201601 Child Health Research Centers

This concept is for renewing the Child Health Research Career Development Award (CHRC) which was developed in 1990 to provide two years of protected time to train junior faculty in basic research in order to compete successfully for NIH grant funding.

The CHRC program has developed a generation of physician scientists with exceptional training in clinical pediatrics and basic science.   The Child Health Research Center program fills a vital gap in training and provides a mechanism for sustained mentoring and intense laboratory-based training during the formative early faculty years.  Under the auspices of this program 800 junior faculty have been trained in laboratories of scientific leaders. Since the inception of the program there has been an increase in quantity and quality of grant applications submitted by junior pediatric faculty. The majority of scholars funded through the CHRC continue in academic pediatrics, and many have gone on to establish successful independent research programs and have become recognized leaders in their fields.

Program Contact

Karen Winer
Pediatric Growth and Nutrition Branch


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