Appendix B

The content in this publication was current at the time it was published, but it is not being updated. The publication is provided for historical purposes only.​

Table 10. Summary of Stepwise Regression for PKUCS Adult WAIS_R IQ Scores

(Possible predictors include: Age first treated, Parent IQ, Father's Education, Years on Diet, and Phe Levels at Diagnosis, 6 years, 10 years and Currently)

Dependent Variable VERBAL IQ

Step Variable Entered Number In Partial
F to Enter Prob>F
1 Phe @ 10 yrs 1 0.2494 0.2494 17.2819 0.0001
2 Parent IQ 2 0.0904 0.3399 6.9853 0.0109
3 Age 1st Treated 3 0.0315 0.3714 2.5089 0.1195
4 Adult Phe 4 0.0379 0.4093 3.1405 0.0826

Dependent Variable PERFORMANCE IQ

 Step Variable Entered Number In Partial
F to Enter Prob>F
1 Father's Ed 1 0.2031 0.2031 13.2542 0.0006
2 Age 1st Treated 2 0.1064 0.3095 7.8563 0.0071
3 Adult Phe 3 0.1182 0.4277 10.3281 0.0023

Dependent Variable WAIS-R FULL SCALE IQ

Step Variable Entered Number In Partial
F to Enter Prob>F
1 Phe @ 10 yrs 1 0.2438 0.2438 16.7616 0.0001
2 Parent IQ 2 0.0909 0.3347 6.9713 0.0110
3 Age 1st Treated 3 0.0415 0.3762 3.3290 0.0740
4 Adult Phe 4 0.0732 0.4494 6.5103 0.0139

*Subset of Patients Who Discontinued by Age 8*

Dependent Variable WAIS-R FULL SCALE IQ

Step Variable Entered Number In Partial
Model R**2 F to Enter Prob>F
1 Phe @ 10 yrs 1 0.2857 0.2857 12.7993 0.0011
2 Fatder's Ed 2 0.1405 0.4263 7.5939 0.0097


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