Workshop on Indigenous Evaluation

November 2-3, 2020 (1:00-4:00 p.m.; 1:00-3:30 p.m.)


NICHD, NIH; National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, NIH; Urban Indian Health Institute (UIHI)


Webinar; register to attend external link. Registration is free but required to receive your activity materials kit prior to the workshop.


Evaluation is a value of Indigenous cultures, and Indigenous ways of knowing are important and valid. Communities may benefit from an Indigenous evaluation framework, created by UIHI, that is inclusive of American Indians and Alaska Natives living in urban and Tribal settings.

This workshop will highlight aspects of Indigenous evaluation while providing concrete examples of implementation. Workshop leaders will demonstrate how evaluation, if presented in a culturally appropriate way, can empower Native communities to tell their stories and highlight communities’ strength and resilience.

This virtual workshop will help participants:

  • Understand how research and evaluation are and always have been Indigenous values
  • Identify ways that aspects of Indigenous evaluation can be intertwined with institutional standard evaluation and metrics
  • Identify culture shifts at individual, community, and organizational levels that will facilitate support of Indigenous evaluation


For registration/technical platform questions or reasonable accommodations:
Jessica Magee, (Enrolled Member of the Blackfeet Tribe), UIHI

For program or workshop content questions:
Lorena Kaplan, Office of Communications, Office of the Director, NICHD
Phone: 301-496-6670

Please note: Views expressed during NICHD-sponsored events do not necessarily reflect the opinions or the official positions of NICHD, NIH, or HHS.
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