Video Text Alternative: NICHD Spotlight: Dr. Catherine Spong Explains Outcomes from an NICHD Study on Weight Gain during Pregnancy

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NICHD Spotlight
Explaining why the study's outcomes are a concern

NIH/Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development logo
GRAPHIC SLIDE: Catherine Spong, M.D.

Dr. Spong on camera.
Dr. Catherine Spong: Women who gained excessive weight had more pregnancy complications, including hypertension in pregnancy, cesarean deliveries, and delivering a baby who's large.
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Dr. Spong on camera.
Dr. Catherine Spong: The development of hypertension in pregnancy can lead to even more complications, such as preeclampsia or toxemia in pregnancy, which is a pregnancy-specific condition that affects the kidneys and the liver and is often seen by having not only hypertension but having protein in the urine and altered blood levels such as your liver function tests and your platelets. This can be life-threatening for both the mom and the baby, and the only treatment is delivery.
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Dr. Spong on camera.
Dr. Catherine Spong: Women who deliver a baby who is large are at risk for delivery complications for that baby. These can include things such as shoulder dystocia, where it's difficult for the baby to be born vaginally. The shoulders can get stuck. And you can actually even damage the nerves of the baby's arm, things such as a brachial plexus injury or Erb's palsy.

It also increases your risk of a cesarean delivery. And cesarean deliveries, although safe in general, as you have more cesarean deliveries, your risks increase. So it's best to avoid that first cesarean so you don't have to have subsequent cesarean deliveries.
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