-138, 1999.
- Tasaki, I. Evidence for phase transition in nerve fibers, cells and synapses. (PDF 704 KB) Ferroelectrics. 220: 305-316, 1999.
- Horkay, F., Tasaki, I., and Basser, P.J. Thermodynamic properties of polyacrylate networks swollen in physiological salt solutions. Abstr Pap Am Chem S. 219: 355-BIOT Part 1, Mar 26, 2000.
- Horkay, F., Tasaki, I., and Basser, P.J. Volume transition of polyacrylate hydrogels induced by monovalent-divalent cation exchange in physiological salt solutions. Abstr Pap Am Chem S. 220: 256-PMSE Part 2, Aug 20, 2000.
- Horkay, F., Tasaki, I., and Basser, P.J. Osmotic swelling of polyacrylate hydrogels in physiological salt solutions. Biomacromolecules. 1(1): 84-90, Spr 2000.
- Horkay, F., Tasaki, I., and Basser, P.J. Effect of monovalent-divalent cation exchange on the swelling of polyacrylate hydrogels in physiological salt solutions. Biomacromolecules. 2(1): 195-199, Spr 2001.
- Horkay, F., Tasaki, I., and Basser, P.J. Effect of monovalent-multivalent cation exchange on the thermodynamic properties of polyacrylate hydrogels.
Abstr Pap Am Chem S. 222: 533-POLY Part 2, Aug 2001.
- Horkay, F., Haselkorn, K., Tasaki, I., and Basser, P.J. Swelling kinetics of polyacrylate gel beads in physiological salt solutions. Abstr Pap Am Chem S. 223(2): 105-POLY, April 2002.
- Tasaki, I. Spread of discrete structural changes in synthetic polyanionic gel: a model of propagation of a nerve impulse. (PDF 308 KB) J Theor Biol 218(4): 497-505, Oct 2002.
- Tasaki, I. and Matsumoto, G. On the cable theory of nerve condition. Bull Math Biol. 64(6): 1069-1082, Nov 2002.
- Tasaki, I. On the conduction velocity of nonmyelinated nerve fibers. (PDF 166 KB) Journal of Integrative Neuroscience. 3: 115-124, 2004.
- Tasaki, I. Repetitive abrupt structural changes in polyanionic gels: A comparison with analogous processes in nerve fibers. J Theor Biol. 236: 2-11, 2005.
- Tasaki, I. Abrupt structural changes in polyanionic gels evoked by Na-Ca ion exchange: Their biological implications.
Macromolecular Symposia 227: 97-104 Jul 2005.
- Tasaki, I. (2006) A note on the local current associated with the rising phase of a propagating impulse in nonmyelinated nerve fibers. (PDF 121 KB) Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 68 (2): 483-490 Feb 2006.
- Tasaki, I. 2008. On the Reversible Abrupt Structural Changes in Nerve Fibers Underlying Their Excitation and Conduction Processes. (PDF 781 KB) In Phase Transitions in Cell Biology. G. H. Pollack, and W. C. Chin, editors. Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 1-21.