Pediatric Multiorgan Dysfunction Syndrome Workshop

March 26–27, 2015


Pediatric Trauma and Critical Illness Branch (PTCIB), Division of Extramural Research (DER), NICHD


The Neuroscience Building, 6001 Executive Boulevard (Conference Room C), Rockville, Maryland


Multiorgan dysfunction syndrome is the leading cause of death in children in pediatric intensive care units. Further, organ dysfunction is being utilized with increasing frequency as a quality index.

At this workshop, attendees and participants will discuss the epidemiology, etiologies, pathophysiology, scoring systems, and outcomes for multiorgan dysfunction syndrome in children. The workshop will enable researchers and clinicians to better understand the syndrome, identify knowledge gaps, and target promising therapies for further study.


Dr. Robert Tamburro, PTCIB, DER, NICHD
Tel: (301) 480–2619

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