Seasonal flu refers to common flu viruses that typically emerge between November/December and March/April, which is known as “flu season.” For women who are pregnant, who will be pregnant during flu season, or who are breastfeeding, vaccine and medication use for preventing/treating seasonal flu differs from vaccine and medication use specific to H1N1 flu. For more information on H1N1 flu, please see the Current H1N1 Flu Information.
The information below should not be considered a substitute for your health care provider’s advice. Your health care provider is in the best position to provide specific health recommendations for you and your family.
Women Who Are Pregnant or Who Will Be Pregnant During Flu Season
Seasonal Flu Vaccine Information
Should I get a seasonal flu vaccine?
Yes. The CDC recommends that pregnant women and women who will be pregnant during flu season be vaccinated against seasonal flu with the inactivated flu virus vaccine (flu shot): -
Is the inactivated seasonal flu vaccine safe to get during pregnancy?
Yes.- The inactivated flu virus vaccine is considered safe during any stage of pregnancy and has not been associated with the development of adverse outcomes in infants. Ideally, pregnant women should not receive live-virus vaccinations (such as the nasal-spray flu vaccine) during pregnancy because of potential risk to the fetus. (Zamen, K., et al. 2008. Effectiveness of maternal influenza immunization in mothers and infants. New England Journal of Medicine, Oct 9;359(15):1555-64.)
- The CDC offers a question-and-answer publication about inactivated flu virus vaccine: (PDF - 60 KB)
- Where can I get more information on vaccines and pregnancy?
- The CDC provides Guidelines for Vaccinating Pregnant Women:
- The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) also provides information about vaccines (including flu vaccine) during pregnancy:
Seasonal Flu Anti-Viral Medication Information
Can I take anti-viral medications?
The FDA notes that neither zanamivir (Relenza™) nor oseltamivir phosphate (Tamiflu™) have been specifically studied in pregnant women. For this reason, a qualified health care provider should determine whether—for an individual pregnant woman—the benefits of using the medications for seasonal flu outweigh the risks before making a recommendation.- For specific information on zanamivir (Relenza™), visit For current labeling information, scroll to the bottom of the page and select the “Relenza’s approved labeling and patient information” link.
- For specific information on oseltamivir phosphate (Tamiflu™), visit For current labeling information, scroll to the bottom of the page and select the “Tamiflu’s approved labeling and patient information” link.
- The CDC answers questions about seasonal flu anti-viral medications—please scroll down toward the bottom of the page and review the Can influenza antiviral drugs be used in pregnant women? information to learn more specifically about these issues:
Where can I get more information on anti-viral medications?
- The CDC provides Key Facts about Anti-Viral Drugs and Influenza (Flu) including safety information for each approved drug.
- The FDA provides information about specific anti-virals and their package inserts at
- The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) provides additional information about treatments:
Women Who Are Breastfeeding
Seasonal Flu Vaccine Information
Should I get a seasonal flu vaccine?
Yes.- Currently, the CDC recommends the seasonal flu vaccine for all persons who come in close contact with children younger than 5 years of age, including women who are breastfeeding:
- According to the CDC’s Advice for Caregivers of Children Younger than Six Months Old, the number one way to safeguard infants younger than 6 months of age is for the adults who come in contact with them to be vaccinated against seasonal flu—this includes women who are breastfeeding:
Are seasonal flu vaccines safe to get when breastfeeding?
The CDC indicates that either the inactivated-virus vaccine or live-virus vaccine is safe for women who are breastfeeding: (PDF - 300 KB)
Seasonal Flu Anti-Viral Medication Information
Can I take anti-viral medications?
The FDA notes that neither zanamivir (Relenza™) nor oseltamivir phosphate (Tamiflu™) have been specifically studied in breastfeeding women. For this reason, a qualified health care provider should determine whether—for an individual woman who is breastfeeding—the benefits of using the medications for seasonal flu outweigh the risks before making a recommendation.- For specific information on zanamivir (Relenza™), visit For current labeling information, scroll to the bottom of the page and select the “Relenza’s approved labeling and patient information” link.
- For specific information on oseltamivir phosphate (Tamiflu™), visit For current labeling information, scroll to the bottom of the page and select the “Tamiflu’s approved labeling and patient information” link.
Where can I get more information on anti-viral medications?
- The CDC provides Key Facts about Anti-Viral Drugs and Influenza (Flu) including safety information for each approved drug.
- The FDA provides information about specific anti-virals and their package inserts at
- The NIAID provides additional information about treatments:
Again, if you have any questions about these issues, please consult your health care provider. For more information on H1N1 flu, please see the Current H1N1 Flu Information.