Common Questions & Answers about Ordering Materials from the NICHD

An Important Note About International Requests

The NICHD Information Resource Center does not send materials to international addresses; materials are available only to those in the United States and its territories. Most of our publications and materials are available for viewing, downloading, and printing from the NICHD website, so they do not need to be shipped. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Q: Is there a cost for ordering publications from the NICHD?
No, all NICHD publications and materials are free, and there are currently no shipping or handling charges.

Q: Is there a limit to how many publications I can order?
Yes, our ordering limits help ensure that we can provide materials to the largest number of people possible . Limits for each item are listed under the “Quantity” field in the description of each item.

Q: Is there any way to get copies of a publication beyond the order limit?
Yes. We frequently provide publications beyond the limits of the online order system for special events, health fairs, and meetings, as well as to schools and non-profit organizations. If you would like to request a large number of copies, contact NICHD Information Resource Center at 1-800-370-2943 or .

Q: Can I submit multiple orders to get the number of publications that I need?
  We suggest that you contact us directly at 1-800-370-2943 or, rather than submit multiple requests. It is easier and more cost-efficient for the NICHD Information Resource Center to deal with one large order instead of many smaller orders.

Q: Is it OK to photocopy NICHD publications or to download them from the Web site and print them?
Yes. NICHD holds no copyright on the text of its publications; text may be reproduced, in whole or in part (unaltered), as needed. If you choose to use NICHD text, please cite the "Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, NIH , HHS" as the source of the information, so that others can contact us if they need additional information or want to order publications.

Q: How soon will I receive my materials?
In most cases, you will receive your materials within 2 to 3 weeks of placing your order. Each order is processed within 5 business days of receipt. If you have not received the materials you requested within 3 weeks, call the NICHD Information Resource Center at 1-800-370-2943 .

Q: What if I need to receive materials overnight or within a few days?
The NICHD Information Resource Center can ship materials overnight at the requester's expense. It is best to contact us by telephone (1-800-370-2943) for rush requests. You will need to provide a Federal Express account number or major credit card number and expiration date when you place your order. Please note that this information is not stored; it is destroyed once the shipment has left the facility.

Q: How often can I order free materials?
You may order our free materials as often as once a month. This will allow us to provide materials to the largest number of people and fill as many orders as possible with the available inventory.

Q: Can I place an order for my friend or family member?
Because of privacy laws, we are unable to send materials to another person without his/her consent. You may, however, suggest that your friend or family member contact the NICHD Information Resource Center to request our free materials.