Addressing the Impacts of Technology and Digital Media on Infants, Children, & Adolescents

Cover of Addressing the Impacts of Technology and Digital Media on Infants, Children, & Adolescents: An NIH Research Agenda

NIH collaborated with experts to develop this research agenda to help guide work on addressing the impacts of technology and Digital Media (TDM) use and exposure on the development of infants, children, and adolescents. 

Biobehavioral Development Strategic Plan (Reference Only)

Biobehavioral Development Strategic Plan

This scientific report outlines the overall plan for research supported by the NICHD related to biobehavioral development. The information in this plan was current at the date of publication, but has not been updated. The document is provided for historical purposes only.

Closing the Gap: A National Blueprint to Improve the Health of Persons with Mental Retardation (Reference Only)

Closing the Gap: A National Blueprint to Improve the Health of Persons with Mental Retardation

This scientific report describes the Surgeon General's Workshop on Improving the Health of Persons with Mental Retardation, held in 2001. The information in this report was current at the date of publication, but has not been updated. The document is provided for historical purposes only.

Developmental Biology Strategic Plan (Reference Only)

Developmental Biology Strategic Plan

This scientific report outlines the overall plan for research supported by the NICHD related to developmental biology. The information in this plan was current at the date of publication, but has not been updated. The document is provided for historical purposes only.

Diverse Voices: Inclusion of Language-Minority Populations in National Studies (Reference Only)

Diverse Voices: Inclusion of Language-Minority Populations in National Studies

This scientific report describes efforts to include those who do not speak English well or as their primary language in research studies supported by the federal government. The information in this report was current at the date of publication, but has not been updated. The document is provided for historical purposes only.

Down Syndrome Directions: NIH Research Plan on Down Syndrome 2014

Down Syndrome Directions: NIH Research Plan on Down Syndrome 2014

This 70-page scientific plan outlines Down syndrome research goals and objectives for NIH Institutes, including the NICHD, that support and conduct research related to Down syndrome and its associated disorders.

From Cells to Selves: NICHD Strategic Plan (Reference Only)

From Cells to Selves: NICHD Strategic Plan

This scientific report describes the overall plan for research supported by the NICHD. The information in this plan was current at the date of publication, but has not been updated. The document is provided for historical purposes only.

Genetic and Fetal Antecedents of Disease Susceptibility Strategic Plan (Reference Only)

Genetics and Fetal Antecedents of Disease Susceptibility Strategic Plan

This scientific report outlines the overall plan for research supported by the NICHD related to diseases, the disease process, and the role of genes in that process. The information in this plan was current at the date of publication, but has not been updated. The document is provided for historical purposes only.

Health Disparities: Bridging the Gap (Reference Only)

Health Disparities: Bridging the Gap

This scientific report outlines the overall plan for research supported by the NICHD to address disparities in health that result from ethnicity, access to care, and other factors. The information in this plan was current at the date of publication, but has not been updated. The document is provided for historical purposes only.


Human Placenta Project Fact Sheet

Human Placenta Project Fact Sheet

This fact sheet describes the NICHD's Human Placenta Project, a research effort aimed at understanding this vital but temporary organ that links mother and fetus.