October 27, 2021 (1:00-4:30pm ET)
Population Dynamics Branch (PDB), Fertility and Infertility Branch, Gynecologic Health and Disease Branch, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Branch, and Maternal and Pediatric Infectious Disease Branch, Division of Extramural Research (DER), and the National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research, NICHD
NIH VideoCast; registration is free but required
The transition from adolescence to adulthood can be challenging, especially regarding reproductive health and accessing reproductive healthcare. These challenges are compounded for adolescents with disabilities for various reasons, including gaps in research on best practices and accessing appropriate care. NICHD is gathering experts from a variety of disciplines to help identify scientific gaps in the preventive reproductive health needs of adolescents and young adults with physical, sensory, and intellectual disabilities.
Topics for discussion during this meeting include:
- Barriers to and facilitators of appropriate care (including accessing knowledgeable providers, continuity of care, and provision and receipt of preventive counseling and screening services during visits)
- Effective use of existing reproductive health interventions, medications, and devices
- Inclusion in relevant and appropriate research
Participants also will consider commonalities and differences among different types of disability populations to determine when uniform and separate approaches may be needed.
Individuals who need reasonable accommodations to participate in this activity should contact Alexandra Simpson at asimpson@palladianpartners.com at least 5 days in advance.
More Information
Learn more about the meeting and register to attend
For registration-related questions:
Alexandra Simpson, CMP
For workshop-related questions:
Dr. Rosalind King, PDB, DER, NICHD
Phone: 301-435-6986
Email: rozking@mail.nih.gov