A Month-Long Dedication to Women’s Health

Throughout May, the NICHD highlighted important information about women’s health, particularly women’s health research. These efforts coincided in part with National Women’s Health Week, from May 11 to 17.
We shared information about infertility and fertility, pregnancy, and other conditions related to women’s health; created infographics with key facts about ovulation and conception; and posted women’s health-related messages on Facebook and Twitter.
Here’s a round-up of the women’s health information we shared in May:
- Infographics:
- Meet Our Researchers Interview:
- Finding Better Treatments for Pelvic Floor Disorders, with NICHD grantee Dr. Matthew Barber, of Cleveland Clinic, and Dr. Susan Meikle, Director of the NICHD’s Pelvic Floor Disorders program
- News Releases:
- Podcast:
- Where We’ve Been, Where We’re Going, with NICHD Director Dr. Alan Guttmacher and Dr. Janine Clayton, Director of NIH’s Office of Research on Women’s Health
- Spotlight:
- How Can You Improve a Woman’s Health? Study the Health of Populations. An interview with Dr. Enrique Schisterman, Chief of the Epidemiology Branch, Division of Intramural Population Health Research
- Twitter Chats:
- National Women’s Health Week #HealthTalk Chat
Originally Posted: June 6, 2014