Membrane Mechanics and its Functional Consequences
Membrane lipids are no longer regarded as a kind of filler or passive solvent for the membrane protein machinery. It is now well established that lipids play an important role at several levels of cell regulation. This functional involvement naturally explains why cells exquisitely control the lipid composition of their membranes. Still, the mechanisms of membrane-protein interaction and the constraints upon the lipid composition of organelles and cell membranes imposed by Nature are poorly understood. Though the modes by which lipids fulfill their regulatory role are complex and diverse, they can be conditionally divided into specific, i.e., acting through direct chemical interaction with membrane-embedded proteins, and integral, i.e., acting through the changes in membrane physical properties. The latter may be generally referred to as “membrane mechanics” and includes such parameters as membrane stiffness, thickness, bending moduli, and distribution of elastic forces along the lipid molecules. Indeed, when two monolayers of a non-lamellar lipid are brought together to form a planar bilayer membrane, the resulting structure is under elastic stress. Examples from our laboratory demonstrate that this stress can be varied by the choice of the lipid species used for membrane formation and manifests itself in modifying the energetics of hydrophobic inclusions thus influencing protein-lipid interactions and regulating membrane distributions of lipid-soluble drugs, such as volatile anesthetics. Recently, we studied the consequence of the lipid packing stress in binding of peripheral proteins. In both experiments and Molecular Dynamics simulations we found a significantly tighter binding of tubulin to DOPE membranes than DOPC membranes.

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