The Human Placenta Project (HPP) Sixth Annual Meeting

May 11-12, 2020


In support of the Office of Personnel Management guidance to strengthen our efforts to protect the federal workforce to ensure continuity of operations, NIH is urging that all large meetings and symposia that are not mission critical and are scheduled to be held at NIH facilities or organized by NIH over the next 30 days either be held virtually using tele/videoconferencing services, postponed, or cancelled.

This workshop is postponed. Please contact with any questions.




NIH Main Campus, Natcher Conference Center (Building 45), Bethesda, Maryland


The placenta is the least understood human organ and arguably one of the more important organs in the body, not only for the health of a woman and her fetus during pregnancy but also for the lifelong health of both. NICHD's HPP is a collaborative research effort to understand the role of the placenta in health and disease. HPP aims to develop new tools to study the organ in real time to learn how it develops and functions throughout pregnancy.

The goals of this HPP meeting, titled Understanding Human Placental Structure and Function in Real Time: Current Progress and Future Directions, are to:

  • Bring together a group of multidisciplinary experts and broad thinkers, including computer scientists, engineers, placental biologists, clinicians, and patients, to discuss how to achieve the HPP goals
  • Highlight the progress to date of HPP-funded projects through presentations, posters, and demonstrations
  • Engage in active discussions together to envision HPP’s next steps

More Information


For questions about meeting logistics:
Monica Barnette, Project Manager, Conference Services
Phone: 301-459-0100, extension 119

For questions about the meeting content or HPP:
Dr. David Weinberg, Pregnancy and Perinatology Branch, Division of Extramural Research, NICHD
Phone: 301-435-6973

Please note: Views expressed during NICHD-sponsored events do not necessarily reflect the opinions or the official positions of NICHD, NIH, or HHS.
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