Senior Adviser
Dave Clark, Dr.P.H., M.P.H., joined NICHD as a senior adviser for DER in September 2023. His research interests include health services, implementation science, economic analyses, systems science, practice-based interventions, community-engaged implementation, managerial epidemiology, treatment approaches for substance misuse, non-pharmacological pain management, and applied behavioral and social science interventions.
Dr. Clark was formerly chief of the Implementation Science Branch at the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI). His portfolio included the Maternal Health Community Implementation Project (MH-CIP) and the Implementing a Maternal health and Pregnancy Outcomes Vision for Everyone (IMPROVE)-CIP. He also helped oversee other large domestic and international research consortia. Additionally, he and his team supported implementation science efforts across NHLBI.
Previously at NIH, Dr. Clark worked 4 years with the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, where he led the NIH-Veterans Affairs (VA)-Department of Defense Pain Management Collaboratory. He also was very involved with the NIH-wide Helping to End Addiction Long-term® Initiative as a scientific advisor to the director and co-chair of the Translation of Research to Practice for Opioid Addiction work group. His other NIH work included 8 years with the National Institute for Dental and Craniofacial Research and 1 year at the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
Before joining NIH, Dr. Clark was engaged in the substance use treatment field, including 4 years of research at the University of Kentucky Center on Drug and Alcohol Research and 13 years of direct patient care at the VA Medical Center San Diego Alcohol & Drug Treatment Program.
Dr. Clark received his Dr.P.H. in epidemiology from the University of Kentucky and his M.P.H. in health services administration from San Diego State University.