Menstruation Resources

Links to websites of groups that study or provide information about menstruation and menstrual irregularities.

  • MedlinePlus, a resource of the National Library of Medicine, maintains information on the following topics:
    • Amenorrhea—primary. Primary amenorrhea is when a girl aged 15 or older who has gone through other normal puberty changes has not yet experienced her first period.
    • Amenorrhea—secondary. Secondary amenorrhea is when a woman who has been having normal menstrual cycles stops getting her periods for 6 months or longer.
    • Menstruation

Please note: Links to organizations and information included on this page do not indicate endorsement from NICHD, NIH, or HHS.

Please note: Links to organizations and information included on this page do not indicate endorsement from NICHD, NIH, or HHS

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