Promotion of Parenting and School Readiness Using Pediatric Primary Care as an Innovative Platform

June 9, 2015 (Noon–1 p.m.)


Child Development and Behavior Branch (CDBB), Division of Extramural Research (DER), NICHD


6100 Executive Boulevard, 4B01 Conference Room, Bethesda, Maryland


Alan Mendelsohn, M.D. External Web Site Policy, from the New York University School of Medicine, will present about efforts to encourage positive parenting behaviors and school readiness in a primary care setting.

This presentation is part of the Advances in Child Development and Behavior Research Speaker Series, supported by the CDBB.

Dr. Mendelsohn’s research has focused on poverty-related disparities in critical child outcomes including child development, obesity, and chronic disease. He has investigated the role of environmental factors, both psychosocial (i.e., parent-child interactions, electronic media exposure, maternal depression, maternal literacy/ health literacy, and feeding practices) and biologic (i.e., lead, phthalates). His work has demonstrated the role of pediatric primary care as a universal platform for promotion of school readiness through enhanced parenting and interventions such as “Reach Out and Read” and the Video Interaction Project. He has been an NICHD-funded Principal Investigator since 2005. Dr. Mendelsohn is also a co-author of an instrument (StimQ) that assesses the cognitive home environment in low income households; it is used by investigators in the U.S. and internationally.

This event is open to the public, but seating is limited; please RSVP to Laureen Lee no later than June 5, 2015.

If you require a sign language interpreter and/or other reasonable accommodations, please contact Laureen Lee.


Laureen Lee, CDBB, DER, NICHD
Tel: (301) 402–5261

Please note: Views expressed during NICHD-sponsored events do not necessarily reflect the opinions or the official positions of NICHD, NIH, or HHS.
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