
Is it Worth it?

Reducing Elective Deliveries Before 39 Weeks

Learn why allowing baby to​ ​remain in the​​ womb until at least 39 weeks, if possible, is safest for both baby and mother.


Full-Term Pregnancy Definition

Learn why a pregnancy is now considered "full term" at
​39 weeks.​​​​

Moms’ Mental Health Matters

Depression and Anxiety Around Pregnancy

Depression and anxiety can happen during pregnancy or after birth. Learn the signs a​nd how to ge​t​ help.​​​​

Five smiling pregnant women of various body types, four with their abdomens exposed, taking a selfie. Pregnancy for Every Body.

Pregnancy for Every Body

Plus-size pregnant women and healthcare providers share common goals: a healthy pregnancy, a safe delivery, and a healthy baby. Learn how to work together to reach them.

Cinco mujeres embarazadas sonrientes de distintos tipos de cuerpos, cuatro con sus abdómenes expuestos, se toman una "selfie". Embarazo para todas las tallas

Embarazo para todas las tallas

Las mujeres embarazadas de talla grande y los proveedores de servicios de salud comparten objetivos comunes: un embarazo saludable, un parto seguro y un bebé sano.

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