Video Text Alternative: Manage Your Learning Disability Take Advantage of Assistive Technology

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Manage Your Learning Disability

Take Advantage of Assistive Technology

HHS and NIH/Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development logos, and photo of a man smiling near a computer.
Camera view of Dr. Brett Miller.
BANNER: Brett Miller, Ph.D. Child Development and Behavior Branch, NICHD
Dr. Brett Miller: There are a number of resources now that individuals with learning disabilities have available to them to help support their learning. So there are some groups that do auditory books. So you can imagine a couple of different ways of doing it. So there’s approaches where the software reads the book to you.
(Edit/camera cut) Dr. Miller on camera. Dr. Miller: There’s also efforts to have individuals read text and record it.
(Edit/camera cut) Dr. Miller on camera. Dr. Miller: For individuals with learning disabilities, the software tools are helpful in that you can often adjust the rate that the tools read to you. So if you’re an individual that can have it read more quickly to you, you can adjust it up, so they can work through more text that way.
(Edit/camera cut) Dr. Miller on camera. Dr. Miller: And in the case of writing, there’s also systems that are developed that will facilitate your ability to generate sentences, to generate paragraphs, and to generate larger, you know, pieces of text for classrooms, because production is oftentimes a real challenge for those individuals. And there’s ways and—ways to kind of structure information and ways that these systems are set up to facilitate this sort of generative process in writing, to help children and to help adolescents and adults be able to write more productively.

NIH/Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development logo. The words “For more information, visit” appear.