NIH Research Plan on Down Syndrome 2007 (Reference Only)

This 80-page scientific plan outlines Down syndrome research goals and objectives for all of NIH as defined by the NIH Down Syndrome Working Group. A revised Research Plan was published in 2014, therefore this document is now archived; it is provided for reference only.

This 80-page scientific plan outlines Down syndrome research goals and objectives for the NIH Institutes, including the NICHD, which support and conduct research related to Down syndrome and its associated disorders. The plan was developed by the NIH Down Syndrome Working Group, which includes representatives from 11 NIH Institutes, Centers, and Offices, consulted with the scientific, family, and advocacy communities in drafting this plan; a public comment period helped to further define the plan. A revised Research Plan was published in 2014, therefore this document is now archived; it is provided for reference only.

Preferred Citation:
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, NIH, DHHS. (2007). NIH Research Plan on Down Syndrome 2007 (Reference Only) (NA). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
Date Published