September 11, 2019 (Noon-1:30 p.m.)
Child Development and Behavior Branch (CDBB), Division of Extramural Research (DER), NICHD
6710B Rockledge Drive, Room 2223, Bethesda, Maryland, 20817
Parents of children with chronic and/or serious health conditions make decisions great and small every day. Making such decisions can be complicated by the child’s age and autonomy, lack of evidence or information, family dynamics, and other factors. How can providers support parents and patients in making these types of decisions?
In this latest installment of the Advances in Child Development and Behavior Speaker Series, Ellen Lipstein, M.D., M.P.H. , from the James M. Anderson Center for Health Systems Excellence at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, provides an overview of shared decision making, including a brief hands-on activity in which attendees participate in a shared decision-making experience. She will discuss the application of shared decision making in less traditional settings, such as surrogate decision making, decisions involving adolescents, and situations in which there is limited evidence. Dr. Lipstein also will describe her efforts to expand methods developed in chronic conditions and apply them to new areas of study.
More Information
- Join WebEx meeting :
- Meeting number (access code): 628 333 906
- Meeting password: 9NCnmyxC
- Join by phone:
- 1-877-668-4493 (toll-free number for U.S./Canadian participants); or
- 1-650-479-3208 (toll number for U.S./Canadian participants)
For assistance with sign language interpreters and/or other reasonable accommodations to participate in this event:
Laureen Lee, CDBB, DER, NICHD
Phone: 301-402-5261