October 2017 Council


Concept Review

Concept Review by Council

  1. 201710 The Prenatal and Childhood Mechanisms of Health Disparities (Gilman, HBB)
  2. 201710 Opioid Use Disorder in Pregnancy (Reddy, PPB)
  3. 201710 Male and Female Contraceptive Development (Johnston, CRB)
  4. 201710 Data Coordinating Center for the NICHD Cooperative Multicenter Maternal-Fetal Medicine Units (MFMU) Network (Midiovnik, PPB)
  5. 201710 Non-invasive Diagnostics to Improve Gynecologic Health (Tingen, GHDB)
  6. 201710 Safe and Effective Devices for Use in Neonatal, Perinatal and Pediatric Care Settings (Raju, PPB)
  7. 201710 Data Coordinating Center (DCC) of the Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Network (CPCCRN) (Maholmes, PTCIB)
  8. 201710 Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Network (CPCCRN) (Maholmes, PTCIB)
  9. 201710 The Role of Stem/Progenitor Cells in the Pathogenesis and Treatment of Gynecologic Disorders (Halvorson, GHDB)
  10. 201710 National Centers for Translational Research in Reproduction and Infertility (Moss, FI)

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