Peng Loh Curriculum Vitae
Name: | Y. Peng Loh, Ph.D. |
Birthplace: | Singapore |
Citizenship: | U.S.A. |
Sex: | Female |
Work Address: | Section on Cellular Neurobiology National Institute of Child Health and Human Development National Institutes of Health Bldg. 49, Rm. 6A10 Bethesda, Maryland 20892 Telephone: (30l) 496-3239 |
Education: |
B.Sc. (Honors) – Biochemistry, November 1969, University College, Dublin, Ireland. |
Professional History:
1969-1970 | Department of Biochemistry, University College Dublin, Research Assistant |
1970 | Biochemistry Laboratory, St. Vincent's Hospital, Dublin, Locum Clinical Biochemist |
1970-1971 | Johnson Research Foundation, Univ of Pennsylvania, Research Asst. to Dr. Britton Chance |
1974-1976 | Fogarty International Postdoctoral Fellow, Section on Functional Neurochemistry, Laboratory of Developmental Neurobiology, NICHD, NIH, Bethesda, MD. Mentor: Dr. Harold Gainer |
1978 | DAAD Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Ernahrungs Physiology, Dortmund, Germany Mentor: Dr. Alfred Maelicke |
1977-1979 | Senior Staff Fellow, Section on Functional Neurochemistry, Laboratory of Developmental Neurobiology, NICHD, NIH, Bethesda, MD |
1980-1983 | Research Chemist, Section on Functional Neurochemistry, Laboratory of Developmental Neurobiology, NICHD, NIH, Bethesda, MD |
1987-1989 | Acting Laboratory Chief, Laboratory of Neurochemistry and Neuroimmunology, NICHD, NIH, Bethesda, MD (lab closed) |
1998 | Promoted to the Senior Biomedical Research Service (top 25% of NIH scientist) |
2001-2004 | Acting Laboratory Chief, Laboratory of Developmental Neurobiology, NICHD, NIH (lab closed) |
1983-present | Chief, Section on Cellular Neurobiology, NICHD, NIH, Bethesda, MD |
Research Interests: | Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology and Endocrinology |
Professional Society Membership: |
Related Professional Activities:
- Member of the Grant Review Panel, Neurobiology Program, National Science Foundation – 1978-81
- Ad hoc member of the ADAMHA Study Section – 1985, 1997
- Ad hoc Grant Review member of NIDA Biochemistry Subcommittee – 1988
- Member of the Technical Review Committee on "Molecular Approaches to Drug Abuse Research", NIDA–1989
- Ad hoc member of NINCDS Study Section – 1989
- International Member of the British Medical Research Council Advisory Committee – 1991
- Ad hoc member of Endocrinology Study Section, NIDDK, – Feb. 1996, Oct 1996-Feb 1998, Oct 2001, Feb 2003.
- Abstract Review Committee, American Soc. Cell Biology – 1998, 2001
- Women in Endocrinology – “Online mentor” 2003
- Co-organizer – Protein Trafficking Interest Group – NIH – 1998–2010
- Grant Reviewer: National Science Foundation; Canadian National Research Council; Biotechnology Research Institute; DRG Special Review Sec. (N.I.H.), Belgian Research Foundation
- Editorial Reviewer: Journal of Biological Chemistry, Analytical Biochemistry, Endocrinology, Neuroendocrinology, Journal of Histochemistry, Journal of Clinical Investigations, Journal of Neurochemistry, Nature, International Journal of Peptide and Protein Research, FEBS Lett., The American Journal of Physiology, Molecular and Cellular Neurosciences, Nature Cell Biology, J. Cell Biology, Cell, European J. Biochemistry, FASEB J., J. Pharmacological Sciences, Endocrine, J. Cell Science, Traffic, J. Human Genetics, J Mol Neuroscience, Anatomical Record, Endocrine Reviews. Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, Tumor Biology, PloS One, PNAS.
- Member of Advisory Board for CRC Press Series "Focus on Neuroendocrine and Autonomic Regulatory Systems" 1988
- Editor of a book entitled "Mechanisms of Intracellular Trafficking and Processing of Pro-proteins," Ed. Y.P. Loh, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, 1993.
- Associate Editor: Molecular and Cellular Neurosciences 1995
- Editorial Board Member: Endocrinology 1997–2000
- Member of the Editorial Academy: International Journal of Molecular Medicine 1997–present
- Editorial Board Member: J. Molecular Neuroscience 2004–present
- Guest Editor: J. Molecular Neuroscience: Special Issue on the Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Chromaffin Cell Biology, 2012, Beijing, China.
Honors and Awards:
1971-1973 | National Institutes of Health Predoctoral Fellowship |
1974-1976 | Fogarty International Postdoctoral Fellowship |
1978 | Deutscher Academischer Austauschdienst Award |
1985 | Who is Who in the Frontiers of Science and Technology |
1986 | Pfizer Traveling Scientist |
1989 | Public Health Service "Superior Service Award" |
1989 | Superior Achievement Award in recognition of promoting Asian Pacific Islander American Activities and the mission of the NIH Equal Employment Opportunity Program |
1994 | EEO Special Achievement Award for outstanding contributions to career development of Women Scientists |
1997 | NICHD Staff recognition Award |
1998 | Asian Pacific American Organization Award for Outstanding Research; Women in Endocrinology Mentor’s Award for Outstanding Research and Mentoring, especially in promoting the careers of women scientists |
1999 | NIH Director’s Award |
2000 | FASEB Excellence in Science Award |
2001 | NIH Director’s Award for Mentoring |
1999-2010 | NICHD Staff Recognition Award |
2011 | NIH Director’s Award |
2012-2018 | NICHD Staff Recognition Award |
2018 | NICHD Merit Award for contributions as member of the Woman Scientist Advisory Committee |
2018 | NIH Office of the Director Honor Award as Mentoring Group leader for Tenure Track Investigators |
2019 | NIH Director’s Award for Women Scientist Advisors Executive Committee |
Major Lectureships:
1986 | Pfizer Lecture – Montreal Institute for Clinical Research, Montreal, Canada |
1990 | Procter and Gamble Lecture – University of Cincinnati, Ohio |
2000 | FASEB Excellence in Science Lecture – presented at the American Society for Cell Biology Annual meeting |
2001 | FASEB Excellence in Science lecture – presented at Eli Lily, Indianapolis |
2003 | Plenary lecture, 12th International Conference on Chromaffin Cell Biology, La Palma, Canary Islands |
2014 | Anita Roberts Lectureship honoring Distinguished Woman Scientists at NIH |
Grant Support:
1995-1998 | $100,000 from Danish Research Council awarded to Vicki Olsen (Grad. Student) |
1997-2000 | $300,000 Marsden Fund, Royal Society of New Zealand jointly with Dr. Nigel Birch, Univ. of Auckland |
2000 | $2500 Korean Science and Engineering Foundation awarded to Soo Kyung Kim (Grad. Student) |
1999 | $130,000 Canadian Diabetes Foundation awarded to Savita Dhanvantari |
2001-2002 | $140,000 Bench to Bedside Grant (NIH) |
2004-2007 | $90,000 US-Israel Binational Grant with Dr. lIlana Gozes, Tel-Aviv University |
2013-2015 | $60,000 Israel Cancer Research Fund (ICRF) “How does carboxypeptidase E affect Wnt signaling” Co-PI with Dr. Rina Arbesfeld, Tel Aviv University |
2014-2016 | $10,000 Pheochromocytoma-Paraganglioma Alliance. |
Adjunct Academic Appointments:
1977-1982 | Department of Biophysics, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD – Visiting Lecturer and Ph.D. thesis supervisor |
1980-1981 | External Examiner: Dept. of Biochemistry, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India |
1996 | Corresponding External Examiner, University of Otaga, New Zealand |
1998 | External Examiner, University of Montreal, Canada |
1990-2005 | Adjunct Professor, Dept of Biochemistry, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD |
2013-present | Course Director, Continuing Medical Education, Opus Medicus |
Symposium/Meeting Chairmanships:
1986 | 70th Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society, New Orleans – Oral Session Chairperson |
1990 | Chairperson of Workshop on "Post-translational protein modifications and intracellular protein transport," NIH Research Festival |
1995 | 77th Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society, Washington, D.C. – Oral Session Chairperson |
1998 | Organizer of 1st NIH-JHU Workshop on Protein Trafficking, Annapolis, MD |
2000 | Organizer of the Satellite Symposium to the International Congress on Endocrinology: Cell Biology and Pathophysiology of Peptide Hormone Processing, Secretion and Action in Auckland, New Zealand |
2002 | Organizer of 5th NIH-JHU Workshop on protein trafficking, Annapolis, MD |
2003 | Session Chair, Organizer of 6th NIH-JHU Workshop on protein trafficking, Baltimore, MD |
2004 | Organizer of 7th NIH-JHU Workshop on protein trafficking, Annapolis, MD Chairperson of Session, Summer Neuropeptide Conference, Miami, FL Chairperson of Session, Gordon Research Conference on Proprotein Processing, Trafficking and Secretion. Co-organizer and Chairperson of Symposium on Secretory Granule Biogenesis, 16th Conference of the Federation of International Associations of Anatomists, Kyoto, Japan |
2005 | Chairperson of Session, Summer Neuropeptide Conference, Miami, FL |
2006 | Program Committee, Gordon Res Conf on "Proprotein processing, trafficking & secretion" |
2006 | Organizer of 8th NIH-JHU Workshop on protein trafficking, Annapolis, MD |
2007 | Co-organizer, Summer Neuropeptide Conference, Vermont |
2007 | 81st Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society, Toronto–Oral Session Chairperson |
2008 | Program Committee and Session Chair, Gordon Res Conf on "Proprotein processing, trafficking & secretion" |
2009 | Session Chair, 14th World Congress on Advances in Oncology, Loutraki, Greece Session Chair, 12th International Symposium on Molecular Medicine, Loutraki, Greece Session Chair and organizer, 15th International Symposium on Chromaffin Cell Biology, Merida, Mexico |
2011 | Session Chair and co-organizer, Summer Neuropeptide – European Peptide Club Conference, Boston |
2012 | Program Committee member and Session Chair, Gordon Research Conference on "Proprotein processing, trafficking & secretion" |
2013 | Session Chair and organizer, 17th International Symposium on Chromaffin Cell Biology, Rouen, France |
2017 | Session Chair, 99th Endocrine Society Meeting, Orlando, FL |
Citations and Press Releases:
1979 | News and Views – Nature 278:394 |
1987 | Research News – Science 235:286 |
1997 | Research News – Nature Biotechnology 15:129 |
2002 | Chromaffin Cell Research in the New Millennium” – TIPS 23:53 |
2011 | Press releases – >40: JAMA, Internal Medicine News, CNN, VOA, NPR, etc. |
Patents and License Agreements:
- Biological Material License Agreement #L-149-94 with Worthington Biochemical Corporation for pYAP3LC clone for large scale production of yeast aspartic protease 3 (YAP3) for recombinant hormone synthesis
- Biological Material License Agreement # L-272-98/0 to Merck and Co. Inc, for yapsin 1 and anti-yapsin 1.
- Modified Growth Hormone – patent no. 7,271,150 issued 9/18/07
- Method for predicting and detecting tumor metastasis – patent no. 8,816,059 issued 8/26/14
Postdoctoral trainees:
Celia Chang (1980-1984) – Senior investigator, Wistar Institute, Philadelphia
David Parish (1984-1987) – Senior Lecturer, St. Mary`s Hospital, London
Renu Tuteja (1986-1988) – Senior Investigator, ICGEB, Trieste, Italy
Stella Elkabes (1986-1988) – Assoc Prof, Univ of Medicine and Dentistry, NJ.
Maria Castro (1986-1988) – Gene Therapeutics Res. Inst., Cedar Sinai Med Ctr., CA
Nigel Birch (1985-1991) – Senior Lecturer, U. of Auckland, New Zealand
May Wong (1987-1992) – Program Director, (extramural) NCI
Gus Hayes (1987-1994) – Scientist, Boehringer Manheim, Germany
Howard Tracer (1989-1993) – Practicing Medicine at Kaiser Permanente
Adrian Rius (1988-1991) – Practicing Medicine
Judy Hewitt (1989-1992) – Assoc Prof, U. of Maryland
Anders Bjartell (1988-1989) – Assoc Prof, Lund University, Sweden
Mogens Fenger (1989-1991) – Practicing Medicine, Copenhagen, Denmark
Toshiyuki Chikuma (1988-1989) – Assoc Prof, Showa College of Pharm. Sci., Tokyo,Japan
Ted Friedman (1989-1995) – Assoc Prof, Drew University. LA
David Cool (1991-1997) – FARE Award winner 1996, Assoc Prof, Wright State Univ. Ohio
LePing Pu (1992-1996) – Radiologist
Ana-Maria Bamberger (1993-1994) – Scientist, IHF, Hamburg, Germany
Emmanuel Normant (1995-1998) – FARE Award Winner 1997, Scientist at Parke Davis, France
Fu-Sheng Shen (1996-1999) – Scientist
Niamh Cawley (1995-present) – Staff scientist, NICHD
Savita Dhanvantari (1997- 2002) – FARE Award winner 1998, 1999, Asst Prof, Univ. Ontario, Canada
Taeyoon Kim (1999-2006) – FARE Award winner 2000, Patent Officer, USPTO
Masoumeh Assadi (2000-2004) – Bioinformatics specialist, NLM
Marjorie Gondre-Lewis (2002-2005) – Abstract Award for Minority Scientists 2003, American Society for Cell Biology; Abstract Award, Keystone Symposium on Lipid Microdomains, 2004; Assoc. Prof. Howard Univ. Washington, DC
Irina Arnauotova (2000-2006) – Trivegen Company, Sr. Scientist
Tulin Yanik (2003-2006) – Young investigator Award, Summer Neuropeptide Conference 2004; Women in Endocrinology, Abstract Award 2004; FARE Award winner 2006; Asst Prof., Middle Eastern Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
Joshua Park (2003-2009) – IRTA fellow, FARE Award winner 2006, 2008; Young Investigator’s Award, Summer Neuropeptide Conference 2006, Assistant Prof. University of Toledo
Hisatsugu Koshimizu (2006-2011) – Visiting Fellow FARE Award Winner 2007, 2010, Asst. Prof. Fujita University, Japan
Andre Phillips (2006-2009) – Postdoc IRTA fellow, Research Associate JHU
Alicja Woronowicz (2005-2009) – FARE Award Winner, 2009, Neurologist
Saravana Murthy (2008-2010) – Visiting Fellow, Research Fellow (2010-2014), FARE Award Winner, 2009, 2011, 2013, Senior Research Scientist, Consultant
Erwan Thouennon (2009-2014) – Visiting Fellow, FARE Award Winner, 2013, Nominee for Society for Endocrinology Presidential Award 2013
Yong Cheng (2011- 2016) – Visiting Fellow, FARE award winner, 2015, 2016. Prof. and Director, Center on Translational Neuroscience, Minzu University of China, Beijing
Prabhuanand Selvaraj (2011-2016) – Visiting Fellow, Research Associate USUHS
Leila Toulabi (2014-2016) – IRTA Fellow
Xuyu Yang (2014-present) – Research Fellow promoted to Staff scientist in Oct 2016
Ashley Xiao (2016-present) – IRTA Fellow, FARE Award Winner, 2018, 2019
Sangeetha Hareendran (2017-present) – Visiting Fellow
Vinay Sharma (2017- present) – Visiting Fellow, FARE Award Winner, 2019
Ph.D. Students:
Ben Szaro (1977-1982) – Prof – SUNY at Albany
Niamh Cawley (1989-1995) – Staff Scientist – NIH
Vicki Olsen (1995-1999) – Postdoctoral fellow with Prof Tom Blundell, Cambridge University, England
Nikoletta Lendvai (2014-2015) – M.D. Finishing Ph.D. – returning to Hungary for Residency
Brenda Myers (1981-1985, Junior Fellowship program- minority student) – MD, PhD, Ophthalmology Fellow, NEI
Albin Gritsch (1981-1982, Undergrad Student) – Prof of Urology, UCLA
Katrin Andreasson (1986-1987 Medical Student-HHMI Scholar) – Prof, Dept Neurology, Stanford Univ.
Marian Tan (1995-1996 High School, HHMI Student)
Diane Louie (1996-1997, Pre-IRTA Student) – Resident in Pediatrics, UCSF
Anthony Chen (1997-1999, Tech-Pre-IRTA) – Technician, FDA
Alex Maldonado (1999 -2001, Pre-IRTA) – Medical Student
Yazmin David-Rodriguez (2001-2003, Pre-IRTA) – Graduate student, Johns Hopkins Univ.
Tiffany Adams (2001-2002, NIH-Academy Scholar) – Grad. student, Georgetown Univ., Senior Scientist, Qiagen
Susan Imamura (2002-2003, NIH-Academy Scholar) – Medical student, UCLA, Psychiatrist at Kaiser Permanente
Nemish Patel (2004- 2005, pre-IRTA) – MS student (physiology)
Andrea Martin (2004-2005, NIH-Academy Scholar) – Indian Health Clinical Volunteer, NM
Meera Sridhar (2005-2006, NIH-Academy Scholar) – Medical student, Stanford Univ.
Omar Contreras (2006-2007, NIH-Academy Scholar) – MPH Student, Univ of New Mexico
Trushar Rathod (2007-2009, NIH-Academy Scholar) – Medical School student
Jenny Bhupatkar (2009-2010) – MS student, Georgetown University
Ese Odudu (2010) – MS student, Georgetown University
Najla Al-sweel (2010-2011) – MS student, Georgetown University, PhD student Cornell University
Evan Dupart (2011-2012) – pre-IRTA fellow, Medical Student Univ. of Colorado
Alexander Chen (2012-2013) – pre-IRTA fellow, PhD student, Emory University
Jane Huang (2013-2015) – pre-IRTA fellow, PhD student , University of Pittsburgh
Zhaojin Li (2015-2016) – MS student, Georgetown Univ, PhD student, Univ. of Vermont
Bassam Albraidy (2015-2016) – MS student, Georgetown Univ, PhD student, Univ. of Ottawa, Canada
Areg Peltekian (2017-2018) – Postbac student, UCSD
Visiting Scientists: on sabbatical leave
Oi Lian Kon (1989-1990) – Chair, Dept. of Biochem. Univ. of Singapore
Anahit Azaryan (1990-1991) – Head Protein Group, Inst. of Biochem., Yerevan, USSR
Fernando Estivariz (1991-1992) – Prof. Univ. La Plata, Argentina
Chunfa Zhang (1994-1995) – Director, Dalian Inst. of Biotechnology, China; (2002-2005), Director of National Laboratory, Haikou University, Hainan, China
Wensheng Li (2010-2011) – Professor, Sun Yat Sen University, Guanzhou, China
Xiaoyan Qin (2012-2013) – Professor, Minzu University of China, Beijing, China
Lin Cong (2014-2016)
Wei Yao (2015-2016)
Adjunct Academic Appointments:
1977-1982 | Department of Biophysics, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD – Visiting Lecturer and Ph.D. thesis supervisor |
1980-1981 | External Examiner: Dept. of Biochemistry, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India |
1996 | Corresponding External Examiner, University of Otaga, New Zealand |
1998 | External Examiner, University of Montreal, Canada |
1990-2005 | Adjunct Professor, Dept of Biochemistry, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD Functions to the department include being course director and lecturing in a graduate course on Molecular Neurobiology every other year; participating in the departmental seminar series and supervision of Ph.D. graduate students. |
Other Activities:
1981-1988 | Member of the Asian American Culture Committee at the National Institutes of Health. Served as Chairperson in 1982. |
1989 | Elected Council member of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Assembly of Scientists. |
1990-1991 | Appointed by the Director, NICHD to the EEO Committee |
1993-1996 | Woman Scientist Advisor for NICHD |
1993-1996 | Woman Scientist Advisor Subcommittee to the Deputy Director for Intramural Research, NIH |
1995 | Chairperson: Committee for the Margret Pittman Lecture, NIH |
1996 | Chairperson: Woman Scientist Advisory Committee, NIH |
1995-1996 | NIH Academy Working Group to promote research in Health Care Disparities |
1997-2010 | NIH Academy Advisor and Preceptor |
1998-2000 | Loan Repayment Review Committee, NIH |
1998-2013 | Senior Biomedical Research Service Review Board |
1998-2001 | Howard Hughes Medical Scholar Program – member of the Selection Committee and Student Advisor |
1999 | NICHD Scientific Director Search Committee |
2002-2005 | NIH Central Tenure Committee |
2003-2006 | Women in Endocrinology, Executive Officer |
2003-2015 | NICHD Title 42 Promotion Committee |
2005-present |
Faculty member of Faculty 1000 biology, Endocrinology Section |
2007 | Member of Dr. Zerhouni’s Intramural NIH Roadmap Working Group |
2013-2016 | Chair, Woman Scientist Advisor Executive Committee, NIH |
2016-present | Member of Woman Scientist Advisor Executive Committee, NIH |
- Erecinska M, Oshino N, Loh YP and Brocklehurst E (l973) In vitro studies in yeast cytochrome c peroxidase and its possible function in the electron transfer and energy coupling reactions. Biochem Biophys Acta 292:1-12.
- Loh YP and Peterson RP (1974) Protein specificity in phenotypically different, single, identified neurons of Aplysia. Brain Res 78:83-99.
- Loh YP and Gainer H (l975) Low molecular weight specific proteins in identified molluscan neurons. I. Synthesis and storage. Brain Res 92:181-192.
- Loh YP and Gainer H (l975) Low molecular weight specific proteins in identified molluscan neurons. II. Processing, turnover and transport. Brain Res 92: 2, 193-205.
- Loh YP, Sarne Y and Gainer H (l975) Heterogeneity of proteins synthesized, stored and released by the Bag cells of Aplysia californica. J Comp Physiol 100:4, 283-295.
- Loh YP, Barker JL and Gainer H (l976) Neurosecretory cell protein metabolism in the land snail, Otala lactea. J Neurochem 26:25-30.
- Loh YP (l976) Developmental changes in activity of choline acetyltransferase, acetyl-cholinesterase and glutamic acid decarboxylase in the central nervous system of the toad, Xenopus laevis. J Neurochem 6:1303-1305.
- Loh YP, Sarne Y, Daniels M and Gainer H (1977) Subcellular fractionation studies related to the processing of neurosecretory proteins synthesized by the Bag cells of Aplysia californica. J Neurochem 29:135-139.
- Loh YP and Jacklet J W (1977) Catecholamine and protein synthesis in the eyes of Aplysia californica. Comp Biochem Physiol 57C:159-163.
- Ruchel R, Loh YP and Gainer H (1977) A technique for the selective extraction of water-soluble polypeptides from identified neurons of Aplysia californica. Hoppe-Seyler's Z. Physiol Chem 358:659-665.
- Loh YP, Ruchel R, and Gainer H (1977) Specific, water-soluble, polypeptides in identified neurons of Aplysia californica. Hoppe-Seyler's Z. Physiol Chem 358:667-673.
- Loh YP and Gainer H (1977) The biosynthesis, processing and control of release of melanotropic peptides in the neurointermediate lobe of Xenopus laevis. J Gen Physiol 70: 37-58.
- Loh YP and Gainer H (1977) The heterogeneity of melanotropic peptides in the pars intermedia and brain. Brain Res 130:169-175.
- Loh YP and Gainer H (1978) The role of glycosylation on the biosynthesis, degradation and secretion of the ACTH-beta-lipotropin common precursor and its peptide products. FEBS Letters 96:269-272.
- Loh YP (1979) Immunological evidence for two common precursors to corticotropins, endorphins and melanotropins in the neurointermediate lobe of the toad pituitary. Proc Nat Acad Sci USA, 76:796-800.
- Loh YP, Zucker L, Verspaget H, and Wimersma Greidanus Tj. B. van, (1979) Melanotropic peptides: Presence in brain of normal and hypophysectomized rats and subcellularly localized in the synaptosomes. J Neurosci Res 4:147-156.
- Loh YP and Gainer H (1979) The role of the carbohydrate in the stabilization, processing and packaging of the glycosylated adrenocorticotropin-endorphin common precursor in toad pituitaries. Endocrinology, 105:474-487.
- Loh YP and Gainer H (1980) Evidence that glycosylation of pro-opiomelanocortin and ACTH influences their proteolysis by trypsin and blood proteases. Mol and Cell Endocrinol, 20:35-44.
- Loh YP, Eskay R L and Brownstein MJ (1980) Alpha-MSH-like peptides in rat brain: identification and changes in level during development. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 94:916-923.
- Gainer H, Loh YP and Russell JT (1980) Biosynthesis of neuronal peptides: implications for neurobiology. Prog Biochem Pharmacol 16:60-68.
- O’Donohue T, Handelmann GE, Loh YP, Olton DS, Liebowitz I, and Jacobowitz DM (1981) Comparison of biological and behavioral activities of alpha and gamma melanocyte stimulating hormone. Peptides 2:101-104.
- Loh YP and Jenks BG (1981) Evidence for two different turnover pools of ACTH, α-MSH and endorphin-related peptides released by the frog pituitary neurointermediate lobe. Endocrinology 109:54-61.
- Loh YP and Gritsch HA (1981) Evidence for intragranular processing of pro-opiocortin in the mouse pituitary intermediate lobe. Europ J Cell Biol 26:117-183.
- Loh YP, Li A, Gritsch HA, and Eskay RL (1981) Immunoreactive alpha-melanotropin and beta-endorphin in the toad pars intermedia: dissociation in storage, secretion and subcellular localization. Life Sci 29:1599-1605.
- Loh YP and Gainer H (1982) Characterization of pro-opiocortin converting activity in purified secretory granules from rat pituitary neurointermediate lobe. Proc Nat Acad Sci USA. 79:108-112.
- Loh YP and Loriaux DL (l982) ACTH, ß-LPH and endorphin related peptides in health and disease. JAMA 247:1033-1034.
- Loh YP and Chang T-L (1982) Pro-opiocortin converting activity in rat intermediate and neural lobe secretory granules. FEBS Lett 137:57-62.
- Loh YP and Chang T-L (1982) Characterization of enzymes involved in the intra- granular processing of neuropeptides. Soc for Neuroscience Short Course Syllabus.
- Loh YP, Gritsch HA and Chang T-L (1982) Pro-opiocortin processing in the pituitary: A model for neuropeptide biosynthesis. Peptides 3:397-404.
- Chappell MC, Loh YP and O`Donohue T (1982) Evidence for an opiomelanotropin acetyltransferase in the rat pituitary neurointermediate lobe. Peptides 3:405-410.
- Chang T-L, Gainer H, Russell JT and Loh YP (1982) Pro-opiocortin converting activity in bovine neurosecretory granules. Endocrinology 111:1607-1614.
- Loh YP and Gainer H (1982) Processing of normal and non-glycosylated forms of toad pro-opiocortin by rat intermediate (pituitary) lobe pro-opiocortin converting enzyme activity. Life Sci 26:3043-3050.
- Chang T-L and Loh YP (1983) Characterization of pro-opiocortin converting activity in rat anterior pituitary granules. Endocrinology 112:1832-1838.
- Szaro B, Faulkner LA, Hunt RK and Loh YP (1984) Axonal tranport of [35S] methionine labeled proteins in Xenopus optic nerve: phases of transport and the effects of nerve crush on protein patterns. Brain Res 297:337-355.
- Loh YP, Brownstein MJ and Gainer H (1984) Proteolysis in neuropeptide processing and other neural functions. Ann Rev Neurosci 7:189-222.
- Chang T-L and Loh YP (1984) In vitro processing of pro-opiocortin by membrane-associated and soluble converting enzyme activities from rat intermediate lobe secretory granules. Endocrinology 114:2092-2099.
- Hook VYH and Loh YP (1984) Carboxypeptidase B-like converting enzyme activity in secretory granules of rat pituitary. Proc Nat Acad Sci USA 81:2776-2780.
- Gainer H, Russell JT and Loh YP (1984) An aminopeptidase activity in bovine pituitary secretory vesicles that cleaves the N-terminal arginine from beta-lipotropin60-65. FEBS Lett 175:135-139.
- Loh YP, Tam WWH and Russell JT (1984) Measurement of delta-pH and membrane potential in secretory vesicles isolated from bovine pituitary intermediate lobe. J Biol Chem 259:8238-8245.
- Goldman M and Loh YP (1984) Intracellular acetylation of desacetyl alpha-MSH in the Xenopus laevis neurointermediate lobe. Peptides 5:1129-1134.
- Gainer H, Russell JT and Loh YP (1984) Angiotensin I-generating acid endopeptidase activity in neurosecretory vesicles isolated from bovine pituitary. Neuropeptides 4:447-455.
- Gainer H, Russell JT and Loh YP (1985) The enzymology and intracellular organization of peptide precursor processing: the secretory vesicle hypothesis. Neuroendocrinology 40:171-184.
- Szaro BG, Loh YP and Hunt RK (1985) Specific changes in axonally transported proteins during regeneration of the frog (X. laevis) optic nerve. J Neurosci 5:192-208.
- Loh YP, Parish DC and Tuteja R (1985) Purification and characterization of a paired basic residue-specific pro-opiomelanocortin converting enzyme from bovine pituitary intermediate lobe secretory vesicles. J Biol Chem 260:7194-7205.
- Loh YP, Myers B, Wong B, Parish DC, Lang M and Goldman M (1985) Regulation of pro-opiomelanocortin synthesis by dopamine and cAMP in the amphibian pituitary intermediate lobe. J Biol Chem 260:8956-8963.
- Loh YP and Tam WWH (1985) Association of newly synthesized pro-opiomelanocortin with secretory granule membranes in pituitary pars intermedia cells. FEBS Lett 184:40-43.
- Loh YP (1986) Kinetic studies on the processing of beta-lipotropin by bovine pituitary intermediate lobe pro-opiomelanocortin converting enzyme. J Biol Chem 261:11949-11955.
- Parish DC, Tuteja R, Altstein M, Gainer H and Loh YP (1986) Purification and characterization of a paired basic residue specific prohormone converting enzyme from bovine pituitary neural lobe secretory vesicles. J Biol Chem 261:14392-14397.
- Loh YP (1987) Peptide precursor processing enzymes within secretory vesicles. Ann. New York Acad. Sci 493:292-307.
- Loh YP, Birch NP and Castro MG (1988) Pro-opiomelanocortin and pro-vasopressin converting enzyme in pituitary secretory vesicles. Biochemie 70:11-16.
- Loh YP, Castro MG, Zeng FJ and Patel-Vaidya U (1988) Presence of pro-vasopressin mRNA, neurophysin and arginine vasopressin in mouse anterior pituitary cells and the AtT-20 corticotrophic tumor cell line. J Mol Endocrinol 1:39-48.
- Elkabes S and Loh YP (1988) Effect of salt-loading on POMC mRNA levels, POMC biosynthesis and secretion of POMC products in the mouse pituitary gland. Endocrinology 123:1754-1760.
- Loh YP (1988) The effect of pepstatin A, an inhibitor of pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) converting enzyme on POMC processing in mouse intermediate pituitary. FEBS Lett. 238:142-146.
- Elkabes S, Loh YP, Nieburgs A and Wray S (1989) Prenatal ontogenesis of pro-opiomelanocortin in the mouse central nervous system and pituitary gland: An in situ hybridization and immunocytochemical study. Dev Brain Res 46:85-95.
- Andreasson KI, Tam WWH, Feurst TO, Moss B and Loh YP (1989) Production of pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) by a vaccinia virus transient expression system and in vitro processing of the expressed prohormone by POMC-converting enzyme. FEBS Lett. 248:43-47.
- Castro MG, Birch NP and Loh YP (1989) Regulated secretion of pro-opiomelanocortin converting enzyme and an aminopeptidase B-like enzyme from dispersed bovine intermediate lobe pituitary cells. J Neurochem 52:1619-1628.
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- Dhanvantari S, Arnaoutova I, Snell CR, Steinbach PJ, Hammond K, Caputo GA, London E and Loh YP (2002) Carboxypeptidase E, a prohormone sorting receptor, is anchored to secretory granules via a C-terminal transmembrane insertion. Biochemistry 41:52-60.
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- Cawley NX, Rodriguez Y, Maldonado A, and Loh YP. (2003) Trafficking of mutant carboxypeptidase E to secretory granules in a beta-cell line derived from Cpefat/Cpefat mice. Endocrinology 144:292-298.
- Cawley NX, Chino M, Maldonado A, Rodriguez Y M, Loh Y P and Ellman J (2003) Synthesis and characterization of the first potent inhibitor of yapsin 1: implications for the study of yapsin-like enzymes. J Biol Chem 278:5523-5530.
- Dhanvantari S, Shen FS, Adams T, Snell CR, Zhang CF, Mackin RB and Loh YP (2003) Disruption of a receptor-mediated mechanism for intracellular sorting of proinsulin in familial hyperproinsulinemia. Mol Endocrinol 17:1856-1867.
- Arnaoutova I, Smith AM, Coates LC, Sharpe J, Dhanvantari S, Snell CR, Loh, YP and Birch N (2003) The prohormone processing enzyme, PC3, is a lipid-raft associated transmembrane protein. Biochemistry 42: 10445-10455.
- Loh Y P, Kim T, Rodriguez Y and Cawley NX (2003) Secretory granule biogenesis and neuropeptides sorting to the regulated secretory pathway in neuroendocrine cells. J Mol Neurosci 22:63-71.
- Assadi M, Sharpe J, Snell C and Loh YP (2004) The C-terminus of prohormone convertase 2 is sufficient and necessary for raft association and sorting to the regulated secretory pathway. Biochemistry 43:7798-7807.
- Voutetakis A, Kok M, Zheng C, Bossis I, Wang J, Cotrim A, Marracino N, Goldsmith C, Chiorini J, Loh Y P, Nieman L and Baum B (2004) Reengineered salivary glands are stable endogenous bioreactors for systemic gene therapeutics. Proc Nat Acad Sci 101:3053-3058.
- Cawley NX, Zhou J, Hill J, Abebe D, Romboz S, Yanik T, Rodriguiz R, Wetsel W and Loh Y P (2004) The carboxypeptidase E knockout mouse exhibits endocrinological and behavioral deficits. Endocrinology 145:5807-5819.
- Michael D, Geng X, Cawley N, Loh Y P, Rhodes C, Drain P and Chow R (2004) Fluorescent cargo proteins in pancreatic beta cells: Design determines secretion kinetics at exocytosis. Biophys J 87:L03-L05.
- Lou H, Kim S-K, Zaitsev E, Snell C, Lu B and Loh Y P (2005) Sorting and activity-dependent secretion of BDNF require interaction of motif I16D18I105E106 with the sorting receptor, carboxypeptidase E. Neuron 45:245-255. Reviewed by K. Thomas and A. Davies in Current Biol. (2005) 15:262-264 and commented in American J. Clinical Pathology News, US Pharmacist Clinical Digest and US Medicine Information Central
- Wang J, Cawley NX, Voutetakis A, Rodriguez Y, Goldsmith C, Nieman L, Hoque S, Frank S, Snell C, Loh YP * and Baum B (2005) Partial re-direction of transgenic human growth hormone secretion from rat salivary glands. *Co-corresponding author. Human Gene Ther 16:571-583.
- Kim T, Zhang C, Sun Z, Wu H and Loh YP (2005) Chromogranin A deficiency in transgenic mice leads to aberrant chromaffin granule biogenesis. J Neurosci 25: 6958-6961.
- Kim T and Loh Y P (2005) Chromogranin A: The surprise link between granule biogenesis and hypertension. J Clin Invest 115:1711-1713.
- Zhu X, Wu K, Rife L, Cawley N, Brown B, Adams T, Teofilo K, Lillo C, Williams D, Loh YP* and Craft C (2005) Carobxypeptidase E is essential for normal synaptic transmission from photoreceptors to the inner retina. *Co-corresponding author. J Neurochem 95:1351-1362.
- Yanik T, Dominguez G, Kuhar M, Miraglia Del Guidice E and Loh YP (2006) The Leu34Phe pro-CART mutation leads to CART deficiency: A possible cause of obesity in humans. Endocrinology 147:39-43.
- Kim T and Loh YP (2006) Protease Nexin-1 regulates granule protein stability and secretory granule biogenesis at the golgi. Mol Biol Cell 17:789-798.
- Gondre-Lewis M, Petrache H, Wassif C, Harries D, Parsegian A, Porter F and Loh YP (2006) Abnormal sterols cause secretory granule malformation in cholesterol deficiency diseases and decreased membrane curvature. J Cell Sci 119:1876-1885.
- Kim T, Gondre-Lewis M, Arnaoutova I and Loh YP (2006) Dense-core Secretory Granule Biogenesis. Physiology 21:124-133.
- Lou H, Smith A, Coates L, Loh YP and Birch N (2007) The transmembrane domain of the prohormone convertase PC3: A key motif for targeting to the regulated secretory pathway. Mol Cell Endocrinol 267:17-25.
- Park J, Cawley N and Loh YP (2008) Carboxypeptidase E cytoplasmic tail – driven vesicle transport is key for activity-dependent secretion of peptide hormones. Mol Endo 22:989-1005.
- Samuni Y, Cawley N, Zheng C, Cotrim A, Loh YP and Baum B. (2008) Sorting behavior of a transgenic erythropoietin-growth hormone fusion protein in murine salivary glands. Human Gene Ther 19:279-286.
- Samuni Y, Zheng C, Cawley NX, Cotrim A, Loh YP, and Baum BJ (2008) Sorting of growth hormone-erythropoietin fusion proteins in rat salivary glands. Biochem Biophys Res Comm 373:136-139.
- Arnaoutova I, Kim T, Patel N, Cawley N and Loh YP. (2008) Aquaporin 1 is important for maintaining dense core granule biogenesis in endocrine cells. Mol Endo 22:1924-1934.
- Park J and Loh YP (2008) How peptide hormone vesicles are transported to the secretion site for exocytosis. Mol Endo 22:2583-95.
- Park J, Cawley N and Loh YP (2008) A bi-directional carboxypeptidase E-driven transport mechanism controls BDNF vesicle homeostasis in hippocampal neurons. Mol Cell Neurosci 39:63-73.
- Woronowicz A, Koshimizu H, Chang S-Y, Cawley N, Hill J, Rodriguiz RM, Abebe D, Dorfman C, Senatorov V, Zhou A, Xiong Z-G, Wetsel WC and Loh YP. (2008) Absence of carboxypeptidase E leads to adult hippocampal neuronal degeneration and memory deficits. Hippocampus 18:1051-63.
- Park J, Koshimizu H and Loh Y P (2009). Biogenesis and transport of secretory granules to release site in neuroendocrine cells. J Mol Neurosci 37(2):151-59.
- Koshimizu H, Senatorov V, Loh YP, Gozes I (2009). Neuroprotection Protein and Carboxypeptidase E. J Mol Neurosci. 39(1-2):1-8.
- Woronowicz A, Cawley NX, Chang SY, Koshimizu H, Phillips AW, Xiong ZG, Loh YP (2009). Carboxypeptidase E knockout mice exhibit abnormal dendritic arborization and spine morphology in central nervous system neurons. J Neurosci Res. 88(1): 64-72.
- Zhang X, Zhu J, Loh YP, Berghman LR (2009). Carboxypeptidase E, an essential element of the regulated secretory pathway, is expressed and partially co-localized with chromogranin A in chicken thymus. Cell Tissue Res. 337(3): 371-79.
- Plum L, Lin H, Dutia R, Tanaka J, Aizawa K, Matsumoto M, Kim A, Cawley NX, Paik J, Loh YP, Depinho R, Wardlaw S and Accili D (2009). The obesity susceptibility gene Carboxypeptidase E links FoxO1 signaling in hypothalamic pro-opiomelanocortin neurons with regulation of food intake. Nature Medicine 15(10):1195-1201.
- Koshimizu H, Kim T, Cawley NX, Loh YP. (2010) Chromogranin A: A new proposal for trafficking, processing and induction of granule biogenesis. Regul Pept. 160:153-159.
- Voutetakis, A. Cotrim, A.P., Rathod, T., Zheng, C., Yanik, T., Loh, Y.P., Baum, B.J., Cawley,N.X. (2010) Systemic delivery of bioactive glucagon-like peptide 1 following adenoviral mediated gene transfer in the murine salivary gland. Endocrinology, Sep; 151(9):4566-72. Epub 2010 Jul 7
- Lou, H., Park, J.J., Cawley, N.X., Sarcon, A., Sun, L., Adams, T., Loh, Y.P. (2010) Carboxypeptidase E cytoplasmic tail mediates synaptic vesicle tethering at the presynaptic membrane in hypothalamic neurons and PC12 cells. J Neurochem Aug; 114(3):886-96. Epub 2010 May 18
- Murthy S, Pacak K, Loh YP. (2010) Carboxypeptidase E: Elevated expression correlated with tumor growth and metastasis in pheochromocytomas and other cancers. Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, 30:1377-1381
- Cawley, N.X.*, Yanik, T.*, Woronowicz, A., Chang, W., Marini, J.C. and Loh, Y.P. (2010). The Obese Carboxypeptidase E Knockout Mouse Exhibit Multiple Defects in Peptide Hormone Processing Contributing to Low Bone Mineral Density. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab Aug; 299(2):E189-97. Epub 2010 May 11. (*joint first authors)
- Park JJ, Gondre-Lewis MC, Eiden LE and Loh YP. (2011) A distinct trans-Golgi network subcompartment for sorting of synaptic and granule proteins in neurons and neuroendocrine cells. J Cell Sci. 124:735-44.
- Lee, T.K.*, Murthy, S.R.K.*, Cawley, N.X., Dhanvantari, S., Hewitt, S.M., Lou, H., Lau, T., Ma, S., Huynh, T., Wesley, R.A., Ng, I.O., Pacak, K., Poon, R.T. and Loh, Y.P.(2011) An N-terminal truncated carboxypeptidase E splice isoform induces tumor growth and is a biomarker for predicting future metastasis in human cancers. J Clin Invest Mar 1;121(3):880-92. Epub 2011 Feb 1. (*joint first authors)
- Koshimizu, H., Cawley, N.X., Kim, T., Yergey, A.L. and Loh, Y.P.(2011) Serpinin: A novel chromogranin A-derived, secreted peptide up-regulates Protease Nexin-1 expression and granule biogenesis in endocrine cells. Mol Endo May;25(5):732-44. Epub 2011 Mar 24
- Cawley, N.X., Lou, H., Portela-Gomes, G. and Loh, Y.P. (2011),Yapsin 1 immunoreactivity in ralpha cells of human pancreatic Islets: Implications for the processing of human proglucagon by mammalian aspartic proteases. J Endocrinology; 210(2):181-7. Epub 2011 Jun 1
- Koshimizu, H., Cawley, N.X., Yergey, A.L. and Loh, Y.P.(2011), Role of pGlu-serpinin, a novel chromogranin A-derived peptide in inhibition of cell death. J Mol Neurosci., 45(2):294-303. Epub 2011 May 3
- Bartolomucci, A., Possenti, R., Mahata, S.K., Fischer-Colbrie, R., Loh, Y. P. and Salton S.R.J. (2011), The Extended Granin Family: Structure, Function, and Biomedical Implications. Endocrine Reviews. 32(6):755-97. Epub 2011 Aug 23.
- Tota B., Gentile, S., Pasqua, T., Bassino E., Koshimizu, H., Cawley, N.X., Cerra, M.C., Loh Y.P.*, and Angelone T *.(2012), The novel chromogranin A-derived serpinin and pyroglutaminated serpinin peptides are positive cardiac beta-adrenergic-like inotropes. FASEB J. 26(7):2888-98. Epub 2012 Mar 29. * co-corresponding authors.
- Cawley NX, Sridhar M, Hong H and Loh P. Exploring the membrane topology of prohormone convertase 1 in AtT20 Cells: in situ analysis by immunofluorescence microscopy. F1000Research 2012, 1:9 ( )
- Lee, C., Hu, J. Ralls, S., Kitamura, T., Mukouyama, Y., Loh, YP., and Ahn, S., (2012) The molecular profiles of neural stem cell niche in the adult subventricular zone. PloS One 7(11):e50501, E-pub 2012 Nov 29.
- Cawley, N.X., Wetsel, W.C., Murthy, S.R., Park, J.J., Pacak, K., and Loh, Y.P. (2012) New roles of carboxypeptidase E in endocrine and neural function and cancer. Endocrine Reviews 33:216-253.
- Lou H, Park J.J., Phillips, A. and Loh, Y.P. (2013), γ-Adducin promotes process outgrowth and secretory protein exit from the Golgi apparatus. J Mol Neurosci 49(1):1-10.
- Skalka, N., Caspi, M., Caspi, E., Loh, Y. P., Rosin-Arbesfeld, R. (2013) Carboxypeptidase E: a negative regulator of the canonical Wnt signaling pathway. Oncogene 32(23):2836-47.
- Crippa, L., Bianco, M., Colombo, B., Gasparri, A.M., Ferrero, E., Loh, Y.P., Curnis, F. and Corti, A. (2013) A new chromogranin A-dependent angiogenic switch activated by thrombin. Blood 121:392-402.
- Woronowicz, A., Cawley, N.X., and Loh, Y.P. (2013) Carbamazepine prevents hippocampal neurodegeneration in mice lacking the neuroprotective protein, carboxypetidase E. Clinic Pharmacol Biopharmaceut S1:002. doi:10.4172/2167-065X.S1-002.
- Murthy S.R. K., Thouennon ,E, Li W-S, Cheng Y, Bhupatkar J, Cawley, N.X., Lane, M, Merchenthaler, I, and Loh, Y.P. (2013) Carboxypeptidase E Protects Hippocampal Neurons During Stress in Male Mice by Up-Regulating Pro-Survival BCL2 Protein Expression. Endocrinology 154: 3284-3293.
- Cheng, Y., Cawley, N.X., and Loh, Y.P., (2013) Carboxypeptidase E/NFα1: a new neurotrophic factor against oxidative stress-induced apoptotic cell death mediated by ERK and PI3-K/AKT pathways. PLoS One 8(8):e71578, doi:10.371/journal.pone.0071578
- Murthy, S.R.K., Dupart, E., Al-Sweel, N., Chen, A., Cawley, N.X., and Loh, Y. P. (2013). Carboxypeptidase E promotes Cancer Cell Survival, but inhibits Migration and Invasion. Cancer Lett. 341:204-213.
- Qin, X.Y.* Cheng, Y.*, Murthy, S.R.K., Selvaraj, P., and Loh, Y.P. (2014) Carboxypeptidase E-ΔN, a neuroprotein transiently expressed during development protects embryonic neurons against glutamate neurotoxicity. PLoS One 9(11):e112996. * Joint first author
- Cheng, Y., Rodriguiz, R.M., Murthy, S.R.K., Senatorov, V., Thouennon, E., Cawley, N.X., Aryal, D., Ahn, S., Lecka-Czernik, B., Wetsel, W.C. and Loh, Y.P. (2015) Neurotrophic Factor-α1 prevents stress-induced depression through enhancement of neurogenesis and is activated by rosiglitazone. Mol Psychiatry 20(6):744-54.
- Pasqua T., Tota, B., Penna C., Corti A., Cerra M.C., Loh Y. P.*, and Angelone T*. (2015) pGlu-serpinin protects the normotensive and hypertensive heart from ischemic injury. J Endocrinol 227(3):167-178. * Co-corresponding author
- Selvaraj, P., # Huang, J. S.W., # Chen, A., Skalka, N., Rosin-Abesfeld R. and Loh, Y.P. (2015) Neurotrophic factor-α1 modulates NGF-induced neurite outgrowth through interaction with Wnt-3a and Wnt-5a in PC12 cells and cortical neurons. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 11;68:222-233.
- Thouennon, E., Cheng, Y., Falahatian, V., Cawley, N.X., and Loh, Y.P. (2015) Rosiglitazone-activated PPARγ induces neurotrophic factor-α1 transcription contributing to neuroprotection. J Neurochem. 134(3):463-70.
- Cawley, N.X., Rathod, T., Young, S., Lou, H., Birch, N.P. and Loh.Y.P. (2016) Carboxypeptidase E and Secretogranin III coordinately facilitate efficient sorting of pro-opiomelanocortin to the regulated secretory pathway in AtT20 cells. Mol Endo 2016 Jan;30(1):37-47.
- Cawley, N.X., Li, Z. and Loh, Y.P. (2016) 60 YEARS OF POMC: Biosynthesis, trafficking, and secretion of pro-opiomelanocortin-derived peptides. J Mol Endocrinol. 56(4):T77-97 Epub 2016 Feb 15. Review.
- Huang, S-H#, Wu, H-D.,I , Chen, Y-T Murthy, S.R., Chiu, Y.T., Chang Y., Chang I.C., Yang, X., and Loh, Y.P.# (2016) Carboxypeptidase E is a prediction marker for tumor recurrence in early stage hepatocellular carcinoma. Tumour Biol. 37(7):9745-53. doi: 10.1007/s13277-016-4814-7. #Co-corresponding author.
- Cheng, Y. *, Cawley, N.X. *, Yanik, T., Murthy, S.R.K., Liu, C,. Kasikci, F., Abebe, D. and Loh, Y.P. (2016) A Human Carboxypeptidase E gene mutation in an Alzheimer’s Disease patient causes neurodegeneration, memory deficits and depression. Translational Psychiatry 2016 Dec 6;6(12):e973. doi: 10.1038/tp.2016.23. * Joint first author
- Cheng, Y., Loh, Y. P., and Birch N.P. (2017) Neuroserpin attenuates H2O2-induced oxidative stress in hippocampal neurons via Akt and BCL-2 signaling pathways. J. Mol. Neuroscience doi: 10.1007/s12031-016-0807-7. Epub 2016 Aug 11.
- Skalka, N., Caspi, M., Lavav-Ariel, L., Loh, Y.P., Hirschberg, K. and Rosin-Arbesfeld, R. (2016) Carboxypeptidase E (CPE) inhibits the secretion and activity of wnt3a. Oncogene 35(50):6416-6428.
- Qin, X-Y.*, Feng, J.-C.*, Cao, C., Wu, H-T, Loh, Y.P., and Cheng, Y. (2016) Association of Peripheral Blood Levels of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor With Autism Spectrum Disorder in Children: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. JAMA Pediatrics 2016 Nov 1;170(11):1079-1086. doi: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2016.1626.* Joint first author
- Qin, X-Y., Zhang,S-P., Cao,C., Loh, Y.P., and Cheng, Y. (2016) Aberrations in Peripheral Inflammatory Cytokine Levels in Parkinson Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. JAMA Neurology 2016 Nov 1;73(11):1316-1324. doi: 10.1001/jamaneurol.2016.2742.
- Cheng, Y., Li, Z., Kardami, E. and Loh, Y.P. (2016) Neuroprotective effects of LMW and HMW FGF2 against amyloid beta toxicity in primary cultured hippocampal neurons. Neuroscience Lett. 2016 Oct 6;632:109-13. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2016.08.031.
- Selvaraj, P., Xiao, L., Lee, C., Murthy, S. R. K., Cawley, N.X., Lane, M., Merchenthaler, I., Ahn, S. and Loh, Y.P. (2017) Neurotrophic Factor-α1: A Key Wnt-β-Catenin Dependent Anti-Proliferation Factor and ERK-Sox9 Activated Inducer of Embryonic Neural Stem Cell Differentiation to Astrocytes in Neurodevelopment. Stem Cells. 2017 Mar;35(3):557-571.
- Qin, X.Y., Cao, C., Cawley, N.X., Liu, T.T., Yuan, J., Loh, Y.P., and Cheng, Y. (2017) Decreased peripheral brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels in Alzheimer's disease: a meta-analysis study (N=7277). Molecular Psychiatry. 2017 Feb;22(2):312-320. doi: 10.1038/mp.2016.62. Epub 2016 Apr 26.
- Cong, L., Cheng Y. Cawley, N.X., Murthy S.R.K. and Loh, Y.P. (2017) A Novel Single Nucleotide T980C Polymorphism in the Human Carboxypeptidase E Gene Results in Loss of Neuroprotective Function. PloS One 2017 Jan 23;12(1):e0170169.
- Imbrogno S., Mazza R., Pugliese C., Filice M., Angelone T., Loh YP., Tota B., and Cerra MC. (2017) The chromogranin A-derived pyroglutaminated serpinin depresses myocardial performance in teleost and amphibian hearts. General and Comparative Endocrinology 2017 Jan 1;240:1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ygcen.2016.09.004. Epub 2016 Sep 12.
- Qin, X-Y, Wu, HT, Cao C, Loh, YP, Cheng Y. (2017) A meta-analysis of peripheral blood nerve growth factor levels in patients with schizophrenia. Mol Psychiatry. 2017 Sep;22(9):1306-1312. doi: 10.1038/mp.2016.235.
- Xiao, L.,* Chang, S-Y,* Xiong, Z-G., Selveraj, P. and Loh, Y.P. (2017) Absence of Carboxypeptidase E/Neurotrophic Factor-α1 in Knock-Out Mice Leads to Dysfunction of BDNF-TRKB Signaling in Hippocampus. J Mol Neurosci 62(1):79-87. * Joint first author
- Jonklaas,J.#@ Murthy, S.R.K. #, Liu, D. , Klubo-Gwezdzinska, J., Krishnan, K.D., Burman, L. Boyle, N., Carrol, E., Felger, and Y. P. Loh@. (2017). Novel Biomarker STY12 may contribute to predicting papillary thyroid cancer outcomes. Future Science OA 4(1):FSO249. # Joint first author. @ Co-Corresponding author
- Xiao, L., Yang X, Sharma VK, and Loh YP. (2019) Cloning, gene regulation, and neuronal proliferation functions of novel N-terminal-truncated carboxypeptidase E/neurotrophic factor-αl variants in embryonic mouse brain. FASEB J. 2019 Jan;33(1):808-820. 2018 Jul 31:fj201800359R. doi: 10.1096/fj.201800359R. [Epub ahead of print]
- Xiao, L., Yang X, and Loh YP. (2019). Neurotrophic, Gene Regulation, and Cognitive Functions of Carboxypeptidase E-Neurotrophic Factor-α1 and Its Variants. Frontiers in Neuroscience 13:243.
- Yang , X., Lou H, Chen Y-T, Huang S-H and Loh YP. (2019) A novel 40kD N-terminal truncated Carboxypeptidase E splice variant: Cloning, cDNA sequence analysis and role in regulation of metastatic genes in human cancers. Genes and Cancer 10.18632/genesandcancer.193 (E-Published July 15, 2019).
Manuscripts Submitted:
- Park, JJ, Murphy, K. and Loh, YP. Snapin links peptidergic vesicles to microtubule-based transport via its interaction with carboxypeptidase E-NFα1.
- Xiao L., Sharma, V., Toulabi L., Yang X., Lee C., Abebe D., Peltekian A., Arnaoutova I., and Loh Y.P. Neurotrophic factor-α1, not BDNF, is critical in preventing stress-induced hippocampal CA3 cell death and cognitive dysfunction in mice.
- Sharma, V., Yang X., Sanchez, D., Kim K-S., Hareendran S., Xiao L., Anguita, P., Toulabi L., Lou H., Goddard, W., and Loh, Y.P. Neurotrophic factor-α1 interaction with HTR1E-serotonin receptor activates ERK-BCL2 signaling to mediate cell survival.
- Chen X.,Li Z., Cheng Y., Kardami E. and Loh Y.P. Low and high molecular weight FGF-2 have differential effects on astrocyte proliferation, but are both protective against Aβ-induced cytotoxicity.
- Hareendran S., Yang X., Cong L., Lou H., Loh YP. Carboxypeptidase E-ΔN promotes proliferation and invasion of pancreatic cancer cells via up-regulation of CXCR2 gene expression.
- Hareendran S., Albraidy B., Yang X., Jones J.C., Breggia A., Killingsworth B., and Loh Y.P. Exosomal carboxypeptidase E confers and CPE-shRNA loaded exosomes inhibit tumorigenesis.
- Chougule A., KoliV., BaroiS., CzernikP., Loh Y.P. and Lecka-Czernik B. Dual role of carboxypeptidase E(CPE) in regulation of energy metabolism and bone mass.
- Hareendran, S, Yang, X. and Y. Peng Loh. Role of carboxypeptidase E in cancer progression and metastasis.
Invited Book Chapters and Articles:
- Peterson R P, and Loh YP. (1973) The role of macromolecules in neuronal function in Aplysia. In: Progress in Neurobiology, (Pergammon), G.A. Kerkut, and J.W Phillis, (Eds.), Vol. II, Part 2.
- Gainer H, Loh YP and Sarne Y. (1977) The biosynthesis of neuronal peptides. In: Peptides in Neurobiology, (Plenum), Gainer H (Ed.), pp. 183-219.
- Ruchel R, Loh YP and Gainer H. (1981) Polyacrylamide gel eletrophoresis: Principles, techniques and micromethods. In: Methods in Neurobiology, Lahue R (Ed.), Vol. 2, Plenum Press, N.Y., pp. 245-300.
- Loh YP, Jenks B J and Broadwell RD. (1981) The role of the carbohydrate in the stabilization, processing and packaging of pro-ACTH/alpha-MSH/endorphin in frog and mouse pituitary neurointermediate lobes. In: Biosynthesis, Modification and Processing of Cellular and Viral Polyproteins, Koch, G. and Richter, D. (Eds.), Academic Press, New York, pp. 151-162.
- Loh YP. (1981) Processing, turnover and release of corticotropins, endorphins, and melanotropin in the toad pituitary. In: Peptides of the pars intermedia, Ciba Fdn. Symp.81, Evered C, and Lawrenson G (Eds.): Pitman Medical, London, pp. 55-78.
- Gainer H, Loh YP and Neale EA. (1982) The organization of post-translational precursor processing in peptidergic neurosecretory cells. In: Proteins of the Nervous System: Structure and Function, Haber B, Blankenship J and McAdoo D (Eds.), Alan Liss Inc., New York, pp. 131-145.
- Loh YP and Gainer H. (1983) Biosynthesis and processing of neuropeptides. In: Brain Peptides, Krieger D, Brownstein M, and Martin J (Eds.), New York, Academic Press, Vol. 1, pp. 79-116.
- Loh YP, Parish DC and Tuteja R. (1984) Proteolytic processing of pro-opiomelano-cortin by a unique Lys-Arg specific prohormone converting enzyme in bovine pars intermedia secretory vesicles. In: Endocrinology, Labrie F and Proulx L (Eds.), Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 393-396.
- Loh YP. (1985) Prohormone converting enzymes in pituitary. In: Biogenetic of Neurohormonal Peptides, Hakanson R and Thorell J (Eds.), Academic Press, New York, pp. 151-169.
- Loh YP and Gainer H. (1987) Biosynthesis and processing of neuropeptides. In: Brain Peptides, Martin J, Brownstein M and Kreiger D (Eds.), New York, Academic Press, Vol. 2, 1-8.
- Szaro B G and Loh YP. (1987) Changes in axonal transport and glial proteins during optic nerve regeneration in the X. laevis. In: Current Topics in Developmental Biology, Moscona A, Monroy J and Hunt R K (Eds.), New York, Academic Press, pp. 217-253.
- Loh YP. (1987) Neuropeptides: Biosynthesis and Function. In: Integration and Control of Metabolic Processes: Pure and Applied Aspects, Kon, O.L., et al., (Eds.), ICSU Press, Cambridge, England, pp. 153.
- Loh YP and Parish DC. (1988) Processing of Neuropeptide Precursors. In: Neuropeptides and Their Peptidases, Turner, A.J. (Ed.), England, Ellis-Horwood, pp. 65.
- Loh YP, Elkabes S and Myers B A. (1988) Regulation of pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) biosynthesis in the amphibian and mouse pituitary intermediate lobe. In: Melanotropic Peptides, Hadley, M.E. (Ed.), Boca Raton, Florida, CRC Press, Vol. 1, pp. 85-101.
- Loh YP. (1988) Processing of pro-opiomelanocortin and other peptide precursors by unique secretory vesicle enzymes. Proceedings of the Alfred Benzon Symposium No. 25, Molecular Mechanisms in Secretion, pp. 525-543.
- Birch N P and Loh YP. (1989) Proteases in protein maturation. In: Proteolytic Enzymes-A Practical Approach. Beynon, R.J. and Bond, J.S. (Eds.), IRL Press, Oxford, England, pp. 211-230.
- Loh YP, Rius RA, Elkabes S, Bem W and Coscia C. (1991) Prenatal expression and processing of pro-opiomelanocortin and the m-opiate receptor in mouse embryo. NIDA monograph on "Molecular Approaches to Drug Abuse Research", Vol. 1, pp 96-112.
- Loh YP, Andreasson K I and Birch NP. (1991) Intracellular trafficking and processing of pro-opiomelanocortin. Cell Biophysics, Vol 19, pp. 73-83.
- Loh YP. (1992) Molecular Mechanisms of ß-Endorphin Biosynthesis: A commentary Biochemical Pharmacology, 44:843-849.
- Loh YP, Beinfeld M and Birch NP. Proteolytic processing of prohormones and pro-neuropeptides. (1993) In: Mechanisms of Intracellular Trafficking and Processing of Pro-proteins, Y.P. Loh (ed). CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, pp 179-224.
- Carraway R and Loh YP. (1993) Post-translational processing of regulatory peptide. In: Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology, Gastrointestinal Hormones, David R. Brown (ed). Springer Verlag, New York Vol. 106, pp. 69-104.
- Loh YP and Cawley NX. (1994) Strategies and techniques for endoproteolytic processing enzyme purification and characterization. In series on Processing of Neuropeptides in Neuroprotocols. Beinfeld M C (ed). Academic Press, San Diego 5, 122-129.
- Loh YP, Cawley NX, Friedman TC and Pu L-P. (1995) "Yeast and mammalian, basic residue-specific aspartic proteases in prohormone conversion." In: Aspartic Proteinases. Takahashi, K. (ed) Plenum Press, New York, pp. 519-527.
- Azaryan AV, Friedman TC, Cawley NX and Loh YP. (1995) Characteristics of YAP3, a new prohormone processing aspartic protease from S. cerevisiae. In: Aspartic Proteinases. Takahashi, K. (ed) Plenum Press, New York, pp. 569-572.
- Loh YP and Cawley, NX. (1995) Processing enzymes of the pepsin family: Yeast aspartic protease 3 and pro-opiomelanocortin converting enzyme. In: Methods in Enzymology. Barrett, A.J. (ed) 248:136-145.
- Loh YP, Snell CR and Cool DR. (1996) Evidence for a receptor-mediated mechanism for sorting pro-opiomelanocortin to the regulated secretory pathway. In: Advances in Life Sciences. Krisch B and Mentlein R (eds) Birkhäuser Press, Switzerland, pp. 47-54.
- Loh YP, Snell CR and Cool DR. (1997) Receptor-mediated targeting of hormones to secretory granules: Role of Carboxypeptidase E. Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism 8:130-137.
- Olsen V, Cawley NX and Loh YP. (1998) Yapsin1: Structure, biosynthesis and specificity. In: Structure and Function of Aspartic Proteinases: Retroviral and Cellular Enzymes. James, M.N.G. (ed) Plenum Publishing Corp. New York 436:315-319.
- Cawley NX and Loh YP. (1998) Yapsin 1 (Yeast Aspartic Protease 3). In: Handbook of Proteolytic Enzymes, Barrett, A. J., Rawlings, N.D., and Woessner, J.F. (eds) Academic Press, London. pp. 905-907
- Loh YP. (1998) Yapsin 3 (Pro-opiomelanocortin Converting Enzyme). In: Handbook of Proteolytic Enzymes, Barrett, A. J., Rawlings, N.D., and Woessner, J.F. (eds) Academic Press, London. pp. 910-911
- Cawley NX, Cool DC, Normant E, Shen F-S, Olsen V and Loh YP. (1998) The mechanism of sorting pro-opiomelanocortin to secretory granules and its processing by aspartic and PC enzymes. In: Proteolytic and Cellular Mechanisms in Prohormone Processing. Hook, V.Y.H. (Ed.), Landes Bioscience Publishers, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg pp. 29-48.
- Loh, YP, Maldonado, A, Zhang, C-F, Tam WH and Cawley, NX. (2002) Mechanism of sorting pro-opiomelanocortin and pro-enkephalin to the regulated secretory pathway of neuroendocrine cells. Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 971:416-425.
- Kim T, Tao-Cheng JH, Eiden, LE and Loh, YP. (2002) Large dense-core secretory granule biogenesis is under the control of chromogranin A in neuroendocrine cells. Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 971:323-331.
- Loh, YP. (2002) Yapsin 3 (Pro-opiomelanocortin Converting Enzyme). In: Handbook of Proteolytic Enzymes, (2nd Edition) Barrett, A. J., Rawlings, N.D., and Woessner, J.F. (eds) Academic Press, London.
- Cawley, NX and Loh, YP. (2002) Yapsin 1 (Yeast Aspartic Protease 3). In: Handbook of Proteolytic Enzymes, (2nd edition) Barrett, A. J., Rawlings, N.D., and Woessner, J.F. (eds) Academic Press, London.
- Dhanvantari S, Cawley NX and Loh YP. (2004) Prohormone Convertases. Encyclopedia of Endocrine Disease 4:83-90.
- Kim T, Gondre-Lewis M, Arnaoutova I, Cawley N and Loh YP. (2005) Neurosecretory protein trafficking and dense-core granule biogenesis in neuroendocrine cells. In: Handbook of Neurochemistry and Molecular Neurobiology, Vol 7 Ch 10 (eds Lajtha and Banik) Springer Verlag (publisher).
- Cawley N, Yanik T, Arnaoutova I, Lou H, Patel N and Loh YP. (2007) Techniques in Neuropeptide Processing, Trafficking and Secretion. In: Methods in Neurobiology. Gozes I (ed) Humana Press, pg. 67-96.
- Cawley, NX. and Loh, YP. Yapsin 1. (2011) In: Handbook of Proteolytic Enzymes, Rawlings, N.D. and Smaldon, W. (Eds.) 3rd Edition, Academic Press, London.
- Loh, Y.P. and Cawley, N.X. (2011) Yapsin A. In: Handbook of Proteolytic Enzymes, Rawlings, N.D. and Smaldon, W. (Eds.) 3rd Edition, Academic Press, London.
- Park, JJ. and Loh, YP. (2011) Visualization of peptide secretory vesicles in living nerve cells. In Neuropeptides: Methods and Protocols, Chapter 8. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 789, Adalbedo Merighi (ed.), Springer
- Loh, YP., Koshimizu, H., Cawley, NX, Tota B. (2012) Serpinins: Role in granule biogenesis, inhibition of cell death and cardiac function. Curr Med Chem. 2012 19(24):4086-92 Jul 26.
- Gondre-Lewis, MC, Park, JJ, and Loh, YP. (2012) Cellular Mechanisms for the Biogenesis and Transport of Synaptic and Dense-Core Vesicles, International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology, vol. 299, chapter 2. pp 27-115
- Loh, YP., Cheng Y, Mahata SK, Corti A and Tota B. (2012) Chromogranin A and derived peptides in health and disease. J. Mol. Neurosci. 48(2):347-56, 2012 Mar 3.
- Loh, YP and Kolli, V. (2013) Isolation and enrichment of mouse marrow mesenchymal stem cells. Intramural Pluripotent Stem Cell Protocols (Version 1.0) E-Book. Editor: Joshua Hunsberger, Ch. 8.
- Loh, YP. and Selvaraj, P. (2013) Isolation and generation of neurospheres from cortex of embryonic (E) 13.5 mouse. Intramural Pluripotent Stem Cell Protocols (Version 1.0) E-Book. Editor: Joshua Hunsberger, Ch. 8.
- Cheng Y, Cawley N.X, and Loh Y.P. (2014) Carboxypeptidase E (NF-α1): A new trophic factor in neuroprotection. Neuroscience bulletin, 30(4):692-696.
- Cawley, N.X., Dhanvantari, S, Huang, J., and Loh, Y.P. (2014) Prohormone Convertases In: Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences, Ch. 4074, Caplan, M. and Martini, L. (Eds.).
- Loh, Y.P. (2015) Continuing Medical Course: 10093 New Roles of Carboxypeptidase E in Endocrine and Neural Function and Cancer.
- Loh, Y.P. (2015) Continuing Medical Course: 10095 The Extended Granin Family: Structure, Function, and Biomedical Implications.
- Loh, Y.P., Cawley, N.X., Woronowicz, A.and Troger, J. (2016) Serpinin Peptides: Tissue Distribution and Functions, In Chromogranins: from Cell Biology to Physiology and Biomedicine, pg 213-228, Tota, B., Cerra, M.C., Angelone,T (Eds). Publisher: Springer-Nature.
Invited Speaker at the Following Conferences, Institutions and Symposiums:
- Dept of Physiology, Univ of Illinois, Champagne-Urbana.
- 8th Annual Neurochemistry Society Meeting, Denver, CO - Workshop on "Peptides and Behavior."
- Dept of Biophysics, Johns Hopkins Univ, Baltimore, MD.
- Dept of Neurochemistry, Psychiatric Clinic, Venderen, Oslo, Norway.
- Symposium at 6th International Neurochemistry Society Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Max-Planck Institut of Ernahrungs Physiologie, Dortmund, W. Germany.
- Dept of Animal Physiology, Catholic University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
- Dept of Biochemistry, School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD.
- Dept of Biochemistry, SUNY at Buffalo, NY
- Merck, Rahway, New Jersey
- Rockefeller University, NY
- Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA
- Institute of Brain Research, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Max Planck Institute for Ernahrungs Physiologie, Dortmund, W. Germany
- Dept of Biochemistry, Univ of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
- St Elizabeth's Hospital, NIMH, Washington, D.C.
- Lab of Cellular Metabolism, NHLBI
- Clinical Hematology Branch, NIAMDD
- Dept of Biology, Dartmouth College, NH
- Gordon Research Conference on "Macromolecules and Behavior," NH
- Dept of Biophysics, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
- Conf on "Biosynthesis, Modification and Processing of Cellular and Viral Polyproteins", Hamburg, Germany
- Ciba Symposium on "Peptides of the Pars Intermedia", London, England
- Winter Conf on "Neuropeptides", Breckenridge, CO
Dept of Physiology, Univ of California, Irvine
Soc for Neuroscience - short course on "Neuropeptides", Minneapolis, MN
Soc for Neuroscience - Symposium on "Post-translational modification of proteins in the nervous system", Boston, MA
Conference on "Biogenetics of Neurohormonal Peptides", Stockholm, Sweden
- Dept of Psychiatry, Stanford Univ, CA
- Salk Institute, La Jolla, CA
- 7th International Congress on Endocrinology, Montreal, Canada
- Dept of Anatomy, Albert Einstein Medical School, NY
- Endocrinology, Grand Rounds, NIADDK
- Montreal Institute for Clinical Research, Montreal, Canada - Pfizer Traveling Scientist
- New York Academy of Science Conf on "Cellular and Molecular Biology of Hormone and Neurotransmitter Containing Secretory Vesicles."
- Gordon Conference on "Proteolytic Enzymes and Their Inhibitors", Plymouth, NH.
- Conf on "Melanotropic Peptides" Satellite Conf to the 12th International Pigment Cell Society Conference, Tucson, AZ
- Fourth Congress of the Federation of Asian and Oceanian Biochemists, Symposium on "Neurochemistry", Singapore.
- The Alfred Benzon Symposium No. 25, "Molecular Mechanisms in Secretion", Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Workshop on "Processing Enzymes for Polyprotein Precursors", Villefranche, France.
- The Catholic University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
- Univ of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
- Kantonsspital at Basel, Switzerland
- Max Planck Institut, Gottingen, Germany
- Endocrine and Direct Products Division, Food and Drug Administration
- Dewitt Stetten Lecture Series, National Institutes of Health
- Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
- Lab of Molecular Endocrinology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
- Presentation to the NICHD Board of Scientific Councilors
- Dept of Biochemistry, Medical College of Virginia, VA Commonwealth University
- Hospital Maisonneuvre-Rosemont, Montreal, Canada
- Dept of Biology, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana
- Vollum Institute, Oregon Health Science Center, Portland, Oregon
- Upjohn Company
- Dept of Pharmacology, St. Louis University
- Dept of Biochemistry and Physiology, Reading University, England
- Dept of Clinical Biochemistry Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge Univ, England
- NIDA: RAUS Technical Review Meeting on "Molecular Approaches to Drug Abuse Research"
- Dept of Biochemistry, Uniformed Services Univ of Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD
- Max Planck Institute for Experimental Medicine, Gottingen, Germany
- Dept of Molecular Neuroendocrinology
- A.N. Richards Symposium on "Cellular Mechanisms of Protein Sorting and Processing", Philadelphia, PA
- Jacques Monod Conference on "Cellular and Molecular Events in Polyprotein Processing", Toulon, France
- Dept of Medical Cell Research, Lund, Sweden
- Dept of Dermatology, Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, Procter and Gamble Special Lecture
- Symposium on "Intracellular Protein Transport", NIH, Bethesda, MD
- Summer Neuropeptide Conference, Cape Cod, MA
- American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Ann. Meeting, San Diego, CA
- Conference on "Peptides in Health and Disease", N.I.H., Bethesda, MD
- Winter Neuropeptide Conference, Breckenridge, CO
- Summer Neuropeptide Conference, Cape Cod, MA
- Workshop on "Post-Translational Protein Modifications and Intracellular Protein Transport", NIH Research Festival, Bethesda, MD
- Dept. Endocrinology, Yale University, New Haven
- 5th International Conference on "Aspartic Proteases", Japan
- Showa College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tokyo, Japan
- Jacque Monod Conference on "Protein processing mechanisms in cellular regulation", LaLonde, France
- Novo Nordisk A/S, Bagsvaerd, Denmark
- Conference on Current Topics in Biomedical Sciences, Bethesda, MD
- Laboratory of Cellular Metabolism, NHLBI, NIH
- NICHD Grand Rounds, NIH, Bethesda, MD
- Gordon Research Conference on "Hormonal and Neural Peptide Biosynthesis"
- Laboratory of Molecular Aspects of Drug Design, NCI-FCRDC
- Molecular and Cell Biology Institute, Singapore
- Netherlands Institute for Brain Research, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Sandoz Institute for Medical Research, London, England
- Department of Neurobiology, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
- Max Planck Institute for Experimental Medicine, Gottingen, Germany
- 12th International Symposium on Neurosecretion, Kiel, Germany
- IHF Institute of Hormone and Fertilization Research, Hamburg, Germany
- Division of Endocrinology, Cedar-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA
- Dept of Biology, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.
- Jacque Monod Conference on Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms in Protein Processing, LaLonde, France
- Gordon Research Conf. on Hormonal and Neural Peptide Biosynthesis, New Hampshire
- VII International Aspartic Protease Conference, Banff, Canada
- Xinan - Hainan Institute of Biotechnology, Haikou, Hainan, PR China
- Keystone Symposium on Processing of Peptide Hormones, Neurotransmitters, Growth Factors and Viral Proteins, Taos, New Mexico
- International Narcotics Research Conference - Symposium entitled Proteolytic and Cellular Mechanisms in the Production of Opioid and Neuroendocrine Peptides, Hong Kong
- Workshop on The Regulated Secretory Pathway, NIH Research Festival, Bethesda, MD
- Endocrine Grand Rounds, NIH, Bethesda, MD
- Gordon Research Conference on Hormonal and Neural Peptide Biosynthesis, New Hampshire
- Laboratory of Cell Biology, NHLBI, Bethesda, MD
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Bethesda, MD
- 1st International Symposium on Molecular Medicine, Greece
- 1st NIH-Johns Hopkins Protein Trafficking Workshop, Annapolis, MD
- Uniform Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda
- Dept. of Biochemistry, University of Singapore
- Novartis Institute for Medical Research, London, UK
- Rikshospitelet, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Biochemical Society of Denmark
- VIII International Aspartic Protease Conference, Madiera Island, Portugal
- 2nd NIH-Johns Hopkins Protein Trafficking Workshop, Annapolis, MD
- Gordon Research Conference on Hormonal and Neural Peptide Biosynthesis, New Hampshire
- 3rd International Symposium on Molecular Medicine, Greece
- Cell Biology and Pathophysiology of Peptide Hormone Processing, Secretion and Action in Auckland, New Zealand
- FASEB Excellence in Science Lecture, American Society for Cell Biology, San Francisco
- Molecular and Cell Biology Institute, Singapore
- 11th International Conference on Chromaffin Cell Biology, San Diego
- Lab. Cell Biology, NHLBI
- Endocrinolgy Study Section, NIDDK
- NICHD Retreat
- Gordon Research Conference on Hormonal and Neural Peptide Biosynthesis, NH.
- 5th NIH-JHU Protein Trafficking Workshop, Annapolis
- 5th International Congress on Neuroendocrinology, Bristol, England
- International Neuropeptide Conference, Montauk, Long Island
- Cell biology and Metabolism Branch, NICHD
- 6th NIH-JHU Protein Trafficking Workshop, Baltimore, MD
- 12th International Conference on Chromaffin Cell Biology, La Palma, Canary Islands
- 7th NIH-JHU Workshop on protein trafficking, Annapolis, MD
- Summer Neuropeptide Conference, Miami, FL
- Symposium on Secretory Granule Biogenesis, 16th Conference of the Federation of International Associations of Anatomists, Kyoto, Japan
- University of Southern California, Pasadena, CA
- Drew University Medical School, LA, CA
- Summer Neuropeptide Conference, Miami, FL
- Chromogranins in Health and Disease, Solden, Austria
- 13th International Conference on Chromaffin Cell Biology, Pucon, Chile
- Gordon Research Conference on Proprotein Processing and Secretion, New London, NH
- Summer Neuropeptide Conference, Miami. FL
- Mt. Sinai Medical School, New York, NY
- International Women’s Day Celebration, FIC, NIH
- Gainer’s Symposium, NICHD, NINDS
- Lab of Cell Biology, NHLBI, NIH
- Dept. Endocrinology, Georgetown University, Washington DC
- NIH Mouse Club seminar series
- School of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
- Dept. of Surgery, University of Hong Kong, China
- Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Singapore
- Div of Medical Science, National Cancer Center, Singapore
- Summer Neuropeptide Conference, Vermont, VT
- 14th International Conference on Chromaffin Cell Biology, Sestri Levante, Italy
- 10th International Symposium on Molecular Medicine, Athens, Greece
- UC San Diego, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, San Diego, CA
- Symposium on Signal Transduction in Health and Disease (STADY V), Tel Aviv, Israel
- Summer Neuropeptide Conference, Tel Aviv, Israel
- Weizmann Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel
- 15th International Conference on Chromaffin Cell Biology, Merida, Mexico
- 14th World Congress on Advances in Oncology, Loutraki, Greece
- 12th International Symposium on Molecular Medicine, Loutraki, Greece
- Dept. of Pathology, National Cancer Center, Singapore
- School of Life Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China
- Gordon Res Conf on ‘Proprotein processing, trafficking & secretion’
- Dept. of Oncology, Obstetrics and Gynecology; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
- Dept. of Neuroscience, University of Toledo, College of Medicine, Toledo
- 16th International Conference on Chromaffin Cell Biology, Beijing, China
- Dept. of Neuroscience, Peking University, Beijing, China
- OriGene Technologies Inc., Rockville, MD
- Summer Neuropeptide - European Peptide Club Conference, Boston
- ADAPT 2011 Biomarker Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
- 7th International Meeting on “Chromogranin A and its derived-peptides”, Capri (Naples, Italy)
- Dept. of Microscopic Anatomy & Cell Biology, Asahikawa Medical College, Hokkaido, Japan
- Dept. of Neuroscience, Morehouse School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA.
- JSR Micro Inc., San Jose, California
- Biochemistry, Molecular and Cell Biology Graduate Student Symposium, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
- Maine Medical Institute, Scarborough, Maine
- 3rd World Congress on Drug Discovery and Therapy, Boston, MA
- 17th International Symposium on Chromaffin Cell Biology, Rouen, France
- Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Singapore
- Gordon Res Conf. on ‘Proprotein processing, trafficking & secretion’
- 20th Regulatory Peptide Conference, Kyoto, Japan
- National Yang Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan
- National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
- Anita Roberts Lecture, National Institutes of Health
- Brain Institute, Brisbane, Australia
- 18th International Symposium on Chromaffin Cell Biology, Cairns, Australia
- American Society for Exosomes and Microvesicles 2015, Marco Island, Florida
- Liquid Biopsies and High Value Diagnostics 2015, Boston, MA
- Liquid Biopsies and Minimally-Invasive Diagnostics 2016 Conference, San Diego
- Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine University of California, San Diego
- NICHD-retreat
- American Society for Exosomes and Microvesicles 2016, Pacific Grove, CA
- Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Singapore
- Select Biosciences Second Annual Exosomes and Liquid Biopsies Asia 2017 Conference, Taipei, Taiwan
- Center for Translational Neuroscience, College of Life and Environmental Science, Minzu University, Beijing, China
- School of Life Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China
- Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Singapore
- Duke-National University of Singapore, Singapore
- Liquid Biopsies and High Value Diagnostics 2017, Boston, MA
- American Society for Exosomes and Microvesicles 2018, Baltimore, MD
- Basic and Translational Research for Brain Diseases. Minzu Univ. Beijing, China
- 22nd International Symposium on Regulatory Peptides, Acapulco, Mexico
- Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Singapore
- Dementia Conference 2019
- Dept. of Anatomy, Howard University Medical School, Washington DC
- Exosome based therapeutic development summit 2019
- Circulating Biomarkers, Exosomes and Liquid Biopsies Asia 2019