Appendix B Tables, Figures & Additional Information

The content in this publication was accurate at the time it was published, but it is not being updated. The item is provided for historical purposes only.​


Table 1. PKU Collaborative Study Subjects Evaluated in Adult Follow-up Study

Table 2. Diet History and Blood Phe levels of 67 PKUCS Subjects Enrolled in the Adult Follow-up Study

Table 3. Medical Findings in 61 PKUCS Adult Subjects

Table 4. Educational Status and Hollingshead Socioeconomic class of PKU Collaborative Study Adults by Age Diet Discontinued

Table 5. MRI/MRS Findings to Date

Table 6. Relationship of Phenylalanine Hydroxylase Mutation to their Adult WAIS-R Intelligence Quotient Regardless of Parental IQ, Age of Diagnosis, and Treatment History

Table 7. Adult Test Scores For PKUCS Subjects Grouped by Age at Diet Discontinuation

Table 8. Adult Test Scores for PKUCS Subjects Grouped by Usual Adult Phe Level

Table 9. Correlation of Adult WAIS-R and WRAT3 Test Scores with Parent IQ, Years of Continuous Treatment since Diagnosis and Blood Phe at Various Ages

Table 10. Summary of Stepwise Regression for PKUCS Adult WAIS-R IQ Scores

Table 11. Summary of Stepwise Regression for PKUCS Adult WRAT-III Scores


Figure 1. PKUCS Adult Follow-up Study Wechsler IQ Test

Figure 2. PKUCS Adult Follow-up Study Wide Range Achievement Test

Figure 3. WAIS-R Subtest Mean Scores for 64 PKUCS Adults

Figure 4. PKUCS Adult WAIS-R Scores Grouped by Age at Diet Discontinuation

Figure 5. Adults WAIS-R Test Score for PKUCS Subjects Grouped by Adult Phe Level

Figure 6. Relationship of Mean WAIS-R IQ, Blood Phenylalanine Control and the Occurrence of 2 Severe Phenylalanine Hydroxylase Mutations on Chromosome #12 in 67 Persons

Additional information

Key Variables for Cases Evaluated for PKUCS Followup Study

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