Text Alternative: Link Between Child Care & Academic Achievement & Behavior Persists into Adolescence

To view the original video and read the News Release, please go to http://www.nichd.nih.gov/news/releases/Pages/051410-early-child-care.aspx

Video/Graphics Audio


James A. Griffin, Ph.D.
Deputy Chief, Child Development and Behavior Branch
Center for Research for Mothers and Children

"Link Between Child care and Academic Achievement and Behavior Persists Into Adolescence"

Eunice Kennedy Shriver
National Institute of Child
Health and Human Development

DHHS, NICHD and NIH logos



Why did you undertake the study?


Dr. James A. Griffin on camera

Dr. James A. Griffin: As more children were cared for outside the home at earlier ages, a concern was raised that child care might interfere with normal developmental processes such as an infant forming a secure attachment with its mother. In 1991, the NICHD launched the Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development (SECCYD) at 10 research universities sites across the country and a Data Coordinating Center. The study followed more than 1,000 children from the time they were 1 month old, investigating the short-and long-term relationships between child care and children's development. Study investigators examined how differences among families, children and child care arrangements might be correlated with the intellectual, social and emotional development as well as the health of children. The children taking part in the study were evaluated periodically, most recently at age 15.


How did you conduct the study?


Dr. Griffin on camera

Dr. Griffin: Using a variety of measures, the study investigators evaluated the academic achievement of youth taking part in the study….

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