This packet, which includes the Healthy Native Babies Project Workbook, Healthy Actions for Native Babies Handout, Toolkit disk, and Toolkit User Guide, describes ways to reduce the risk for SIDS among American Indian/Alaska Native babies.
This packet, which includes the Healthy Native Babies Project Workbook, Healthy Actions for Native Babies Handout, Toolkit disk, and Tooklit User Guide, describes ways to reduce the risk for SIDS among American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) babies. This item is part of the Healthy Native Babies Project, a collaboration among the NICHD, Native organizations, and representatives from five Northern Tier Areas: Aberdeen, Alaska, Billings, Bemidji, and Portland. The Project represents an outreach arm of the Safe to Sleep campaign (formerly the Back to Sleep campaign) focused on getting safe sleep messages into AI/AN communities.
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, NIH, DHHS. (2011). Healthy Native Babies Project Workbook Packet (includes Workbook, Handout, Toolkit Disk, and Toolkit User Guide) (10-6271). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.