July 19, 2016 (1 p.m. – 2 p.m.)
Child Development and Behavior Branch (CDBB), Division of Extramural Research (DER), NICHD
6710B Rockledge Drive, Conference Room 1427, Bethesda, Maryland
Dr. Aleta L. Meyer is a senior social science research analyst and team lead in the Administration for Children and Families (ACF). She will discuss research from the Buffering Toxic Stress Consortium, a set of six grants examining the implementation and efficacy of different parenting interventions in Early Head Start settings to help buffer children from toxic stress. Results from this program of research will help build a cumulative knowledge base regarding the role that Early Head Start can play in promoting parenting practices that buffer children from toxic stress.
This presentation is part of the Advances in Child Development and Behavior Research Speaker Series, supported by the CDBB.
If you require a sign language interpreter and/or other reasonable accommodations, please contact Laureen Lee.
Laureen Lee, CDBB, DER, NICHD
Tel: (301) 402–5261
Email: laureen.lee@nih.gov