Research Highlights from the Division of Intramural Research (DIR): Text Alternative

Understanding the Regulation of Cellular Metabolism

A transparent cell is visible against a blue background. Inside the cell are organelles, including the nucleus in the center, folded membranes like the Golgi bodies, and mitochondria.

Lysosomes are involved in cellular metabolism and are often dysregulated in a variety of diseases. Understanding the mechanisms underlying lysosome regulation can aid in the discovery of potential therapeutics for a variety of conditions. Learn about work from the Lilly Lab on a regulator called GATOR2.

Solving the Mysteries Underlying Meiosis

Eighteen cells are shown against a black background. The cells are gray spheres with the chromosomes shaped like thick squiggles inside the cell.

During the creation of egg or sperm cells—a specialized cell division called meiosis—homologous chromosome pairs need to find each other for genetic recombination before the cell divides. Learn about work from the Rosin Lab on how this process is regulated.

Elucidating Epigenetic Causes of Overgrowth Syndromes

A blue strand of DNA wrapped around green histone proteins.

Studying overgrowth disorders, in which various tissues and organs grow too large, provides insights into the mechanisms that regulate body size. Learn about how work from the Baron Lab and others improves understanding of the epigenetic factors involved in regulating growth.

Highlighting the Effects of Neighborhoods on Child Development

Two toddler girls smile and clap side-by-side at the top of a wide metal slide.

Social determinants of health refer to environmental factors that can impact a child or person’s long-term health and trajectory. Learn about work from the Epidemiology Branch on how neighborhood quality influences child development

Developing a More Accurate Method for Bone Analysis

Histology section with green, magenta, yellow, and orange highlights interspersed against a greyscale background.

NICHD researchers strive to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying skeletal disorders. Learn about a new bone analysis technique developed by the Leikin Lab.

Exploring the Development of Adrenal Tumors

Dark blue cells clump alongside lighter blue cells.

People with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) can develop a type of tumor called adrenal myelolipoma. Learn about work from the Merke Lab on how inflammation and hormones play a role in the development of these tumors

Unraveling the Effects of a Noninvasive Brain Cancer Therapy

Greyscale image of a brain with a tumor exhibiting a 'ring-like' zone of contrast enhancement around a dark central area.

Therapy based on alternating electric fields is an option for treating glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), an aggressive brain tumor, but relatively little is known about how the treatment works. Learn about work from the Basser Lab to understand the effects of electric fields on GBM cells.

Understanding Epigenetic Regulation of Interneuron Development

On the left is a section of the brain’s MGE labeled in green against blue fluorescence. On the right are images of interneurons. In between the two panels, there are two red arrows going from the MGE to the interneurons; the arrows are labelled genetic, brain environment, and epigenetic. At the bottom of the interneurons are two red arrows labeled normal development and neurodevelopmental disorders.

Inhibitory interneurons play critical roles in all aspects of brain function, and perturbation of interneuron function is associated with a variety of neurological and psychiatric disorders including epilepsy, schizophrenia and autism. Learn about work from the Petros Lab describing how loss of the methyltransferase Ezh2 alters interneuron fate, maturation and function

Clarifying the Roles of Auxiliary Translation Initiation Factors

The 3D rendering appears against a black background.

In conditions of stress, different cellular initiation factors help start the process of reading messenger RNA to build new proteins necessary for a stress response. Read about work from the Hinnebusch Lab to clarify the role of the non-standard initiation factor eIF2A in response to amino acid starvation.

Understanding Eating Behaviors During Twin Pregnancies

Two pairs of baby feet wrapped in a knitted blanket.

Being pregnant with twins requires more energy and nutrients than carrying a single pregnancy, but there have been few studies on dietary intake during twin pregnancies. Read about work from the Division of Population Health Research to understand how and when women with a twin pregnancy may change their diets.


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