First Annual C. Everett Koop Memorial Symposium on Women's Health Research: Empowering Women with Uniformed Service

May 16, 2014, 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.


Program in Reproductive and Adult Endocrinology (PRAE), Division of Intramural Research (DIR), NICHD


Masur Auditorium, Clinical Research Center (Building 10), NIH Main Campus, Bethesda, Maryland


The First Annual Memorial Symposium honors the legacy of C. Everett Koop and all who advance women’s health research by service in the Uniformed Services of the United States.

The event includes the:

  • C. Everett Koop Memorial Lecture, in honor of the former U.S. Surgeon General: Community-Based Participatory Research, given by Thomas Prohaska, George Mason University
  • Lieutenant General Lewis “Chesty” Puller Memorial Lecture, in honor of one of the most decorated members of the Marine Corps and the only Marine to receive five Navy Crosses: Lessons from Military Medicine, given by Rear Admiral Brian Pecha, Medical Officer of the U.S. Marine Corp
  • Roy Hertz Memorial Lecture, commemorating the research and scientific contributions of the former NICHD Scientific Director and pioneer in women’s health and clinical research: Epigenetic Reprogramming of Female Reproductive Tract Function by Neonatal Estrogen Exposure, given by Carmen Williams, National Institute of Environmental health Sciences, NIH

The Symposium also features an panel discussion on community-based participatory research led by Rear Admiral Boris Lushniak, Acting Surgeon General of the United States.

This symposium is free and open to the public. Individuals with disabilities who need sign language interpreters and/or reasonable accommodations to participate should contact Ann Marie Matlock at or 301-435-5679. Please make your requests at least 5 days in advance of the event.


Marilyn Minor, PRAE, DIR, NICHD
Phone: 301-402-2141

Please note: Views expressed during NICHD-sponsored events do not necessarily reflect the opinions or the official positions of NICHD, NIH, or HHS.
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