Pregnancy and Maternal Conditions that Increase Risk of Morbidity and Mortality Workshop

May 19-20, 2020


In support of the Office of Personnel Management guidance to strengthen our efforts to protect the federal workforce to ensure continuity of operations, NIH is urging that all large meetings and symposia that are not mission critical and are scheduled to be held at NIH facilities or organized by NIH over the next 30 days either be held virtually using tele/videoconferencing services, postponed, or cancelled.

This workshop will be held as a virtual meeting only, using tele/videoconferencing services. There will be no in-person attendance. More information will be available soon. Please contact Dr. Nahida Chakhtoura at with any questions.


NICHD; Office of Research on Women’s Health, Office of the Director (OD), NIH; National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; Office of Disease Prevention, OD, NIH


Registration is now full for this event. Non-registered participants can view the workshop on NIH VideoCast:

Email questions to before the event.

For more details, including a workshop agenda, please visit the meeting website external link.


In response to increasing U.S. maternal mortality rates, workshop participants will develop a research agenda targeted at the clinical causes of maternal morbidity and mortality.

An interdisciplinary team of experts will explore why women die from certain conditions (e.g., postpartum hemorrhage, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, infection, etc.), what can be done to identify patients at risk, and what interventions are required to reduce maternal morbidity and mortality.


Dr. Nahida Chakhtoura
Maternal and Pediatric Infectious Disease Branch, Division of Extramural Research, NICHD
Phone: 301-435-6872

Please note: Views expressed during NICHD-sponsored events do not necessarily reflect the opinions or the official positions of NICHD, NIH, or HHS.
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