Endometriosis Research Progress

Front side of the NICHD Endometriosis Research Advances Fact Sheet

Learn about NICHD support of research on endometriosis and learn about some recent advances in understanding, diagnosing, and treating this common gynecologic condition. 

Neuroscience Research Support at NICHD

Neuroscience Research Support at the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Handout Front

This 1-page handout lists NICHD extramural branches and centers that fund neuroscience research, describes areas of research each supports, and provides contact information.

NIH Research Plan on Rehabilitation 2016

NIH Research Plan on Rehabilitation

This 5-year plan lays out priorities in medical rehabilitation research that will guide NIH support for rehabilitation medicine and will benefit individuals with temporary or chronic limitations in physical, cognitive, or sensory function that require rehabilitation.

NIH Research Plan on Rehabilitation 2021

Cover of the NIH Research Plan on Rehabilitation

This research plan describes NIH activities, advances, and goals related to medical rehabilitation, which aims to improve health and function of people across a range of ability levels.

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