Prevention Research at NICHD

Woman smiling as she prepares to eat an apple.Prevention is an important focus of the research NICHD conducts and supports.

Prevention includes multiple aspects1 including:

  • Primary Prevention: Intervening before health effects occur. These interventions, like vaccines, may keep a condition, disease, or disability from occurring at all.
  • Secondary Prevention: Screening to identify a disease or condition as early as possible, usually before symptoms have started. These early interventions, such as those that result from newborn screening, may prevent the condition from affecting health or may minimize health effects and symptoms.
  • Tertiary Prevention: Managing health after diagnosis. These interventions, such as rehabilitation and medication, may prevent or reduce the severity of poor health outcomes and may improve long-term health.

Within this context, NICHD’s prevention-related efforts cover a range of topics, such as preterm labor and birth, mother-to-child-transmission of HIV and other infectious diseases, pediatric obesity, rehabilitation through physical activity and exercise, pregnancy loss, and newborn screening.

Applications proposing prevention-related research may be submitted through a range of notices of funding opportunities (NOFOs). This list is not exhaustive or prescriptive, but is offered as a starting point. Please contact the appropriate Program Official (PDF 379 KB) to discuss your idea.

  • NOT-OD-22-178: Increasing Uptake of Evidence-Based Screening in Diverse Populations Across the Lifespan
  • NOT-OD-22-179 : Addressing Evidence Gaps in Screening
  • PAR-22-105: Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
  • PAR-21-305: Time-Sensitive Obesity Policy and Program Evaluation (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
    • NOT-DK-24-014: Notice of Change to Extend Application Due Dates for PAR-21-305 – Time-Sensitive Obesity Policy and Program Evaluation (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

The NICHD Parent Announcement page also lists NOFOs that can be used for prevention-related projects.



  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (n.d.). Picture of America: Prevention quick facts. Retrieved May 2, 2019, from (PDF 973KB)
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