Visit the following resources for more information on topics around weight and pregnancy.
American College of Nurse Midwives (ACNM)
Share With Women – Nutrition, Diet, and Weight
: This webpage provides a series of patient handouts on these topics from the Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health
, the official journal of the ACNM.
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)
- Achieving a Healthy Weight in the Postpartum Patient
This publication provides strategies for safe weight loss, assessment and counseling, and prescribing physical activity (provided in the ACOG Postpartum Toolkit).
ACOG Committee Opinion No. 548: Weight Gain During Pregnancy
This publication provides recommendations for weight gain during pregnancy and guidelines issued by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. -
ACOG Committee Opinion No. 591: Challenges for Overweight and Obese Women
These recommendations discuss how providers can help women overcome the barriers they face when adopting a healthy lifestyle. -
ACOG Committee Opinion No. 650: Physical Activity and Exercise During Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period
This document includes recommendations for safe physical activity during pregnancy and the postpartum period. -
ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 156: Obesity in Pregnancy
This bulletin has recommendations regarding pre-pregnancy, prenatal, labor and delivery, and postpartum care of plus-size women, including evidence-based management, diagnosis of congenital anomalies, metabolic disorders in pregnancy, surgical and anesthesia considerations, and postpartum care.
NICHD Resources
- Breastfeeding and Breast Milk: This webpage answers common questions about breastfeeding and breast milk and provides resources from additional groups for more information.
- Diabetes: This webpage defines gestational diabetes and describes how NICHD supports research on this condition.
- High-Risk Pregnancy: This consumer-friendly webpage defines high-risk pregnancies and answers questions about risk factors, prevention, and treatment.
- Labor and Delivery: This webpage describes the many aspects of labor and delivery, such as their basic biology, childbirth practices, and management of related problems.
- Pre-Pregnancy Care and Prenatal Care: This consumer-friendly webpage answers common questions about healthcare before and during pregnancy.
- Preeclampsia and Eclampsia: This consumer-friendly webpage answers common questions about these conditions.
- Pregnancy: This consumer-friendly webpage provides general information about pregnancy.
- Pregnancy Loss: This webpage answers common questions about pregnancy loss related to causes, risks, prevention, and treatment.
- Preterm Labor and Birth: This webpage provides general information about preterm birth and describes NICHD’s support of research on this topic area.
- Stillbirth: This webpage provides general information about stillbirth.

Plus Size Birth : A website that promotes positive resources to empower healthy decision-making for plus-size people who are either trying to conceive or currently pregnant. Plus Size Birth provides a supportive online community of plus-size people with personal stories, inspiring images, social media, and practical information.

Understanding Obesity Stigma : A brochure developed by the Obesity Action Coalition (OAC)
that describes the various forms of weight stigma and ways to address it. The OAC is a national member organization committed to supporting people with obesity through advocacy, education, and by reframing the conversations about weight and its impact on health.

Weight Bias in Health Care : A video created by the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at the University of Connecticut
to increase awareness of bias and stigma toward plus-size patients and offer strategies to optimize care. The Rudd Center is a leading research and policy organization dedicated to promoting solutions to childhood obesity, poor diet, and weight bias.