Appendix C

The content in this publication was current at the time it was published, but it is not being updated. The publication is provided for historical purposes only.​

Table 2. PKU vs Unaffected Familial Control Participants on Various Outcomes

Note. N=number of effect sizes. Ratings=ratings of general behavior by parents/teachers, and self-concept. A positive effect size reflects a result in which the PKU group performed more poorly than the control group, on average.

Outcome N M d 95% Confidence Interval
IQ 23 0.6783 0.5188 to 0.8379
FSIQ 13 0.6755 0.4316 to 0.9194
VIQ 5 0.5965 0.1722 to 1.0208
PIQ 5 0.7872 0.2915 to 1.2829
Behavior 13 0.1756 -0.1522 to 0.5035
Ratings 9 0.1099 -0.4055 to 0.6254
Other cognitive and motor skills 9 0.9666 0.4393 to 1.4938
Visual-spatial 9 0.9666 0.4393 to 1.4938

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