A Child Becomes a Reader: Birth to Preschool

A Child Becomes a Reader: Birth to Preschool
This booklet for parents and families describes early literacy activities that can support reading development at home, based on the findings of the National Reading Panel. These booklets are now out of print.

Adventures in Parenting

Adventures in Parenting

This booklet describes how parents can use responding, preventing, monitoring, modeling, and mentoring to help them successfully raise children from birth to age 14.


Temporarily unavailable to order

An Activity Book for African American Families: Helping Children Cope with Crisis

An Activity Book for African American Families: Helping Children Cope with Crisis

This book, geared toward African American families and communities, describes ways to help children cope with crisis and describes activities that can help children to handle their emotions and to communicate using their creativity.

Bullying: Be More Than a Bystander (Facilitator's Guide)

Bullying: Be More Than a Bystander (Facilitator's Guide)
A facilitator’s guide for community-led presentations on bullying for middle and high school-age youth.

Bullying: Be More Than a Bystander (Presentation)

Bullying: Be More Than a Bystander (Presentation)

A PDF slideshow for use in community-led presentations on bullying for middle and high school-age youth.

Developing Early Literacy: Executive Summary of the National Early Literacy Panel (Reference Only)

Developing Early Literacy: Executive Summary of the National Early Literacy Panel

This publication summarizes the report of the National Early Literacy Panel and examines the implications of instructional practices used with children from birth through age 5 years. The information in this report was accurate at the time it was published, but it is not being updated. The publication is provided for historical purposes only.

Developing Early Literacy: Report of the National Early Literacy Panel (Reference Only)

Developing Early Literacy: Report of the National Early Literacy Panel

This scientific publication is the full report of the National Early Literacy Panel and examines the implications of instructional practices used with children from birth through age 5 years. The information in this report was accurate at the time it was published, but it is not being updated. The publication is provided for historical purposes only.

Digital Media and Children's Health

Front of the Technology and Digital Media (TDM) and Children's Health fact sheet

Learn about NICHD support of research on Technology and Digital Media (TDM) and children's health. The fact sheet also describes some recent advances in understanding and quantifying TDM use and protecting children when they use TDM.  

Early Beginnings: Early Literacy Knowledge and Instruction (Reference Only)

Early Beginnings: Early Literacy Knowledge and Instruction (A Guide for Early Childhood Administrators & Professional Development Providers)

This publication summarizes the report of the National Early Literacy Panel for school administrators and Professional Development Providers and examines the implications of instructional practices used with children from birth through age 5 years. The information in this publication was accurate at the time it was published, but it is not being updated. The publication is provided for historical purposes only.

Media-Smart Youth Upgraded: Eat, Think, and Be Active Facilitator's Packet

Media-Smart Youth Upgraded: Eat, Think, and Be Active Facilitator's Packet

Media-Smart Youth Upgraded: Eat, Think, and Be Active! is an interactive afterschool education program that helps young people ages 11 to 13 understand the complex media world around them and how it can influence their health, especially in regard to nutrition and physical activity. The Media-Smart Youth program is now retired. This online version of the packet is available for your convenience. It is not being updated.