NIH Science Education Conversation Series

NIH launches new seminar series for people with an interest in science education

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The NIH initiated a new seminar series on science education, designed to promote thinking and discussion about worldwide research, policy, and science education practices.

The Science Education Conversation Series aims to gather a diverse audience from across NIH, including scientists, science educators, administrators, policy analysts, and anyone interested in science education. Each session is intended to encourage interaction and dialogue between attendees and speakers. The Series will support NIH’s mission to attract young people to biomedical and behavioral science careers and to improve science literacy in both adults and children.

The NICHD research portfolio includes a focus on science cognition and learning, currently housed within the Child Development and Behavior (CDB) Branch. Through this research program, the Institute  seeks to understand not only scientific learning, reasoning, and discovery, but also influences on atypical development and achievement in scientific learning and education. CDB Branch staff members have been involved in the planning and organization of the Series and will continue to play an active role in these activities.

The first Conversation in the series features Rodger Bybee, Executive Director Emeritus, Biological Sciences Curriculum Study, a nonprofit curriculum study committed to transforming science teaching and learning. His talk, Thinking Differently about How We Teach Science: Why Should NIH Care and What Can NIH Do?, will explore ways that the NIH community can address issues related to teaching science and science literacy.

The Series will be held once a month through 2012 and 2013. Scheduled topics include strategies for bringing underrepresented populations to the sciences, tactics for teaching students how to think about science, and new approaches to science teaching. Dates and speakers for 2013 are still pending.

To learn more about this series, please visit the Science Education Conversation Series website.

Time and Place: 3:00 p.m., Building 50, Room 1328/1334, NIH Main Campus, Bethesda, MD

2012 Schedule

September 27
Thinking Differently about How We Teach Science: Why Should NIH Care, and What Can NIH Do?
Rodger Bybee, Executive Director Emeritus, Biological Sciences Curriculum Study

October 25
Basic Cognition for Numbers: Potential Impacts in the Science Classroom
Justin Halberda, Associate Professor, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, The Johns Hopkins University

November 29
Bringing Underrepresented Populations into the Sciences: What Difference Does Difference Make?
Shirley Malcom, Head, Education and Human Resources, American Association for the Advancement of Science

December 20
Attending to Students’ Thinking in Science: Becoming a Responsive Teacher
Daniel M. Levin, Visiting Assistant Professor, College of Education, University of Maryland


For more information, select a link below:

Originally posted: September 25, 2012


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