Information Transfer by Voltage-Dependent Channels

Voltage-sensitive ion channels are crucially involved in information processing and transfer in humans and other multicellular organisms. Due to their small size and limited numbers, ion channels have to function in extremely noisy environment. This naturally creates the following question: Can ion channels and, generally, information transfer in the nervous system utilize ambient noise?

We answer this question by giving two positive examples wherein (i) noise is found to facilitate signal transduction by voltage-sensitive ion channels, thus demonstrating the phenomenon of the so called “stochastic resonance” in this system and (ii) random spike trains are used to create a hypothetical noise-based logic scheme for encoding and processing information by neuronal networks.

See figure caption 1
Figure 1. (Left) Schematic set-theoretical illustration of seven orthogonal spike trains generated from three uncorrelated overlapping trains AB, and C(Right) Cartoon explaining preparation of three orthogonal neural spike trains from two initial uncorrelated trains A and (from S.M. Bezrukov and L.B. Kish. Deterministic multivalued logic scheme for information processing and routing in the brain.  external link Physics Letters A, 2009, 373:2338-2342, and L.B. Kish, C.G. Granqvist, T. Horvath, A. Klappenecker, H. Wen, S.M. Bezrukov. Bird’s eye view on noise-based logic. International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series, 2014, 33:1460363).


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