IRMB provides an innovative, reliable, and secure information technology computing environment for all NICHD users.
The branch also provides full lifecycle support and services for all NICHD computer hardware and software, application systems, websites, network infrastructure, and third-party tools. IRMB’s technical expertise, product recommendations, and regular training opportunities help improve end-user productivity and provide guidance prior to investing in new technologies. Branch staff also ensure all NICHD systems comply with various laws and statutes, such as the Federal Information Security Management Act of 2014 and the 21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act of 2018.
The NICHD Chief Information Officer (CIO) leads IRMB and advises the NICHD director and leadership on technology enhancements and modernization opportunities that support NICHD’s mission and strategic goals. The CIO also liaises with CIOs and staff across all NIH institutes and centers, including the NIH Center for Information Technology, to ensure interoperability and compliance with federal and NIH-specific regulations.