Marginal analysis of measurement agreement among multiple raters with non-ignorable missing


#This file contains the deleting data by both MCAR and Non-Ignorable 1

#function FLSkp computes Fleiss Kappa of given data set
#this function works for binary data only
FLSkp = function(B){
     #B is the matrix containing binary ratings (0,1) with row standing for subjects and column standing for raters
     A=B+1 #Matrix A change binary labelling from (0,1) to (1,2)
     N=nrow(A) #number of subjects
     n=ncol(A) #number of ratings per subject
     R=matrix(0,nrow=N, ncol=2)
     for (i in 1:N){
          for (j in 1:2){

     pi1=mean(r/n) # R-1 changes binary rating from (1,2) back to (0,1)
     pi0=mean((n-r)/n )
     pa=mean(r*(r-1)/(n*(n-1)) + (n-r)*(n-r-1)/(n*(n-1)))

#the following method is based on Gwet (2008)
     GM=matrix(NA,nrow=N, ncol=2)
     for (i in 1:N){
          pa_i=r[i]*(r[i]-1)/(n*(n-1)) + (n-r[i])*(n-r[i]-1)/(n*(n-1))
          pe_pi_i=pi1*r[i]/n + pi0*(n-r[i])/n



############################ 8 raters ############################

#function sim generates data
sim=function(p,r, N, p2_1,p3_1,p4_1,p5_1,p6_1,p7_1,p8_1){
     #We require r=4.
     #p is the marginal probability
     #N is the sample size
     #p2_1=P(Y2=1|Y1=1); p3_1=P(Y3=1|Y1=1)
     #r is the number of raters
     X=matrix(NA, nrow=N, ncol=r)
     for (i in 1:N){
          if (X[i,1]==1){X[i,2]=rbinom(1,1,p2_1)}
          if (X[i,1]==0){X[i,2]=rbinom(1,1,((p-p*p2_1)/(1-p)))}

          if (X[i,1]==1){X[i,3]=rbinom(1,1,p3_1)}
          if (X[i,1]==0){X[i,3]=rbinom(1,1,((p-p*p3_1)/(1-p)))}

          if (X[i,1]==1){X[i,4]=rbinom(1,1,p4_1)}
          if (X[i,1]==0){X[i,4]=rbinom(1,1,((p-p*p4_1)/(1-p)))}

          if (X[i,1]==1){X[i,5]=rbinom(1,1,p5_1)}
          if (X[i,1]==0){X[i,5]=rbinom(1,1,((p-p*p5_1)/(1-p)))}

          if (X[i,1]==1){X[i,6]=rbinom(1,1,p6_1)}
          if (X[i,1]==0){X[i,6]=rbinom(1,1,((p-p*p6_1)/(1-p)))}

          if (X[i,1]==1){X[i,7]=rbinom(1,1,p7_1)}
          if (X[i,1]==0){X[i,7]=rbinom(1,1,((p-p*p7_1)/(1-p)))}

          if (X[i,1]==1){X[i,8]=rbinom(1,1,p8_1)}
          if (X[i,1]==0){X[i,8]=rbinom(1,1,((p-p*p8_1)/(1-p)))}

     #JNT stands for joint probability

     #p2_10=P(Y2=1|Y1=0), p3_10=P(Y3=1|Y1=0), p4_10=P(Y4=1|Y1=0)















     FLSa= (JNT12+JNT13+JNT14+JNT15+JNT16+JNT17+JNT18+



#return(list(Data=X, EMcor12=cor(X[,1],X[,2]), EMcor13=cor(X[,1],X[,3]),EMcor23=cor(X[,2],X[,3]), cor12=cor12,cor13=cor13, cor23=cor23))

return(list(Data=X, FLS=FLS))

#A1=sim(p=0.7,r=8, N=100, p2_1=0.75,p3_1=0.85,p4_1=0.8,p5_1=0.9,p6_1=0.75,p7_1=0.85,p8_1=0.8) #kappa=0.2
#A1=sim(p=0.65,r=8, N=100, p2_1=0.95,p3_1=0.85,p4_1=0.8,p5_1=0.9,p6_1=0.85,p7_1=0.95,p8_1=0.89) #kappa=0.5
#A1=sim(p=0.35,r=8, N=100, p2_1=0.9,p3_1=0.95,p4_1=0.9,p5_1=0.9,p6_1=0.95,p7_1=0.95,p8_1=0.9) #kappa=0.8


#A1=sim(0.7,4, 10000,0.8,0.9)




#function resample does resampling from data and compute kappa
resample = function(A){
     R = matrix (NA, nrow=N, ncol=2)
     for (n in 1:N){
          #do the resampling on the subjects with two or more ratings
          if (ncol(A)-sum([n,]))>2){
               R[n,]=A[n,sample(index,2,replace = FALSE)]

     kp=FLSkp(R) #when applying to two raters only, Fleiss Kappa simplifies to scott's pi'

# tb=table(R[,1],R[,2])
# Pa=(tb[1,1]+tb[2,2])/nrow(R)
# Pe=(mean(sum(tb[1,]),sum(tb[,1]))/nrow(R))^2+(mean(sum(tb[2,]),sum(tb[,2]))/nrow(R))^2
# scott=(Pa-Pe)/(1-Pe)



resampleMN=function(A, J){
#J is the number of times of resampling
B=matrix(NA, nrow=J,ncol=2)
for (j in 1:J){

     #the formula is for var(sqrt(N)(betahat-beta)). Thus to compute var(betahat), we should NOT include sample size N.
# Sigma= mean(B[,2])
# Sigma=var(B[,1])*(J-1)/J


#cbind( 1 , 0 , 1 , NA ),
#cbind( 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 ),
#cbind( NA , 1 , 1 , NA ),
#cbind( 0 , 1 , NA , NA ),
#cbind( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ),
#cbind( NA , 1 , 1 , 1 ),
#cbind( 1 , NA , 0 , 0 ),
#cbind( NA , 0 , 0 , NA ),
#cbind( 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 ),
#cbind( 0 , 0 , 0 , NA ))

#function WGEE computes estimates based on weighted GEE ()
     S = matrix(0, nrow=N, ncol=CB)
     Y = matrix(0, nrow=N, ncol=R) #Y restores all the non missing value of A
     for (i in 1:N){
     #nonmissing is the collection of rater indicies of that subject
     #index is the collection of all available rating pairs
     index=combn(nonmissing, 2)
     #for different i, j varies
     for (j in 1:ncol(index)){


     #start computing the variance of kappa by CLT and delta method
     dKdV2=V1bar*(1-2*V2bar)/(2*(V2bar^2)*((1-V2bar)^2) )
     dKdV=rbind(dKdV1, dKdV2)


     return(cbind(kp,Vkp) )

# #function EMkp computes the empirical kappa
# EMkp=function(p,r, N, p2_1,p3_1,p4_1,R,J){
# #p is the marginal probability
# #N is the sample size
# #p2_1=P(Y2=1|Y1=1); p3_1=P(Y3=1|Y1=1)
# #r is the number of raters
# #R is the number of replicates of the simulated data generated in order to compute the true Fleiss Kappa
# M=matrix(NA, nrow=R, ncol=2)
# for (m in 1:R){
# S=sim(p,r, N, p2_1,p3_1,p4_1)
# S1=S$Data
# M[m,]=cbind(kappam.fleiss(S1)$value, resampleMN(S1, J)$kphat)
# }
# return(M)
# }


#completeKP=EMkp(0.7,4, 100,0.8,0.9,0.85,10, 10)

#kpMN=mean(EMkp(0.7,4, 100,0.8,0.9,0.85,100000,1)[,1]) #check the mean of ONLY the first column of this output, it is can be considered true

#completeKP=EMkp(0.7,4, 100,0.8,0.9,0.85,1000, 1000)

#Delete1 is MCAR
Delete1 <- function(X,Pmiss){
     #p is the probability of assigning missing
     for (i in 1:I){
          #for each subject, randomly select half of the time points and delete by 0.5 probability
          for (j in sample(1:J,(J-2),replace=F)){if(rbinom(n=1,size=1,prob=Pmiss)==1){Y[i,j]=NA}}

#Delete2 is non-ignorable 1st, depending on P(Y=1)
Delete2 <- function(X,Pmiss){
     #p is the probability of assigning missing
     for (i in 1:I){
          #for each subject, randomly select half of the time points and delete by 0.5 probability
          for (j in sample(1:J,(J-2),replace=F)){

#Delete3 is non-ignorable 2nd, depending on the variablity of rating per subject
Delete3 <- function(X,a,b){
     #p is the probability of assigning missing
     for (i in 1:I){
        #for each subject, randomly select half of the time points and delete by 0.5 probability
        for (j in sample(1:J,(J-2),replace=F)){

#function EMkp computes the empirical kappa
EMmissingKP=function(p,r, N, p2_1,p3_1,p4_1,p5_1,p6_1,p7_1,p8_1,R,J,Pmiss,a,b){
     #p is the marginal probability
     #N is the sample size
     #p2_1=P(Y2=1|Y1=1); p3_1=P(Y3=1|Y1=1); p4_1=P(Y4=1|Y1=1)
     #r is the number of raters
     #R is the number of replicates of the simulated data generated in order to compute the true Fleiss Kappa
     M=matrix(NA, nrow=R, ncol=18)
     for (m in 1:R){
          S=sim(p,r, N, p2_1,p3_1,p4_1,p5_1,p6_1,p7_1,p8_1)
#delete MCAR
     complete1=S1[apply(,1,sum)==0,] #complete extracts the rows without "NA"
     propose1=resampleMN(S1, J)

#delete depends on P(Y=1)
     complete2=S2[apply(,1,sum)==0,] #complete extracts the rows without "NA"
     propose2=resampleMN(S2, J)

#Delete depends on the variablity of rating per subject
     complete3=S3[apply(,1,sum)==0,] #complete extracts the rows without "NA"
     propose3=resampleMN(S3, J)

     M[m,]=cbind(naive1[1], naive1[4], propose1$kpbar, propose1$THvar,WGEE1[1],WGEE1[2],
                         naive2[1], naive2[4], propose2$kpbar, propose2$THvar,WGEE2[1],WGEE2[2],
                         naive3[1], naive3[4], propose3$kpbar, propose3$THvar,WGEE3[1],WGEE3[2])
     cat("[", m ,"] ",M[m,],"\n")



p=as.double(commandArgs()[3])#marginal probability
r=as.double(commandArgs()[4])#number of raters
N=as.double(commandArgs()[5])#sample size

R=as.double(commandArgs()[13])#the number of replicates of the simulated data generated
J=as.double(commandArgs()[14])#the number of times of resampling
Pmiss=as.double(commandArgs()[15])#probability of assigning missingness
b=as.double(commandArgs()[16])#parameter determining probability of assigning missingness


SimResult=EMmissingKP(p,r, N, p2_1,p3_1,p4_1,p5_1,p6_1,p7_1,p8_1,R,J,Pmiss,a,b)
FLS=round(sim(p,r, N, p2_1,p3_1,p4_1,p5_1,p6_1,p7_1,p8_1)$FLS,2)

filename = paste("/home/xiey5/Method2/result/8raterFLS",FLS,"Pmiss",Pmiss,"N",N,"b",b, ".txt",sep = "")

write.table(SimResult, filename,row.names=F,col.names=F)

#missingKP=EMmissingKP(0.7,4, 100,0.8,0.9,0.85,10, 10,0.3)

#missingKP=EMmissingKP(0.7,4, 100,0.8,0.9,0.85,1000, 1000, 0.3)

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