Adults Born Preterm: Epidemiology and Biological Basis for Poor Outcomes

August 13-14, 2015


Pregnancy and Perinatology Branch (PPB), Division of Extramural Research (DER), NICHD


August 13, 2015

9:00 a.m. Welcome and Introductions
Cathy Spong

9:05 a.m. Conference Objectives and Overview
Tonse Raju, Nigel Paneth, Sonia Buist
9:15 a.m. Session 1: Epidemiology
Moderator: Tonse Raju
  • Case control studies and their approaches
    Nigel Paneth
  • Issues in cohort studies
    Casey Crump
  • Issues in randomized control studies
    Jon Tyson
  • Discussion
10:40 a.m. Session 2:Pulmonary
Moderator: Carol Blaisdell
  • Respiratory function in preterm survivors in early adult life
    Lex Doyle
  • The origins of asthma following prematurity
    Tina Hartert
  • Sleep abnormalities in preterm survivors during later life
    Carole Marcus
  • Discussion
12:00 p.m. Lunch
12:30 p.m. Session 3 and 4: Cardiovascular (CV) and Metabolic
Moderators: Victoria Pemberton and Rosemary Higgins
  • Current understanding of CV risk factors and outcomes in adults born preterm
    Petteri Hovi
  • Current understanding of metabolic conditions in adults born preterm
    Katherine Morrison
  • Glucocorticoid exposure and outcomes
    Kristi Watterberg
  • Mechanistic and early origins of CV and metabolic outcomes
    Michael Ross
  • Discussion
  • Exercise capacity, body composition and cardiopulmonary outcomes in adults born preterm
    Andy Lovering
  • Knowledge gaps, priorities and strategies for addressing the gaps
    Eero Kajentie
  • Discussion
3:10 p.m. Break
3:15 p.m. Session 5: Renal
Moderator: Marva Moxey-Mims
  • Intrauterine environment: Nephrogenesis and vasculogenesis: Implications into adulthood
    Carolyn Abitbol
  • Post-natal trajectory: The Lifecourse of a preterm vascular tree and kidney
    Jennifer Charlton
  • Global implications of preterm birth for adult cardio-renal disease
    Valerie Luyckx
  • Discussion
4:35 p.m. Session 6: Neuropsychiatric Outcomes
Moderators: Tonse Raju and Saroj Saigal
  • Fetal and neonatal brain injury and repair: A neurodevelopmental perspective
    Steve Miller
  • What can neuroimaging research tell us about very preterm birth? Current knowledge and future applications
    Chiara Nosarti
  • Neuropsychiatric outcomes from the collaborative APIC data
    Katri Raikkonen
  • Discussion
5:55 p.m. Summary of Day 1
Tonse Raju and Victoria Pemberton
6:00 p.m. Adjourn

August 14, 2015

8:30 a.m. Session 6 (Continued): Neuropsychiatric Outcomes
Moderators: Tonse Raju and Saroj Saigal
  • Social stress and social relationships: Implications for adult outcome and health
    Dieter Wolke
  • Challenges in future research in relation to mental health
    Marit Indredavik
  • Discussion
9:20 a.m. Session 7: Hematological Issues
Moderator: Donna Dimichele
  • Proteomic and other mass-spectrometry-based omics biomarker discovery in pediatric venous thromboembolism and arterial ischemic stroke: Future Directions
    Marit Indredavik
  • Gene environmental interactions in the setting of preterm neonates with intraventricular hemorrhage
    Laura Ment
  • Gestational age and risk of venous thromboembolism from birth through young adulthood
    Casey Crump
  • Discussion
10:40 a.m. Breakout Group Instructions and Break
11:00 a.m. Breakout Groups Discussion
  • Breakout Group 1: Cohort studies and epidemiological challenges
  • Breakout Group 2: Clinical challenges
  • Breakout Group 3: Mechanisms/basic science of adult outcomes
1:00 p.m. Go to cafeteria and bring back food for working lunch
1:15 p.m. Working Lunch and Breakout Group Presentations
  • Breakout Group Presentation and Questions/Answers
    Group 1: Cohort studies and epidemiological challenges
  • Breakout Group Presentation and Questions/Answers
    Group 2: Clinical challenges
  • Breakout Group Presentation and Questions/Answers
    Group 3: Mechanisms/basic science of adult outcomes
2:00 p.m. Additional Discussion and Workshop Highlights
Moderators: Nigel Paneth and Sonia Buist
2:30 p.m. Adjourn

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