Appendix B

The content in this publication was current at the time it was published, but it is not being updated. The publication is provided for historical purposes only.​

Table 5. MRI/MRA Findings to Date

* At End of PKU Study in 1984

C Continuer of Phe Restricted Diet
        Mean IQ = 112.0

D Discontinuer of Phe Restricted Diet
        Mean IQ = 103

Subject ID Diet Status* Age Diet Discontinued WAIS-R
MRI CODE MRS Brain Phe mM/L Blood Phe µ mol/L
L36 C 14 102 2 0.55 1500
L30 C - 103 1 0.34 1111
I17 C 12 124 1 0.19 1965
L22 C - 113 2 0.22 900
L18 C - 123 3 0.41 1371
Q04 C 10 108 1 0.18 0255
A08 C - 112 1 0.16 0151
L01 D 6 116 2 0.92 1440
L07 D 6 126 1 0.35 1185
L27 D <5 75 3 0.45 1620
L13 D 6 105 Not Done Agoraphobic 1500
L32 D 6 101 2 0.35 1080
S07 D <7 102 1 0.31 1137
L10 D< 8 114 0 0.16 1591
S01 D 6 83 2 0.22 1560

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