MIC Microscopy Workshop

Since 2011, the NICHD Microscopy and Imaging Core is organizing annual workshops on microscopy. The two-week workshops are aimed at scientists who want to gain proficiency with light and electron microscopy imaging, sample preparation and image processing. Seminars cover basic and advanced concepts in light and electron microscopy, sample preparation and image analysis. The presentations are delivered by the MIC staff and invited speakers. Lab sessions combine wet labs on different sample preparation techniques, a computer lab on ImageJ, and hands-on on confocal and transmission electron microscopy. The next workshop for Spring 2024.

2023 Workshop


Monday May 8:
Light Microscopy 1 - Basic Concepts and Techniques (Vincent Schram, MIC) - B35/GD913, 11 am – 12:30 pm.
Principles of Immunostaining (Ling Yi, MIC) - B35/GD913 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Beyond Epitope Mapping: Transcriptomics, Genomics and Light Microscopy (Ling Yi, MIC) - B35/GD913, 3:00 pm- 4:30 pm.

Tuesday May 9:
Light Microscopy 2 – Confocal, 2P and Light Sheet (Vincent Schram, MIC) - B35/GG607, 11 am – 12:30 pm.
Practical Considerations for Live-Cell Imaging (Josh Pemberton, Balla lab, NICHD) - B35/GG607, 1:30 - 3:00 pm
Advanced Histology Methods: Tissue Clearing and Rodent Dissection Techniques (Ling Yi, MIC) - B35/GG607, 3 pm – 4:30 pm

Wednesday May 10:
Light Microscopy 3 - Super-Resolution (Vincent Schram, MIC) – B35/GG607, 11 am – 12:30 pm.
FAst Lifetime CONtrast with Leica STELLARIS 8 FALCON: Principle and Applications (Anastasiia Aleksandrova, Leica) -  B35/GG607, 1:30 pm - 3 pm
Super-Resolution Re-Imagined with Leica STELLARIS 8 STED (Anastasiia Aleksandrova, Leica) - B35/GG607, 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm.

Friday May 12:
Electron microscopy - Basic Principles (Chip Dye, MIC) - B35/GG607, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
CryoEM: 3D Electron Microscopy (Haotian Lei, NIAID) - B35/GG607, 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm

Lab Sessions

Thursday May 11: 
ImageJ Computer Lab (Vincent Schram, MIC). Bring your own laptop and learn how to use ImageJ. B35/GG607.
3 hours, 2x20 registrants

Monday – Tuesday May 15-16:
Immuno-staining of mouse brain cryosections (Ling Yi, MIC). Practice how to stain and mount brain sections for confocal imaging. B35/GD732.
2 x 3 hours over two consecutive days, 2x6 registrants

Wednesday May 17: 
RNAscope Staining (Ling Yi, MIC). From start to finish, overview of the practical steps to reveal expression patterns in tissues. B35/GD732.
3 hours, 2x6 registrants accepted

Wednesday May 17:
Electron Microscopy Hands-on (Chip Dye, MIC). Learn basic concepts in front of a transmission electron microscope. B35/GD920.
2 hours, 4x3 registrants accepted

Friday May 19:
Confocal Microscopy (Nate Miller, Carl Zeiss) and Super-Resolution (Anastasiia Aleksandrova, Leica). Hands-on tutorial on a Zeiss point scanning and a Leica STED microscope. B35/GD922.
1.5 hours, 4x6 registrants accepted

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